Sunday 3 August 2008


Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to alter the way that the Yorsay magazine is published. It will now be sent as an e mail and attachment to a standard e-mail.


August 31
2.00 pm Beverley Circuit , Toll Gavel for Ruth Crompton
6.30 pm Thirsk & Northallerton Circuit, Northallerton for Robert Gee

2nd 7.00 pm Ryedale Circuit, Helmsley for David Emison
3rd 7.00 pm Hull (East) Circuit [no venue as yet] for John Staton
4th 7.30 pm Pickering Circuit, Thornton Dale for Jane Cole
5th 7.30 pm York (South) Circuit, Heworth for Neville Simpson
6th 4.00 pm Hull (West) Circuit, Willerby for Michael Poole

?? York (North) Circuit, Sheriff Hutton for Graham Peaden
7th 2.30 pm Pocklington & Market Weighton Circuit,[no venue as yet] for Susan Pegg
6.30 pm Tadcaster Circuit,Boston Spa, for Susan Greenhart.

We also welcome to the District superneumery minister Rev Graham Carter [former President of the Methodist Conference and Chair of Darlington District] who will be residing in York South

Methodists rediscover Bible’s treasures

Leaders of Methodist churches across the country can help their congregation rediscover the Bible’s riches with this year’s free Bible Sunday resources.

On Bible Sunday, Methodists are challenged to put the credit crunch aside and discover the Bible’s treasures. They can invest the Bible’s assets in their lives, share it with people around them, and help end the wait for those who want its transforming message.

This year’s theme is Buried Treasure? which is based on Psalm 119. Young and old are invited to unearth the riches of the Bible in order to know God better and live his way.

A treasure trove of creative and inspiring free resources are on offer to help create an engaging and memorable experience ¬– including youth resources, drama sketches and an inspiring DVD. Bible Sunday takes place on 26 October, but churches can celebrate the Bible on any Sunday.

Bible Society is encouraging Methodists to share the treasure they discover in two ways.
One is to take part in Bible Monday – Bring Your Bible to Work Day – the day after Bible Sunday. From students and home-makers to make-up artists and construction workers, Christians can make the Bible part of everyday life by taking its message with them.

‘These days people can have Moses on their Motorola, listen to God on their iPod, read Matthew instead of the Metro or look up Isaiah on the internet. The Bible’s treasures are there waiting to be discovered and there are many opportunities to do so,’ said Beth Read Bible Society’s development officer.

‘On Bible Sunday we unearth the Bible’s message for ourselves, so on Bible Monday we can make it a part of our busy lives and help others encounter it too,’ added Beth.

The other way to share the Bible’s treasures is by giving to help young people access its message. This year, funds raised will provide Bibles for children – like those in Jamaica’s Sidewalk Sunday Schools.

It’s all part of Bible Society’s mission to make the Bible heard, by connecting it with everyday life and giving people around the world access to its life-changing message.

Last year Bible Sunday was held in 6,000 churches to celebrate the importance of the Bible’s message.

Bible Sunday resources can be downloaded or ordered from or by calling 01793 418222

Free Bible Sunday resources
Bible Society has done the spade work this year to bring your church great free resources to make the most of Bible Sunday.
Resources include;
- sermon outlines
- youth resources
- a five-minute DVD
- drama sketches
Register at or call 01793 418222 to place an order.


ONE DAY EVENT: Sourcing Funding for Local Projects

Sponsored by CRC, WYEC, The Diocese of Bradford and St Andrew's Church, Skipton

VENUE: St Andrew's Church, Skipton

DATE: Wednesday 15 October 2008

TIME: 9.30am to 4.00pm, Lunch provided

COST: £7.50

Featuring case studies, workshops, resources

For a booking form/flyer contact

Uell Kennedy 01535 650531

Mary White
Churches Regional Commission
20 New Market Street

Phone 0113 244 3413
Fax 0113 243 2038

July 2008

Tel: 0300 365 0563

on the edge
Norman Ivison has been hard at work on our new DVD and booklet on ordained pioneer ministry, called on the edge. It's due out on 1st September and will be ideal for anyone exploring this focus of ordained ministry in the Church of England or those involved in selection and training.
You can pre-order the resource on our website here:

festival input
At the end of August, Fresh Expressions will be present at both the Momentum and Greenbelt festivals. At the young people's conference, Momentum (21-25 August, Bath and West Showground), we will be presenting seminars on Acts and Fresh Expressions, and launching the on the edge DVD.
At Greenbelt (Cheltenham Racecourse) on 25 August, along with CMS, we will be presenting an open debate about ordained pioneer ministry.

ordained pioneer ministry interview
Pete Askew, Ordained Pioneer Minster, tells of his path through training and into pioneer ministry. Read his story in the pioneer section of the website, .

Breaking the Mould of Mission
Pete Pillinger and I spent time recently with 400 others at the major RUN conference, Breaking the Mould of Mission. There was significant interest from Baptist and free churches in what the established denominations are doing and it was great to connect with similar developments in other streams of church life.
The highlight of the conference for me were the three address given by the US emerging church leader Brian Mclaren. The three talks on the kingdom of God, discipleship and ministry are well worth ordering from ICC. Find out more at

diocesan focus
Oxford Diocese ran a very large day attended by over 800 people on Living Faith in June. The conference featured stories about a church in Marlowe which is developing three different kinds of service on a Sunday morning (traditional, contemporary and emerging) and the Eternity Youth Congregation in Bracknell. You can access the soundfiles of these stories on the website and the other plenary addresses.
The Diocese has made its own DVD on the faith journey featuring an excellent example of a fresh expression: Jigsaw in Witney led by Penny Joyce. Watch the DVD online or order a copy (the Jigsaw segment is 15 mins in)

mission shaped ministry
msm is a one year part time course for individuals and teams to equip you in planting and sustaining fresh expressions of church. Over 500 people are currently enrolled.
There are details of 19 course centres now available on our website all recruiting for their next course. Many of them start in September. Click here to find out more and enrol:

international connections
Over the last year we've been receiving an increasing number of enquiries and visits from churches around the world. We've now appointed Bob Franklyn to be our international liaison person. Bob will be the first point of call for anyone enquiring from overseas. He's a New Zealander himself and is seconded to work one day a week with Fresh Expressions by the Congregational Federation.
You can email Bob direct on

book of the month: After McDonaldisation, John Drane (DLT)
John Drane's earlier book, The McDonaldisation of the Church is one of the most significant books on the emerging church. After McDonaldisation is the sequel and brings the story of change up to the present day with stimulating and helpful chapters on culture, community, mission, ministry and theology. Like all John's work it is helpful, stimulating and makes you think. Highly commended.

good examples of support needed
If you have good ideas of how to support fresh expressions of church creatively and well then please log into Share and tell us about them. We are trying to build a body of good practice in this area as in every other

podcast coming
Our long-term plans for a regular monthly podcast are coming together. Look out for the first one in September. Do contact us with you comments and responses, using

And finally
Please join us in praying for all who are being ordained in the Church of England and the Methodist Church this year- especially for the recognised and unrecognised pioneers among them - and for newly commissioned Church Army Evangelists.
Please pray too for the Lambeth Conference that bishops from all over the world will be better equipped as leaders in mission.
Steven Croft

There may be another Yorsay this Month as two articles that were due to arrive have not yet done so
Sent by as a resource for the York and Hull Methodist District. Please copy and forward to your Church so that as many people as possible receive this communication.

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