This is a Text version of the June YORSAY for full publisher version
Dear Friends
Welcome to the June Edi-
tion of YORSAY. Let me
have news from your
Churches and Circuits;
contact details as the foot
of the newsletter. Just a
reminder that is up to you!!
Make sure you send me
your details in good time
so that others can plan
what and where to visit. I
hope that you like redes-
ign of Yorsay it may
change as and when I have
master a new programme
Yorsay is not only meant
for those who receive it via
their e mail address it is
hoped that at least one
person in each church will
copy it and make it avail-
able to All members of the
congregation via notice
boards or through church
Reminder Stephen Bur-
gess is on Sabbatical till
21st June [inclusive] any
District matter to be re-
ferred to Richard Andrew
or District Admin Office,
I n s i d e t h i s i s s u e :
Global Day of
Walk with Me
Chairs Sabbatical
Effective Leader-
J u n e 2 0 0 9
Prayer Walk at Rievaulx Abbey
Saturday 20th June 2009
(Please note Change of date)
For Preachers, Worship Leaders and anyone else who is interested.
Led by: Rev. David Emison (Past chair of Cumbria District)
& Rosemary Wass (Past Vice-President of Conference)
Outline Programme:
9-30 a.m. Meet at Rievaulx Methodist Church, Ryedale.
10-30 a.m. At Rievaulx Abbey.
12 noon Bring & Share lunch at Rievaulx Village Hall.
Entrance fees to Abbey:
English Heritage members -free
Adults £5
Concessions £4-30 Group booking for 11 or more 15% discount.
If you hope to take part in the walk please contact:
01439 770126.
Open Gardens in Wetherby
Sunday 7 June 2009
9 gardens open 1pm to 5 pm
Home made afternoon teas,
refreshments, plant stalls
Entry £3.00 in advance, £3.50 on the day.
Children free.
Entry brochures available from:
Goggies in Church Street; Wetherby Book Shop in Bank Street;
Castlegate Books, 13 Market Place Knaresborough;
Saturday Coffee Shop at Wetherby Methodist Church
St Bede‟s Centre York
Programme pdf leaflet
from http://
Global Day of Prayer
One Voice York and
Churches Together in
York are organising
York‟s involvement in the
Day of Prayer and would
like to invite you to join in
too. On Pentecost Sunday
31 May hundreds of people
w il l gat her t o pra y on
York‟s City Walls, from
5.45pm to 6.00pm.
People of all ages,
denominations and tra-
ditions will pray for our
homes, families, commu-
nities, nation, and world.
Go to the section nearest
id=189 to download booking form for Breakout
Clifton Methodist Church
Centenary celebrations Public debates Thursday 25th June at 7.30 pm
This house believes that the NHS provides the best compromise to be achieved
between cost and quality of care.
Chaired by Daphne Stead
Proposer Michael Proctor, Esq. Chief Executive York NHS Trust
Opposer Professor Ron Akehurst University of Sheffield
It is hoped that seconders for and against will be pupils of local schools
All welcome to make contributions (2 minutes max) and vote or just come to enjoy the debate
Admission free Tea and biscuits
your church or home, and
trumpets will announce
each 5 minute section of
prayer. From 6.30pm,
Dave Go dfrey and ba nd
will be play ing i n York
Minster, and at 7.15pm
the Prayer Walk begins in
the Minster. This walk
will have various prayer
stations and styles of
prayer, finishing with a
joint act of celebration.
For more information,
or to book your
church into the cele-
brations, visit
P a g e 3
Looking for ways to make your mark?
Are you looking for ways to make a difference to the world's poorest communities? Do you want to find out
how you can empower people to escape the poverty trap?
Come to an MRDF Make Your Mark Conference and be inspired to take simple actions on crucial development
issues. The event will give you the tools and information you need to do something extraordinary for some of
the world's most vulnerable people. Conferences will be held across the UK.
The events will include: two workshops on key global development topics*-updates and first-hand accounts of
MRDF's life-changing work -ideas for individual and group action -preview of MRDF's 2009 Harvest
pack. *Workshops will be facilitated by development experts from Fairtrade Foundation, Stop Climate Chaos,
Jubilee Debt Campaign or Trade Justice Movement.
