Sunday 10 August 2008


August is one of those strange times in the historical and modern day Methodist Church. Some clergy are moving on to pastures new whilst others are moving in to new appointments [some their very first circuit appointment] others are staying where they are and are probably taking a long break from ministerial duties whilst many of the normal Church meetings and functions are suspended [and becoming "human" again].
Congregations feel in limbo as well as the majority of Services are taken by local preachers or are done under Local Arrangement.
Congregations are also lower in all but "tourist " areas as people take their holidays . I am not sure maybe you could tell me but is the sort of old tradition of when you go on holiday say to a seaside resort you visit the local Methodist Church, or is it more than likely these days that a visit to a seaside resort does not include a visit to the local church on a Sunday.[or is it that so many people go abroad that it does not make any difference.]

I know in my own case that I will not be visiting a local Church whilst on Holiday as a floating church does not appear on the waters that we will be cruising.
Just some ramblings but it would be interesting to here some views via the comments pages below.

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