Tuesday 3 March 2009

YORSAY March text version

This is a Text Version of the Newsletter - to see the full Graphic version the Yorsay page on the web site www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk

Dear Friends
Welcome to the March Edition of YORSAY. Let me have news from your Churches and Circuits in 2009 contact details as the foot of the newsletter. I do wonder how many “open “ YORSAY as I have only received 39 replies to my question last month as to how you wanted to receive the newsletter out of at least 346+ sent out ( a response rate of just over 10%) which at present is not enough to make an informed decision .So I am still open to receive your comments on whether YORSAY should be sent out as at present or the E mail just have the Headlines on it and a link to a downloadable PDF and or Word copy via the District Web site. [Those who have already replied need not do so again as hopefully we will be able to make an informed decision for the April Newsletter].

Yorsay is not only meant for those who receive it via their e mail address it is hoped that at least one person in each church will copy it and make it available to All members of the congregation via notice boards or through church newsletters.

A recent problem has been noticed with News releases from Methodist Church House that affect the Churches in the District. Several people say that they have not seen the News release. We suggest that you [especially Clergy and Local Preachers] check http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/news.php?id=56 at least once a week for the latest News releases or sign up for the PAT News service that relays all the News releases from MCH. http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/newsletter/newsletter.php




Kirkbymoorside Methodist Church
7.30 p.m.
Cost: £5 by Ticket or at the door. Under 18 Free
To include refreshments.


Display of Information about MRDF (Methodist Relief
and Development Fund) and the Fair Trade Foundation.

Coffee Mornings

in aid of Methodist Relief and Development Fund

Everybody is welcome to the Chair’s Manse for the
opportunity to get together, see the new District Office and support MRDF

You may join us on any of the following dates, between 10 am and noon, but we are hoping that friends from the
following Circuits might consider these dates:

Saturday 7th March York Circuits, Snaith & Selby, Tadcaster, Goole

Bring and buy table available – including any (reasonably) new paperbacks

Positive People

1 in 4 people are affected by mental health problems. Many more may be involved with caring or supporting them at home, in church or in the community. This day aims to: overcome stigma and fear; build confidence; increase understanding and mutual respect; make churches positive places of belonging for all those affected.

Where? Westborough Methodist Church, Scarborough, YO11 1TS
When? 21st March 10.30 – 3.30
Who? Led by ‘Whole in the Head’, a professional mental health training group who use drama in their delivery.
How much? £12.50 including lunch
What next? Book by contacting Siân Henderson at admin@yorkhullmethodist.org.uk 01904 786275 or returning the slip below

Positive People day – 21 March 2009. I enclose a cheque for £12.50 payable to York & Hull Methodist District. Send to The District Office, 28 The Green, Acomb, York, YO26 5LR by 13 March. Please note additional people on the back of this slip.

Name……………………………………………………………………………….Phone number………………………………..

Email address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Special needs………………………………………………………………………………...............................................

For copies of this poster and application form they may be downloaded from the following
PDF Version http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/yh052.pdf
Word Version http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/yh052.doc

The Medaille Trust joins with other charities too – and makes it very clear that
‘Women are not for sale’ People are made in the image of God, and we are called to enable that image to grow, develop, and be reflected in all our lives, for everyone, no matter what their age, race or creed or gender!
A startling development in the last three years is that over 100 young people have been trafficked in British cities for exploitation – under our very noses!
Sister Ann Teresa’s message is alarming and uncomfortable. The worst thing we can do – is NOTHING.
The Cross and Passion Sisters at their Retreat House The Briery in Ilkley are hosting a day with Sr Ann Teresa on Sex Trafficking on Wednesday April 22nd 2009 10am-4pm.
Tea and coffee breaks and 3-course lunch – suggested offering £20 for the day.
Contact: 01943 607298
For Poster and Booking form http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/sextraffic.pdf

Invitation to a Regional Launch
of the
Friends of the Methodist Art Collection at Central Methodist Church, York on Friday March 13 2009 at 6.45pm
There will be a hot buffet supper, an opportunity to hear about ways in which work with the Collection has developed in recent years, and a chance to learn about the new Friends organisation Works from the Collection will be displayed in the Church as part of an exhibition of the whole Collection that will be on show in both Central and The Minster from February 25th to April 12 There will be no charge for the evening but there will be an opportunity to contribute to the costs of the meal. If you are interested please contact Bob Williams, 11 Late Broads, Winsley, Bradford on Avon, Wilts, BA15 2NW. Tel 01225 720188. Email: bobandmad.thefirs@tesco.net

Pdf copy of the Exhibition brochure http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/MCCMCA2009.pdf

The chapel in the village of Weaverthorpe in the Sherburn Circuit was re-opened in front of a full congregation on Saturday 7th Feb. The chapel is the one remaining Methodist Church in the villages of the Great Wolds Valley, north of Driffield and west of Malton. The small local congregation and the Sherburn Circuit took the decision to refurbish after much thought, in the hope that an attractive building would help the outreach and mission of the church. The building has been re-named Wolds Valley Methodist Church to reflect the fact that it now serves several villages and is supported by the whole Circuit.
With facilities for disabled people, new decoration and chairs, and modern kitchen it is intended to begin a regular 'Coffee Drop In' and occasional Children's Day. The chapel, which has ample car parking facilities, may also be hired by groups for Quiet Days and Away Days.
The Re-opening celebrations were followed on the Sunday by a Songs of Praise service led by Local Preacher Christine Fenwick.

