Wednesday 28 May 2008

As less than a third of the recipients of the Synod mailing have even bothered to open the Synod Newsletter never mind pass it on to their Congregations as was requested from the Spring Synod 2007 which has resulted in this YORSAY Newsletter I am redsending the Newsletter written by Heather our Synod Secretary. It is also available as a pdf download from the bottom of this Newsletter, and available as either pdf or word downloads from the Resources or Synod Pageson the District Web site


York and Hull District

Newsletter following

Synod on 10th May 2008

Hosted by the Beverley Circuit

Heather Shipman
3 Templar Gardens
West Yorkshire
LS22 7TG

Full Synod Minutes are available on the District Website (Synod pages)
(If you have any problem at all in accessing information in this way please don't hesitate to contact either Siân Henderson or myself for a paper copy)

Dear Friends

Synod began with worship led by Network. They introduced us to the work of CHASTE and we prayed for women who had been abused or trafficked.

An important part of our Spring Synod is remembering the local preachers, ministers and members of Synod who have died during the year and Gordon Peacock and Revd Stephen Burgess led us in our tribute and in the prayers of thanksgiving for their work.

Two churches had requested cessation of worship, Brawby in the Pickering Circuit and Monk Fryston and Hillam in the Selby Circuit. After a presentation by the two Superintendent Ministers both closures were agreed.

One of the major items on the Spring agenda is the appointment of officers. This year there were four major appointments. The appointment of Mrs Tricia Mitchell as the District Development Enabler was announced. Tricia had been appointed from a very strong field and was well experienced in change management having worked for both British Rail and Network Rail. She currently worships in the York (North) Circuit and lives at Alne.

Ms Viv Morrissey had been appointed as one of the three regional Training Officers. The Connexion had agreed to the appointment of two Training Officers for the region and the Districts themselves had agreed to fund a third post.

Mr Ian Stockley will take over from Mr David Finch as District Treasurer from September 2008

Synod offered their congratulations and best wishes to Deacon Sue Culver on her appointment as Warden of the Diaconal Order.

With regard to further appointments to District Committees, Synod noted two major changes. Complaints and Discipline would now be handled by the Connexion. As a result of these changes a Reconciliation Group was required and this would be set up on a regional basis.

The Under 26s Group would be replaced by an Under 19s Group. The Revd Dale Cotton had agreed to chair the new group and would form a team in due course.

On the District Website you will find a list of vacancies [and below ]in the District. Synod were invited to look at these vacancies and consider whether or not they felt able to offer to fill any of them or perhaps knew of someone who would be suitable. Please look at this list yourself and let either myself or Revd Stephen Burgess, District Chair, know if you feel able to fill any of the vacancies.

Racial Justice Policy and Safeguarding Policy

Both these draft policies were brought before Synod and agreed subject to one or two points being referred back to the appropriate committees. Both will shortly be placed on the website.

Resolution for Conference

One of the major items of Synod's business was their agreement to the sending of the following Resolution for Conference 2008:

'The York and Hull District Synod calls upon Conference to prioritise the use of fairly traded and locally produced food when considering conference venues and to actively encourage Districts to adopt the same concern in their circuits and churches when arranging residential and similar events'

Reasoned Statement

. This builds upon the position adopted by conference in 2007 based on the resolution from the Cumbria District in which there was an acknowledgement of the support Christians give to Fair Trade products and calling for a commitment to fair trade for U.K. producers as well. The resolution called for, "Christians prayerfully to consider the way in which their own purchasing and consumption patterns and expectations contribute to unfairness and injustice in the domestic market."

. The Methodist Conference should therefore model good practice in this area in order to support and encourage individual Christians

. . As a conference £25-30K is spent on food and we have a duty to see that money benefits both the local economy and producers in developing countries.

. The Fair Trade movement began largely in churches and by 2007 £493million of goods were sold this has had a huge impact on the lives of producers. A similar move within the church over the use of locally produced food could also begin to have an impact on the rural communities around conference venues.

Cape Town and 'Habitat for Humanity'

A further highlight of the day was an excellent presentation from Jo Lightowler, a York Institute student, on her Cape Town experience. Deacon Sue Culver introduced the presentation and is looking for volunteers for the 'Habitat for Humanity' build in Cape Town. This is an exciting and valuable project. Further details can be found on the District website.

Churches Regional Commission

We were very privileged to have a presentation on the work of CRC from Revd Liz Carnelley, Chief Executive of CRC She explained the aims of CRC: . to represent the churches
. to assert the significance of faith in our communities
. to be partners in regeneration

She then went on to explain how CRC could make a difference to life in our region.

Asylum Seekers

The afternoon session of Synod was a Communion service presided over by Revd Stephen Burgess. The Ministry of the Word took the form of a 'Conversation' on the subject of asylum seekers led by Rt Revd John Packer, Bishop of Ripon & Leeds.

After buzz groups and questions the service resumed with the Prayers of Intercession. An asylum seeker from the Open Door project in Hull read a lesson in Ethiopian and Revd Mark Street translated and Sam Hope another asylum seeker, read a poem. Some of the asylum seekers also helped with the administration of Communion. It was a very informative and moving time.

For Information

The purpose of this Newsletter is to give you a flavour of some of the issues raised at Synod. You can find more information on the District website or from your Circuit Representatives. Do you know who they are? Why not encourage them to have a slot to report back at the Circuit meeting? Have a good summer Heather

Vacancies of District Committees

1. Local Preachers' Secretary

2. Members to serve on a new Steering Group working with Under 19s

3. Representatives for Church and Society to fill the following vacancies
. City centre work representative
. Methodist Homes representative
. Health and Healing representative

4. NCH district Coordinator
5. Inter-Church and other relationships committee representatives as follows:
. Secretary to the committee
. Secretary to Methodists for World Mission

The synod Newsletter is available in PDF format via the District web site or by clicking the link here Newsletter

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