Sunday, 28 June 2009



JULY 2009

Dear Friends

Welcome to the July Edition of YORSAY.
Let me have news from your Churches
and Circuits; Just a reminder that is up
to you!! Make sure you send me your
details in good time so that others can
plan what and where to visit. Also I
would be grateful for early advanced
notice of events in August and Septem-
ber so that I can advertise them in good

As some of you may have seen I have
been tagging all the Methodist
Churches in the District. One thing I
have noticed with a few exceptions is
that existing church websites do not
have location details on the website.
Fine if you know the venue but think of
any visitors to the area !!!!!

As this edition goes out to you The
Methodist Conference is meeting in
Wolverhampton [see pages 8/9] Our
Prayers and good wishes go with our
delegates and also with out Ordinand
Rachel Wood

This is an experimental A5 version of
Yorsay please let me know if you prefer
the A5 or A4 versions.

Yorsay is not only meant for those who re-
ceive it via their e mail address it is hoped
that at least one person in each church will
copy it and make it available to All members
of the congregation via notice boards or
through church newsletters.

Skipper at the Helm

As promised last month
some Photos taken during
Stephen‘s Sabbatical whilst
at sea.

As Stephen did not get
back into harness so to
speak until late in June it is
unfair to have a report from
him re his Sabbatical until a
future date.

Wetherby Methodist

would be very inter-
ested to hear from any-
one who has some light
weight folding tables
which are surplus to

We are looking to pur-
chase about 20.

Contact Heather Shipman

Malton Circuit.
Norton Bethel Methodist Church

Anniversary Weekend
Friday 3rd July 7.30pm. Speaker Rev Brian Fitzpatrick
from Scarborough.
Supper at the close.
Sunday 5th July 10.45am Family Worship

led by Linda & Ruth Stannard.
6.00pm Evening Worship led by Mrs Janet Lakin.

Lottie Day‘s Parachute
Jump had to be postponed
due to adverse weather
conditions—She has not
yet had a new date for the
jump but hopefully it will
be soon.

Page 3


It is coming to the time in the year when we have movement of staff in /out and within
the District We say farewell and thanks to Sue Sowden [Malton] and Shirlyn Toppin [Hull
West] and we Welcome Geoffrey Floyd to Malton and Sally Coleman to Snaith and Selby.
Janet Whelan is moving within the District to Hull West from Bridlington.

A Weekend with Barry Kissell and team

July 10 -12th St Columba’s Church

(Corner of Laburnum Ave and Holderness Rd) Hull

East Hull Celebration

8.00pm Friday 10th July

“Mission and Ministry in the Presence and Power of God”

Worship led by the St Aidan’s Worship Group

10.00-4.00pm Saturday 11th July

10.00-12.00 Barry will give teaching on equipping God’s people for ministry,
based on Ephesians 4.

2.00-4.00pm: Team members plan to lead workshops covering worship, minis-
try, caring and prophecy.

Coffee and tea available. Please bring your own sandwiches.

Sunday 12th July:

Ministry in churches

Rev Barry Kissell is on the leadership team at St Mary’s Bryanston Square, Lon-
don and is bringing with him team members from his church. He is well known
as a founder-member of New Wine, together with Bishop David Pytches. He is
much loved for his biblical teaching, courage in ministry and sense of humour.
He is married with seven children.



John Oman Conference

Sponsored by the Hope Trust and the Queen‘s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Bir-

Main Organiser: Revd Dr Adam Hood Administrator: Dr Karen Durant

2009 sees the 70th anniversary of the death of Professor John Oman. To mark the occasion there is to
be conference on his life and ideas. Oman, born in Orkney and alumni of Edinburgh, was a minister of
the United Presbyterian Church and subsequently of the Presbyterian Church of England. After parish
work in Paisley and Alnwick he was appointed Professor of Theology at Westminster College, Cam-
bridge. He was also Principal of the College and Moderator of the English General Assembly. Oman was
a creative theologian and philosopher of religion; his two best known books are Grace and Personality,
in which he teaches that God is personal and always treats us as persons, and The Natural and Super-
natural, in which he argues that all people have a felt awareness of God that prompts faith. Whilst
Oman is not well known today, he was judged at the time of his death as =amongst the most original,
independent, and impressive theologians of his generation and of his country‘. The anniversary con-
ference is to be held at Westminster College, Cambridge from 15th – 17th Sept 09 and will feature
local and international speakers, including Professors Stephen Bevans, George Newlands, Alan Sell and
David Thompson. Topics will include Oman‘s Christology, the intellectual and cultural context of his
work, his response to Darwinism, and the importance of his work for contemporary missiology.


