Friday 16 May 2008

Community Build

On 18/19th August a group of people from our York & Hull District will leave to go to Cape Town in South Africa. This trip will consist of a Community Build, helping a poorer informal settlement community to begin to build a new Methodist Church. Along with practical building tasks, there will also be the opportunity to reflect with people from a different cultural perspective and also of course the chance to do some sight-seeing in the beautiful city of Cape Town. The trip will last nearly two weeks, returning to the UK on August 31st. Help with funding can be given from the District - and the trip is open to people of all ages.

Have you got a long Summer holiday and wonder what to do? Have you always dreamed of visiting a different continent? Have you an openness to give and receive?

For more information or to book your place, please contact Deacon Sue Culver asap ( (761711) (07976 525459)

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