Sunday 26 October 2008


[Full Version of Yorsay can be downloaded see District Web site]
Welcome to the November Yorsay, we hope that you enjoy and maybe contribute to it. [Contact ] As you will see below the majority of the newsletter is advertising for various events ; not that I have any objection to that; but it would be nice to have stories from Churches either good or bad that we can let the rest of the District know about.

Yorsay is not only meant for those who receive it via their e mail address it is hoped that at least one person in each church will copy it and make it available to All members of the congregation via notice boards or through church newsletters.

Her Majesty the Queen has accepted the resignation from the 31st December 2008 of the Rt Rev Robert Ladds from the See of Whitby.
Robert has been a great advocate of the Covenant between the York Diocese and York & Hull and Darlington Methodist Districts and the United Reformed Church. Among other appointments he is joint chair of the York Diocese Social Responsibility Council and Methodist Church & Society Group.
In 2009, Bishop Robert will be taking up the appointment as House-for-Duty Priest in the Parish of St. Mary and Christ Church, Hendon, within the Edmonton Episcopal Area of the Diocese of London. He said he has been looking forward to returning to parish ministry for a long time and now Bishop Robert says he believes the right moment for this has come. We thank him for his contribution to ecumenism and wish him all the best for the future.

Coffee Mornings
in aid of Methodist Relief and Development Fund

Everybody is welcome to the Chair’s Manse for the
opportunity to get together, see the new District Office and support MRDF

You may join us on any of the following dates, between 10 am and noon, but we are hoping that friends from the
following Circuits might consider these dates:

Saturday 1st November Ryedale, Pickering, Malton, Ripon, Thirsk and N’allerton

Saturday 6th December Whitby, Sherburn,
Scarborough, Filey

Saturday 14th February Pocklington & Market
Weighton, Beverley, Driffield,

Saturday 7th March York Circuits, Snaith & Selby, Tadcaster, Goole

Bring and buy table available – including any(reasonably) new paperbacks

Terry Waite
Terry Waite will be coming to St John's Burlington, Bridlington on November 4th.

Every Tuesday Vincent Billington (a local pianist) gives lunch time concerts, which are very popular. On November 4th his special guest will be Terry Waite. Terry will speak and Vincent will play some of his favourite music.

Concert starts at 12.30pm and admission is £6.00. Sandwich lunches will be served at church from 11.30am - cost £2.00.

Anyone is welcome to come but if coming as a group it might be as well to contact for tickets or let me know if lunch is required for catering purposes. Janet Whelan

Meeting to be held
Wednesday 12th November 08 at 7.15 p.m.

Potter Hill, YO18 1AA
President of the Methodist Conference

Enabling Churches to engage with today’s society and our local communities.
Tea & Biscuits prior talk at 7.30p.m. Everybody Welcome

For further information contact:
Helen Goodman: 01439 788401
Linda Gibbon: 01845 537421

Local Preachers

David Walton, Vice President of Conference, will lead an event for Local Preachers on the theme "Communicating faith in ways that make sense". It will be held at Pocklington Methodist Church on Saturday 15 November starting at 10.00am and ending at 2.00pm. A (free!) buffet lunch will be provided for all who give advance notice of their attendance. If you are a Local Preacher please make this event known to your colleagues. David wants the occasion to be a mixture of presentation and discussion. Do join in! Further information from: Gordon Peacock at 01904 425598; email

David Walton & Stephen Poxon
Final date for Tickets 12th November
Auction Items so far received:
Transport from home [outward and inward] to either Manchester, Leeds Bradford ,Robin Hood Newcastle or Teesside Airports for up to 4 people [so long as luggage was reasonable] approx value £200 [based on Taxi fare Leeds to Manchester airport £70]
A unique painting, enamel on gloss to a specified design
Dinner for 6 people with the Chair of District [approx value £100 ]
Dinner, bed and breakfast for one night in Whitby
1 week - holiday flat for 2 people at Robin Hoods Bay (only fuel and food to find)
Bids for the above items [by 14th November] may be made by post or e mail to
Heather Shipman 3 Templar Gardens Wetherby LS22 7TG
Bid must state item – Starting bid and Maximum Bid.