Return this form to: Rev Dr Adam Hood, The Queen‘s Foundation, Somerset Rd,

Birmingham, B15 2QH, UK

15th -17th September 2009 Westminster College, Cambridge, UK

Title & Name




Please indicate below whether you require full board or day attendance:

Charges Full Board£95 Day Attendance with Lunch & Dinner £23 Registration £10

Note dietary requirements: Note mobility requirements:

Applications must include a cheque for £10 as a non-refundable deposit made payable to ‘Westminster College’. The remain-
ing fees payable can be paid during the conference. The last date for the receipt of applications is 14th August 2009.
Queries to:

The District Web Site on its
Circuits Page http:// is now
carrying a Google © map of
the District with the loca-
tion as near as possible of
all the Churches and Chap-
els. If the location tagged
on the map is way out then
please contact me sending
me the precise or detailed
description of the location
so that I can amend the tag.
[ The vast majority of these
tags have been created us-
ing Ordnance Survey map-
ping ]

New Worship Leaders Course.

The trust has been concerned for some time that the
Worship Leaders Course has become very dated and so
has acted to publish a new one. .Leading Contemporary
Worship. is now available as a Leader‘s
Handbook and a CDrom of PowerPoint
slides, OHP slides and handouts as PDF

The course assumes that worship lead-
ers will be given more responsibility in the preparation
and leadership of worship and so is geared up to pre-
pare worship leaders thoroughly to do this. It includes
sections on using music, preparing a .time of worship.,
using a data projector, encouraging the .spiritual gifts.
and leading worship when children are present. It has
been road tested in a circuit and members of the trust
have also been given an opportunity to explore and
comment about it. In total it has 8 teaching sessions
and 7 reflection sessions.

It can also be used as a refresher course for worship
leaders and local preachers. The leader‘s handbook is
available separately and could be used individually by
those on the course and also those just interested in
the topic.

There are more details and you can purchase a copy at:

Residential Multimedia Courses

These are 3 day courses held at Willersley Castle in
Derbyshire. They cover from the basics of PowerPoint
through to advanced tech-
niques in multimedia. The cost is
£300 (including full board ac-
commodation), Ministers
should be able to use their
CDIM budget to pay for this –
contact your District CDIM per-

Sri Lanka Appeal by the Methodist Church in Britain

Donate at or send a cheque to The Fundraising Coordinator, The Fund for World
Mission, Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR (quoting the reference SR59)

Last week, the Sri Lankan Government officially announced the end of the war which has ravaged the country for almost
30 years. After months of intensified fighting government troops took the last segment of land held by the Tamil Ti-
gers in the northeast of the country, and Tamil leadership has said the group will lay down its arms. The Methodist
Church has been working with Partner Churches in Sri Lanka for many years, and because of your
generosity in donating to the Fund for World Mission, many communities who have been affected by
the war and the 2004 tsunami have been given much-needed care, aid and support. This young
woman and the child in her arms have finally been able to join in celebrations at the local Methodist
church. She is one of the many people slowly being resettled in the area after living for more than
two years in refugee shelters, because her home was destroyed by the tsunami. Life is just begin-
ning for them: the surrounding farmland is land-mined and a local 5pm curfew is in place. The
church here is starting a nutrition feeding centre to help families. They hope to ensure that babies, ike the little girl in
the picture, will survive the first year of resettlement As the fighting in Sri Lanka has intensified over the last two
months, the Methodist Church in Britain has sent £35,000 to local churches to help them assist with the ever-growing
humanitarian crisis. This donation was only made possible because of your generosity in giving to the Fund for World
Mission. The Revd Ebenezer Joseph, President of the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka, said, .The willingness of the Meth-
odist people in the UK really strengthens us. The demands are increasing as the number of refugees rises. Our needs
for the next six months may be something around Rs 20 million (£113,000) at least. .Please continue to pray specially
for the people who are caught in between. It‘s God grace alone that enables us to continue with what could be done
without just giving up.. Around 275,000 Sri Lankan citizens have been displaced from their villages and are facing
months -possibly years - of social upheaval and psychological trauma as they wait to see what lies in store for them