There is a £5 registration fee – MRDF Coordinators get in FREE. The events will run from 10.30am to 4.30pm
and lunch will be provided. They will be held at the following locations:
York Acomb Methodist Church 13 June 2009
Reserve your place now call us on 020 7467 5132 or download the registration form (Word Doc 75KB)
This year we have developed a host of resources (attached) to help Christians and churches to get involved. Available for free
download from the CiP website (, they include: CHURCH PRAYER GUIDE (pdf) An overview of
how to include prayer for politics and government as part of your regular church service POSTER/FLYER (pdf) For distributing
and printing to publicise the week of prayer
INFORMATION RESOURCES (pdf) Web links to help you to get hold of the information that you need to pray effectively local politicians, issues and lots
more CONTINUOUS PRAYER EVENT GUIDE (pdf) Advise on how to run 24 hour or week-long prayer events 7 DAY PERSONAL PRAYER GUIDE
(pdf) Guiding scriptures and prayer points for every day of the Week of Prayer 60 MINUTE PRAYER MEETING PLAN (pdf) Basic information about how to
run an hour long prayer meeting for politics and government
P a g e 4
Almost 12 months after
closure for redevelopment,
Burniston Methodist
Church is now open for
business and hopefully
some of you will be able to
come to our Open Day
from 10am to 3pm on 30th
May and have a look
round. Those of you who
are not able to come will be
most welcome at any of
our services in the coming
weeks and months. A Cir-
cuit Service will be held
here at 6.30pm on Sunday
14th June, which will be
the official opening service
with the Chairman of the
District and the Mayor of
Scarborough in attendance.
During our exile we have
been made very welcome
at Burniston & Cloughton
Village Hall and at Scalby
Methodist Church, and on
one occasion at St.Hilda's
at Ravenscar, and have
enjoyed great times of wor-
ship and fellowship there.
As viewers of the TV pro-
gramme Grand Designs will
appreciate, building pro-
jects rarely run totally
smoothly and to time. We
have not been immune
from the odd problem or
too to be resolved – notably
in our case the linking of
the roof with the complex
glazing of the frontage -
but we are absolutely de-
lighted with the finished
result. All credit is due to
our skilled team of contrac-
tors working under main
contractor F A Stockill &
Son Builders Ltd of Snain-
ton, Scarborough.
Our development project
kicked off with a Gift Day
in May 2000 and has been
completed 9 years later and
will be virtually paid for at
the time we open, 130 years
after the opening of the
original building. We have
been through times of test-
ing with issues concerning
a right of way across our
land and planning delays,
but have remained faithful
to our task. We trust we
have continued the vision
of our forefathers and now
have premises capable of
continuing to serve our
growing membership and
the purposes of the Gospel
in Burniston for many
years to come – to the glory
of God.
Our new Coffee Shop will
be open from 3rd June,
initially on Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Saturday
from 10.00am to 3.00pm
serving drinks, snacks and
lunches and we will be
pleased to consider book-
ings for Away Days and teas in
our 140 seat multi purpose hall,
which is fitted with a full audio
visual setup. Booking enquiries
should be made to Jean Hanson
on (01723) 870261 and catering
enquiries to Shirley Broddle
(01723) 372822.
For more information, check
out our website
Ken Marsden, Chair, Develop-
ment Steering Group
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks..
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
Burniston Methodist Church—a new beginning
Do you think political correctness has gone too far ? I am sure it has Written by a 15 yr. old
School Kid in Ohio :The Pledge of Allegiance & The Lords Prayer Are not allowed in USA Schools anymore
Because the word 'God' is mentioned... NEW School prayer :
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offence; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
Who is my neighbour? We live our lives so often, largely
invisible to those around us who are equally isolated. No
group suffers more from this isolation than people with
learning disabilities. And if we can’t see them how can we
love them? One way of seeing someone, is to share a journey
with them.
We would like to invite you to ‘walk with me’ on July 1st and
start changing the world one step at a time.
York is to be an official „stage stop‟ on July 1st 2009 in a series of
nationwide sponsored walks to make known the aspirations of 1.5
million „invisible‟ people in society – those with learning needs.
Prospects, a national charity for people with learning disabilities,
launched its series of sponsored walks covering 1,000 miles on
Wednesday 4 March in London. Charity worker Tony Phelps-Jones is
being joined in his 20-mile-a-day marathon by people whom the
charity supports, their friends and family and others who wish to raise
the profile of those whom society often overlooks.
The leg that covers the Diocese of York starts at Newcastle on Sunday
28th June and will take in Whitby, Scarborough, Beverley and
York. You can join in by walking part of the way - even for just a
mile. Bring someone with you - your dog, your neighbour or someone
you know with learning disabilities. You could sponsor walkers who
have learning disabilities, or come and support the walkers - meet us at
the key points and cheer us on! - or come and along to the evening
Monday 29th June, Whitby to Scarborough (21 miles) along the old
railway line, commencing 8.00 and ending approx 4.00. There are
several points along the way at which walkers can join during the day.
