Friday 6 June 2008

June Yorsay

The Methodist Conference is in Scarborough from 3rd to 10th July, there is a lot of hard work and behind the scenes input by members of the four districts involved in hosting the Conference , so this month I have enlisted the help of members of the arrangements teams - Conference Arrangements Team (CAT) , Host Regional Team (HRT) and others with major input to put into their own words a flavour of the work that goes into the setting up of a succesful conference .

The Conference Arrangements team was originally put in place for the Blackpool Conference. Several of that team "enjoyed" the work so much that they agreed to stay on, and have been joined by other members (who will also be responsible for the Wolverhampton Conference in 2009 ). The CAT has overall responsibility for the running and stageing of Conference - pre publicity,The web site The Methodist Conference The Brochure , Venues, Ticketing , In fact everything that goes into making a sucessful Conference.


This year’s Conference is being held in Scarborough from 3-10 July at the Spa Centre. It is hosted by the four Districts of the Yorkshire Region, Leeds, Sheffield, West Yorkshire and of course York & Hull. A Committee with representatives from the four districts was set up in early 2007 to begin the long process of making the arrangements and is known as the Host Regional Team (or HRT for short!).

This team has met regularly and we have worked extremely well together in making all the careful plans necessary for such a major event. The York & Hull District reps are Ruth Dale (Scarborough), Mark Haynes (Scarborough), Bob Lawe (Hull), Heather Shipman (York) and Paul Ulliott (Scarborough). All of these splendid people are doing a sterling job and are upholding the good name of the York & Hull district. We have also had input from Elizabeth Clark and have benefited greatly from the wisdom and sense of humour of your District Chair, Revd Stephen Burgess.

In May we spent a very happy two days working hard in Scarborough with the Connexional Arrangements team and I think everything will be in place when Conference opens, though then of course the very hard work begins for the HRT and the CAT. A feature has been the great fellowship we are sharing and I’m sure this will hold us in good stead at Conference itself.

Do please find out about all the happenings and events at Conference and take the opportunity to come and share in this great event in the life of our Church. There are many public meetings, services and gatherings at which you will be made most welcome.

Join with the HRT in praying that the Conference will be a success, but above all that it will be to the glory of God.

Rob Lolley

HRT Team Leader

All Scarborough Photos above (c) Scarborough Conference Bureaux

Fair Trade at Methodist Conference

At this year’s conference we want to raise the profile of food and food producers. We are very fortunate in that the Spa at Scarborough already uses Fair Trade products and were very keen to increase their use of local produce. In order to both trigger a debate on this issue and encourage future conferences to prioritise food we have sent a district resolution from the Synod which will be debated at conference. We are also preparing food fact cards to give out at lunch times to remind people where their food comes from.

A prayer handbook is being produced jointly by the host districts and we have some prayers in that from the Arthur Rank Centre about farming and rural issues, as well as a prayer from MRDF about a land based project in Ethiopia. On the last day of conference there will be a farmers market at the Spa to give delegates a chance to buy some of the best of Yorkshire to take home with them. If you are in Scarborough on the 10th July why not come and support the Farmers market?

Elizabeth Clark

Ordinands’ Testimony Service

Willerby Methodist Church in the Hull (West) Circuit

on Wednesday 18th June at 7.30pm

Your support for our ordinands

Vivienne Smith & Andrew Lindley

would be greatly appreciated

Hope 2008 Event

Perhaps you could consider coming to this and feature it in your church notices so others can come:

On the 21st of June there is a national prayer event 'Trumpet Call' at the NEC. It connects in with HOPE 08 and will probably be the largest single prayer event of the year in England.

'Trumpet Call VII is an invitation to Christians of every denomination, of every age group, from every area of the nations to come together on Saturday, 21 June 2008; the "longest 24 hours of the year" to worship, declare truths from Scripture and to pray "Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in The British Isles as in Heaven. '

Throughout the longest day, through the largest prayer journey together we will make the biggest declaration of Hope across our nations with literally thousands of villages, towns and cities involved

For more information :

In the Hull Area a coach has been booked to go to Trumpet Call on 21st June. It will be leaving from the New Theatre Hull at 7.30 am and there will be a pick-up at the EYMS Depot at Elloughton at 7.50. The cost (which is subsidised) is £15 per person. This includes the entry ticket of £5 for the event. If anyone is unable to pay but wishes to go, there are a small number of free places. I estimate that the coach will return back in Hull around 9pm.

To book a place contact Jill ('phone 01482 606606; email


Have your contact details changed ???? If any details from the last District Directory have changed please let Sian Henderson know as soon as possible so that the new Directory can be as up to date as possible.

Also if you are aware of anyone in your church or circuit who has recently obtained an e mail address [or changed it ] then please let Sian or Bob know so that we can keep them informed of District News ect.

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