Thanks to your giving, the Church is now able to send public health physician Jenny Bywaters to a Methodist hospital
in the far north of the country, to offer her expertise to the mental health services in the Jaffna region. Jenny will spend
six months as a mission partner working alongside the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka, assessing the needs of the trau-
matised population and helping mental health experts respond to the crisis. .The Sri Lankan people are in urgent
physical need. says Jenny, .but in the longer term, the psychological consequences will be enormous.. We are appealing
to you today to help alleviate the suffering of thousands of Sri Lankans by donating to the Fund for World Mission.
David Bennett, Fundraising Coordinator, said, .People‘s generous giving over the years has enabled the Methodist
Church to respond immediately to the crisis in Sri Lanka with support totalling£35,000..This, however, is just the start.
Donations are still needed to continue this vital work and we now want to send more financial support, alongside our
prayers, to help our Partner Church continue its relief and peace-building work.. The Revd Stephen Poxon, President of
Methodist Conference in Britain, wrote to Church leaders in Sri Lanka last week, with this reassurance:. We will con-
tinue to stand alongside you and seek to respond to your growing needs as we are able..We will continue to enfold and
care for all those Sri Lankan people among us in our churches across Britain..We will continue to cry with you in the
hope that one day we will be able to laugh and celebrate together.. Please help us to continue supporting Partner
Churches around the world by contributing to the Fund for World Mission. You can do this by sending a cheque to The
Fundraising Coordinator, The Fund for World Mission, Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR
(quoting the reference SR59) or by making an online payment through

Received 26th May

Methodist Conference comes to Wolver-

The Methodist Conference will meet in Wolver-
hampton this July. The Conference is the governing body of the Methodist
Church and is also a festival of celebration, worship and friendship.

More than 300 representatives from across British Methodism will gather at the
Civic Hall from July 2 to 9, as well as hundreds of visitors. New Methodist minis-
ters will be ordained in a two-part ceremony and then at services across the
Midlands. The Conference will also celebrate new President, the Revd David
Gamble, and Vice-President, Dr Richard Vautrey, at the start of their year in of-
fice. The ceremonial swearing-in of President and Vice-President will open the
main Conference on the afternoon of July 4.

Debates on climate change, young people and leadership and ethical invest-
ment are on the Conference agenda.

The Methodist Media Service will run a full press office for the duration of Con-
ference. Journalists wishing to attend for some or all of Conference should con-
tact Anna Drew or Karen Burke. There will be two ISDN-equipped radio studios
for broadcast interviews throughout the week. Audio from the Conference ses-
sions will be streamed live in partnership with Premier Media Group
( and will later be available on the Methodist Web Radio
page (
fuseaction=opentogod.webradio). A twitter feed and a daily blog update will
also be available.

Page 8

The Revd David Gamble, President of the Methodist Conference 2009-

David is currently the officer for legal and constitutional practice and
head of the Governance Support Cluster in the Connexional Team.

Born in Kent and educated there and subsequently in (but not at) Rugby,
he graduated in Law from Hull University in 1968. After teaching law
and related subjects for three years in Rochdale and Oldham, he trained
for the ministry at Wesley House, Cambridge before serving in two North

Revd David Gamble

Methodist Conference 2009-

constitutional practice and
Connexional Team.

(but not at) Rugby,
After teaching law
Oldham, he trained
serving in two North

Dr Richard Vautrey, Vice-President of the Methodist Confer-
ence 2009-10

Richard is a GP in Leeds and deputy chair of the British Medical
Association’s General Practitioner Committee. He was born in
Huddersfield then lived and went to school in Wakefield before
going to Manchester University to study medicine in 1983. He
was a junior doctor in hospitals in Manchester and Rochdale and
spent 18 months in Nigeria as a mission partner with Methodist
Church Nigeria. On returning to England he trained as a GP and became a principal
in his current practice in Leeds in 1994.

He represents local GPs through his work for Leeds Local Medical Committee and na-
tionally as an elected member of the BMA’s GP committee. Both roles often involve
speaking on behalf of GPs in the local and national media.

He has been a local preacher for 20 years and a member of a variety of Methodist com-
mittees and working groups.

He is married to Anne and they have two sons, Jonathan (13) and Matthew (11).

He enjoys gardening, travelling and when he can persuade the rest of the family, walk-

Dr Richard Vautrey, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference 2009-10

Yorkshire Methodist circuits, Tadcaster (1974-81) and then York South (1981-87).

n 1987 he became the children’s secretary at the Methodist Division of Education and
Youth (1987-95) and was the last general secretary of that Division (1995-96). This was
followed by seven years as secretary for family and personal relationships before becom-
ing the co-ordinating secretary for legal and constitutional practice in 2003.