For details contact David Grassam Tel 01723 367393, e-mail At 7.30 in the evening there will be a celebration at
Ebenezer Baptist Church, Columbus Ravine, Scarborough.
Tuesday 30th June, Pocklington to Beverley (20 miles) along the
Chalkland, Wolds and Hudson Ways. Picnic at Kiplingcoats, 12.45, and
again several points where walkers can join the route. For details
contact Barrie Dennison Tel 01964 500270, e-mail At 7.30 in the evening there will be a
celebration at Millers Day Centre, Mill Lane, Beverley.
Wednesday 1st July from Pocklington to Wheldrake (10 miles along the
Pocklington Canal), from Bishopthorpe (Brunswick Organic Nursery)
(4 miles along the riverside) to York Minster with further joining
opportunities at the Millenium Bridge (2 miles) and St George's Field
carpark (1 mile), coming through the city to finish at 4.45pm at York
Minster for an official welcome. At 5.00pm there will be a talk and
celebration at the Spurriergate Centre, York.
How can you take part?
Walk with us - even for a mile - the Millenium Bridge to
York Spurriergate is on fully accessible pathways
Bring someone with you - your dog, your neighbour or
someone you know with learning disabilities
Sponsor walkers who have learning disabilities
Come and support the walkers - meet us at the key points
and cheer us on!
Come and celebrate at Spurriergate Centre at 5-6.30pm. If
you are involved professionally or voluntarily with
people with learning disabilities please contact us for
full details. If you are interested to hear of this work,
please come to, but give Carole a ring for an invite.
P a g e 5
In The Father’s Hand Affiliated to Causeway Prospects
– Prospects for People with learning
Timetable (times approx - see website for updated details )
1.00pm Brunswick Organic Nursery at 1.00pm where
Tony joins the workers for lunch.
3.00pm Walk reaches Millenium Bridge
Tony Phelps-Jones said: “This walk aims to make visible people
who are often invisible in our society today. Each day I aim to
cover 20 miles and will be joined by people who have learning
needs. We hope MPs, education leaders, journalists, church
leaders, businessmen and women and many others will join us
for a day and as we walk along together, they will catch some-
thing of the aspirations of these people, as well as learning
something of their needs and what needs to change for this
huge group of people to be able to play a full role in our com-
munity life. It‟s really about changing the world one step at a
time, and from the interest already shown across the country,
we look forward to hundreds of people taking part.”
“I‟m delighted to be finishing the this „leg‟ of the walks in York
as we have had a Prospects/Causeway group in the area for
nearly two years and in some ways, they are the pioneers in
helping other churches in the area consider how they can fully
integrate people with learning needs into their churches and
For full details of the 10 x 100 mile walks entitled „Walk With
Me‟, visit or call 0118
then through city
4.45 arrive at the Minster for an official welcome.
5.00 Talk and celebration at Spurriergate.
The Lord Mayor and Civic party are joining us to walk - why
don’t you?
Further details from Walk York Co-ordinator - Carole Meikle,
245 Beckfield Lane, Acomb, YORK, YO26 5PG
Tel 01904 793 609
Archway under bridge at St George‟s Field
mobile 07834166226
P a g e 6
World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel
Joint actions for a just peace convened by the
World Council of Churches
4-10 June 2009
A week in which to take action for
a just peace in the Holy Land
York City FC dons Archbishop colours
for the FA Trophy Final
York City football club ditched their red strips when they played Stevenage in the FA Trophy
Final on 9th May. Instead they played in 'archiepiscopal purple' - in honour of their biggest fan
the Archbishop of York. John Sentamu says he's thrilled with the gesture .After the game the
shirts are to be auctioned in aid of the Archbishop's Youth Trust.
Minutes of the April Synod are available via the Synod Pages of the District web site as
a download. Also on the site are the Audio files of the day plus presentations [subject to
copyright restrictions]
Living God, today we pray for all the people in Palestine Israel, that they
may discover the courage and humility to build peace together. We pray
for those with power and influence, that they will seek a just path of rec-
onciliation. We pray for those who are in dire need today, that their hu-
man rights to food and shelter and medical care will be urgently met. We
pray for international aid agencies as they work to bring hope to devas-
tated communities. We pray for all those in the land who have suffered
over the years of struggle: for those who are grieving for their lost loved
ones; for those whose lives have been changed forever because of injuries,
mental and physical; and for those who bear the lasting scars of being
displaced and dispossessed. Living God, their pain is so great today. Bring
your healing, bring your peace, to Palestine Israel. For our Muslim brothers
and sisters in Palestine Israel this day, we pray Assalamu Alaikum. For our
Jewish brothers and sisters in Palestine Israel this day, we pray Shalom
Aleichem. For our Christian brothers and sisters, the Living Stones, in
Palestine Israel, this day, we pray The Peace of Christ,
P a g e 7
Swine Flu
Swine Flu
If any member of Clergy , Deacon’s Church Administrators etc responsible for Services and Pastoral Visits have
not received the Methodist Church Version of the recommendations of the Government advice leaflet for Faith
Communities re the possible Swine Flu epi[pan]demic. Then send me an e mail yhcommunica- and I will let you have a copy.