The Safeguarding Policies of the District covering all Circuits and Churches are available on the Resources Page of the District Web Site

Our new group discussion course for Lent 2009 is now available. These three... Faith, Hope and Love is based on the three great qualities celebrated in 1 Corinthians 13. This famous passage begins and ends in majestic prose. But the middle paragraph is practical and demanding. St Paul's thirteen verses take us to the heart of what it means to be a Christian.
Participants on the CD/audiotape:
o TOM WRIGHT (Bishop of Durham)
o ANNE ATKINS (Writer and broadcaster)
o DR DAVID HOPE introduces the course
o PROFESSOR FRANCES YOUNG (Closing Reflections)
The accompanying COURSE BOOKLET - which includes questions for groups - is written by Canon John Young.
The 5 session titles are:
Session One - Believing and Trusting
Session Two - The Peace of God
Session Three - Faith into Love
Session Four - The Greatest of these
Session Five - All shall be well
Details of the new course, including biographies of the contributors, sound clips and sample pages, are available at - or you may click on the direct link below :
Course Booklet £ 3.50 (£2.99 each for 5 or more)
Audio Tape £ 8.99 (£6.99 each for 5 or more)
Audio CD £10.99 (£8.99 each for 2 or more)
Transcript (of audiotape/CD) £ 4.99 (£2.99 each for 2 or more)
CD Taster Pack £15.99 (1 booklet, CD & transcript - worth £19.48 - save £3.49) Free packing and second class postage Secure online ordering & latest special offers & discounts at

W e have launched "All Included". This is a set of All Age Communion services. They are supplied on a CD Rom which has both PowerPoint Files and PDF booklets for each communion.

The liturgies have been written by Mike and Ann Bossingham, Ian Smart and David Hollingsworth who also produced the illustrations and backgrounds. There is a service for each calendar month and one each for Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Covenant.

They will be released in early November, It costs just £19.99 and there are more details at:

The Musical by Roger Jones

On Saturday 15th November a local choir of 100 people from Northallerton, Stokesley and the surrounding area will be performing ‘Rock’ at the Hambledon Forum.

This is Roger Jones 20th musical and will be his last touring musical on this scale, so this will be the last chance to see or take part in one of the musical premiere tours. The performance will include acting and singing performances from the original cast from the recorded album, as well as dance and live musicians and will be conducted by the composer, Roger Jones.

It tells the story of Simon Peter through the eyes of Cornelius as he waits for Peter to arrive at his house in Caesarea. At the end of the musical, as Peter finally arrives at the house of Cornelius he is able to share the message of Jesus there.

Tickets are £8 (concessions £6) and are available from Greensleeves Music shop in Northallerton or by contacting Janet Bryer on 01609 773620

Also at Hull Central Hall on Sunday 16th November @ 4pm Ticket Prices are the same and available from Methodist Central Hall Hull [01482 ] 224783 or Bible Outlet 67 Wright Street Hull [01482] 328135

What is Christmas really about?
Join our exploration and celebration on
Saturday 13th December from 2-4pm
St Paul’s Church, Holgate, York YO24 4BF
We welcome everyone — particularly young people & adults with learning disabilities, their families, carer's and friends.
We are affiliating with Causeway Prospects

hristmas ervices
Talking about Christmas – The District Web Site will be putting it’s Christmas Events and Services page on line from about mid November.
Details of your Churches Christmas Events and Services will be needed as soon as possible – please send to don’t leave it to someone else I would rather receive details several times than not at all.

Thank you
Dear All, My family and I wish to thank you all for the prayers, cards, phone calls and e-mails during my time in hospital. I had an aortic aneurism (the silent killer) in which, unusually, the aorta split from top to bottom. The lower part has been stitched and the upper section grafted. The survival rate for this aneurism is only 10% and, if you do survive, there is a 40% chance of being paralysed and/or a 60% chance of blockages in the neck and upper arm. I have none of these symptoms except for some discomfort in my feet and slight pain in my back.
Through your prayers my survival has been remarkable, [Although I have suffered a set back recently] . I really do mean your prayers had a lot to do with my recovery, as by some instinct, I knew that on at least two occasions, prayer brought me back. I was told later that I had “died” twice and medical staff brought me back . Prayer had a great deal to do with that.
On the third occasion, when I had been unconscious for ten days, I knew someone was with me and he told me ”In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you – but not yet, Robert.” Within what seemed like seconds I began to come round. I could see the end of my bed and the nurses’ station on the other side of the ward. Less than a week later, I was in my own home. I know that your prayers sustained me, helped my recovery and supported my family. For that I am very humbled and grateful.
Yours in Christ,
Bob Lawe.

Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply or use this address as it is for mail delivery only
The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the official views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the items or organisations should be taken as granted.
Newsletter © 2008 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.< a href="http://="/YORSAYNOVEMBER.pdf"target="new"> NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER">

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