David has been involved in a number of external charities and organisations, including
as vice-chair of the National Family and Parenting Institute (1999-2003) and chair of
Barnardo’s Council (1997-2002). He remains a vice-president of Barnardo’s. He is a pa-
tron of the Centre for the Study of Christianity and Sexuality and a consultant to the Cen-
tre for the Study of Theology and Health.

David is married to Liz and they have three adult children, Sam, Sophie and Joe
Amongst many other things, he enjoys reading; listening to and playing music (he’s an
assistant organist at Muswell Hill); watching, but not playing, rugby union.


David Bridge member of Westborough in the Scarborough Circuit has been awarded
MBE. In the 2009 Queen’s Birthday Honours List
His nomination came from Christian Aid Leeds Office (Steph Cooper) and was will-
ingly supported by Rev Mark Haynes Superintendent of the Scarborough Circuit and
Chair Scarborough Christian Aid Committee with the following citation:
"David has worked tirelessly for Christian Aid in Scarborough for around 30 years,
and has been the secretary of the Scarborough Christian Aid group since 1998, a role
that he takes very seriously, co-ordinating and organising fundraising events through-
out the year, not just during Christian Aid week, and there must be dozens of spon-
sored walks, golf days, concerts, cake stalls and coffee mornings he has organised, not
to mention more than a few snooker marathons! When David took over as Christian
Aid week organiser he wanted to increase the range of the Christian Aid week house
to house collection in the town and our records show that the Scarborough group
raised £5454 in 2000 and £15,592.81 in 2007! David also fulfils an unofficial pastoral
role among committee members and supporters and can sometimes be found visiting
the sick and encouraging the challenged. He also plays a full part in the life of Scar-
borough Methodist church, as secretary of the Business Committee, and in the roles of
greeter, visitor and reader.

David is also a very strong campaigner for social justice and works incredibly hard to
get events and causes mentioned in the media. He has campaigned tirelessly on a per-
sonal level – going to London, Brighton, Edinburgh, etc on Christian aid campaigns –
and he is the local Campaigns Organiser and Lobbyist for the Scarborough area, en-
couraging others to get involved in campaigning activities and meeting with and writ-
ing to his local MP. He is also willing to speak on behalf of Christian Aid to different

Congratulations also go to our former Chair of
District and Ex President Rev Dr Stuart Bur-
gess who was awarded a CBE in the Birthday
Honours list for Public and Voluntary Service.

Riding Lights Theatre Company is seeking male and female actors for
their 2010 UK Roughshod tour. Roughshod is a professional touring
theatre company, created by Riding Lights in 1992, specifically to
perform in local churches and community venues with high quality,
highly mobile theatre. For over ten years Roughshod has taken its
brand of high energy theatre with a spiritual heart to all kinds of
places where live theatre is rare. From inner city Glasgow to the rural Forest of Dean, the
actors bring a repertoire of shows and workshops to schools, churches, prisons, bases of
the armed forces, the streets, town halls, cathedrals and arts centres.

Each summer a total of five actors and actresses (known familiarly as Shoddie‘s) are re-
cruited to spend seven months touring the country the following February to August.
Their performances reach an annual live audience of around 65,000 adults and children.
Acclaimed from Belfast to Brixton, Roughshod is renowned for creating powerful new
pieces of theatre allowing young people and the young at heart to come together to
chuckle and cheer, gasp and sigh and generally get things into a more eternal perspec-

Former =Shoddies‘ have gone on to work at many other levels in their performing careers
- Jamie Higgins toured with Roughshod in 2008 and has since had television acting roles
in The lt Crowd and Trial and Retribution as well as in an advert for Championship Man-
ager 7 and Luke Walton, a =Shoddie‘ from the very early Roughshod days, picked up a
number of awards at this year‘s Hollywood 168 Film Project with the short film
.Unscripted. in which the 2009 Roughshod company all performed.

Roughshod sustains the Riding Lights‘ vision of versatile community theatre taking
punchy performances almost anywhere - including places where theatre is rare and
Christian communication most difficult - often free of charge. If you would like to be-
come a =Shoddie‘ please contact Izzy Harris for an application pack on 01904 655317 or
email The closing date for applications is the 3rd July 2009 with auditions
taking place w/c 13 July with recalls on the 1st September.

Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office

Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA or

Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply or use this
address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the official views of the
Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the items or organisations should
be taken as granted.

Yorsay Newsletter © 2009 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.

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