Parachute Jump
On the 20th June I have foolishly (given my dislike of heights) agreed to jump
out of a plane for a charity tandem skydive, to raise money for the British Red
It really is a great cause, and if you are able to sponsor me that would be
great, just let me know, or follow the link and
sponsor me online. Thanks
Lottie Day (Lay Worker Pickering Circuit)
P a g e 8
Do you think this may be for you?
We are looking for people who could be Safeguarding chaplains.
The job is about providing support for Module A trainers and
those affected by Safeguarding Issues. There will be lots of sup-
port offered to those undertaking this role.
If you think you might be interested, come to a taster day
Pocklington Church
6 July 2009 10.00 - 2.30
Lunch included
I would like to attend the Chaplaincy taster day on 6 July
Special requirements………………………………
Please return to the District Office, 28 The Green, Acomb, York, YO26 5LR
Youth Development Worker
The Lower Wensleydale Youth Project
Salary £18,807 - £21,450 plus pension contributions
A committed Christian, suitably qualified with relevant experience,
is required for a new full-time role to develop youth and Chil-
dren’s work on behalf of the Anglican and Methodist churches in
rural Lower Wensleydale.
For details contact
Brendan Giblin 01969 622276
Chair on Sabbatical ?
Photo Courtesy of Stephen Burgess.
Sorry couldn’t resist putting in this picture—hopefully next month we will have a report from
Stephen and I can add further Photos which I can assure you show him working.
P a g e 9
‘The dry valley becomes a place of springs’ Psalm 84 v6
A Day Conference to reflect on real stories of
Effective Christian Presence.
Wednesday 8th July
At St Mary’s Church, Bramall Lane, Sheffield.
9.15 Registration and refreshments
10.00 Welcome: Tony Parry, chair of CRC
10:10 A local story of transformation
10:30 Effective Leadership: Liz Carnelley
11:15 Refreshment
11:45 Christian Distinctiveness: Jon Kuhrt
Keynote Speakers:
Nick Holtam – Vicar of St Martin in the Fields
St Martin in the Fields has had a £36 million makeover, has a cafĂ©, works with the homeless, has concerts, and a Chinese con-
gregation. "Historically this church pushes the boundaries - making a stand which is, I think, primarily about social justice.
And that has got something to do with the Kingdom of God." He smiles, then adds, cheerfully, "I don't think Jesus was seen as
the easiest of people." (Guardian, 24th December 2004) Nick has written “A Room with a view” (SPCK 2008) about St Martin‟s.
Jon Kuhrt – Director of Community Mission
Before joining Livability in 2002, almost all of his work experience was with homeless people, mainly through managing hos-
tels in central London. He has long been interested in how Christians can impact their communities to help support the vul-
nerable. Churches are crucial to their local areas and can do a huge amount to bring hope when they express their faith in
Jesus Christ practically in serving and learning from their local communities.
Liz Carnelley – Chief Executive of CRC
Liz was ordained in 1990 and has been at CRC since 2002. Liz is a co-author of the Effective Christian Presence and Enterprise
report, following the three year research and active-learning project with Faithworks, in which there is a focus on leadership.
Have we got the right leaders in the churches? Do we have the right support for them? What challenges face them? She has
also been looking at leadership from the perspective of voluntary organisations in a programme sponsored by Barclays Bank
and NCVO.
Copy of above and booking form from
Cost £30.00/£10.00 (unwaged)
Please book by Monday 22nd June 2009 if possible. Confirmation details will be sent to you (inc map).
Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA or
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not
reply or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter are not
necessarily the official views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no
inferred support for any of the items or organisations should be taken as granted.
Yorsay Newsletter © 2009 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.
12:45 Worship
13:00 Lunch and Marketplace
14:00 A second local story of transformation
14:15 „A Room with a View‟ – Nick Holtam
Closing Prayers
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