Elizabeth Clarke our Rural Life Officer is hoping to make a DVD of Rural work in the District, but she needs help. She requires someone with a Video Camera [preferably digital ] willing to take some footage .She also requires someone to help edit and create the DVD possibly using Windows Movie Maker or similar. The DVD needs to be ready for September Synod if Possible. This is a task that may suit a Video/ computer enthusiast or a Media Student looking for a project to work on. If you are interested or know someone who can help please contact Rev Elizabeth Clarke elizclark57@hotmail.com

Update on
(Miss Pauline Onyett – York)
(Rev Tony Buglass)


 10am – Refreshments
 10.30am – 12.30pm – South Africa Talk
 1.30pm – 3.30pm – Estonia Talk


Please bring a packed lunch

7th March York Minster
For details http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/CCU7MARCH.pdf

SYNOD April 2009

Details of travel and mapping references to get to Synod at the Hollybush Centre can be found on the District Web site http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/synod.php?id=55

A 25th anniversary celebration
Coventry Cathedral
Saturday 28 March 2009

Timothy Dudley-Smith, OBE Graham Kendrick
Bernadette Farrell Janet Wootton
Andrew Pratt
Saint Michael’s Singers
conducted by Paul Leddington Wright
with Alistair Reid (organ)
for Details http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/pgtbrochure.pdf
There is no charge for this event but you are encouraged to pre-book by emailing prattgreentrust@email.com or ringing 07050-133140 indicating your choice of group session and whether you wish to do the cathedral tour. You will then receive a free ticket which will entitle you to free drinks and biscuits on arrival and at lunch time. Those who arrive without pre-booking will be welcome but cannot be guaranteed admission to the group sessions as space is limited. Book early to avoid disappointment!

Welsh Hymn Singing Festival
(Cymanfa Ganu, Yorkshire and the North East)
DONCASTER Saturday 9th May 2009
At 2.00–3.30. And 4.45-6.30 p.m.
Conductor: Yvonne Robert
Organist: Mr. Nicholas Page
(Tea & coffee between services)
All Welcome
Further information:
Ring 01535 665829 or 0113 2694268

Family and Children Worker
Hull (East) Methodist Circuit

A vacancy has arisen in the Hull East Circuit for a Family and Children Worker.
Working primarily out of our Bransholme Church, though with some links to Circuit Churches, we are looking for a Family & Children’s Worker who will, among other things:
• Rebuild the links with the local Primary schools and Family events
• Help with Family Friendly Church Services
• Involve Families within the Church
• Build links for ongoing Christian Life and witness as children grow
You will have experience in Family and Children work, be Able to communicate effectively in person and in writing, present a strong Christian example and be able to relate effectively to a wide range of people.
Family and Children Worker £9200 per annum for: 24 hours per week
One Year Initial Fixed Term Contract
For more information and recruitment pack contact:
Mr Bruce Taylor Circuit Administrator c/o Kingston Wesley Church 882 Holderness Road HULL HU9 3LP
Email mehadmin@vodafone.net and Tuesdays only 01482 788728 or Mobile 07723 433945 if texting please include your complete address

Closing date for applications 12noon 2 March 2009
Interviews to be held 26 & 27 March 2009

Youth Worker
Hull (East) Methodist Circuit

A vacancy has arisen in the Hull East Circuit for a Circuit Youth Worker.
This applicant, with experience of working with young people aged 11 - 19, will make connections with all young people from each Church in the Circuit. They will effectively lead the new monthly Circuit Youth Fellowship and look to draw older young people into leadership roles within it.
Building on the work of MaXlife, the ecumenical / secular young people charity situated in the region of the Circuit, the youth worker will develop Christian groups for discussion and fellowship. They will also follow up links with secondary schools in the area.
The person should be able to work with small and larger groups making all young people between aged 11 - 19 feel they belong to the Circuit.
Circuit Youth Worker £6140 per annum 16 hours per week
One Year Initial Fixed Term Contract
For more information and recruitment pack contact:
Mr Bruce Taylor Circuit Administrator c/o Kingston Wesley Church 882 Holderness Road HULL HU9 3LP
email mehadmin@vodafone.net and Tuesdays only 01482 788728 Mobile 07723 433945 if texting please include your complete address

Closing date for applications 12noon 2 March 2009
Interviews to be held 26 & 27 March 2009

USPG has been chosen by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to administer a financial appeal for the Anglican Church in Zimbabwe.
The appeal, which was announced by the Archbishop of Canterbury at General Synod in his Presidential Address, will be officially launched on Ash Wednesday (25 February).

The appeal will enable the Anglican Church in Zimbabwe to reach out to communities that are facing a humanitarian crisis.

A joint statement issued by Archbishop Rowan Williams and Archbishop John Sentamu read: 'The deteriorating political situation in Zimbabwe is being accompanied by the worst humanitarian crisis the country has seen since independence.

'Many have died from cholera, starvation and HIV. A breakdown of basic civil infrastructure is slowly destroying a nation and causing unimaginable suffering. But while the government is failing, churches are struggling to feed the hungry and heal the sick. They are suffering alongside their communities, and they need our help.

'We, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, urge you to support this appeal. Please support the Anglican dioceses and parishes in Zimbabwe as they desperately try to witness to God's love and address mounting practical needs.

They concluded: 'How can any of us be silent when one part of the body is suffering?'

USPG General Secretary Bishop Michael Doe said: "USPG has long worked with the Dioceses of Zimbabwe, and we are delighted that the Archbishops have chosen us to administer their appeal for them. The Church in Zimbabwe is exercising a faithful and often courageous witness, and this appeal will enable them to reach out in practical ways to even more people. Thank you for your support."

For more information, visit the USPG website

Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA communications@yorkhullmethodist.org.uk
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply or use this address as it is for mail delivery only
The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the official views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the items or organisations should be taken as granted.
Yorsay Newsletter © 2009 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.

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