Wednesday 20 February 2008


Deacon Sue Culver is co-ordinating a 'Habitat for Humanity' build in Cape Town in South Africa with Pete Grassow. Sue & Pete have identified a community in an informal settlement called Vrygrond. Their church is a shack of wooden beams, corrugated iron and plastic bags stuffed in the cracks and they have asked for a community building which would probably include community kitchens, meeting space, workshop space and worship space and a caretakers house.

What they need is volunteers who would be willing to get stuck in and help with the build.
No experience in building is necessary, just a willingness to get hands dirty, live and work alongside the township folk.Oh, and be able to raise the cost of your own flights and some money for some bricks if people can stretch that far.

Accommodation and food is provided within the township community, as is local transport in Cape Town. There will be time for some touristy stuff (although people will have to pay for that) and developing relationships with people from another culture and well as laughter, joy, some good photos and sore muscles!

The build is taking place in August, probably the middle two weeks although firm dates have not yet been decided - that depends on how many people want to go.

The cost of a flight is about £600'ish and people will need a little bit of spending money (the exchange rate is very favourable for us at the moment).

This may be particularly suitable to show to younger members (especially those finishing 'A' levels, or completing a 'gap year' or currently at university or college), though it is open to anyone. The District will help out a little with money for people, and I hope Circuits/Churches too may be able to show some support.

It will all help to continue to build up strong links with our Twinned District of the Cape of Good Hope in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.

If anyone is interested they should contact Sue Culver on or 01904 761711.

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