Wednesday, 21 March 2012

April 2012 Yorsay

Text version below to see the full version click here

April 2012
YORSAY April 2012
From the Chair’s Desk
Welcome to the April Edition During April we will be observing Palm Sunday, Holy Week including
of Yorsay. Rather a full ver- Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, and celebrating the resurrection of
sion this Month but with Jesus on Easter Day. I do hope that your journey through these important
News that I believe is relevant times in the Church’s year will be wonderful, and that they will, once again,
help each one if us to enter into the drama of God’s saving power.
to the District.
However, I often remember the time when I was challenged to consider
Items of Interest
what day in the year is the most important in our Christian discipleship.
Page2 StF and Mystery Plays What would you come up with?
Page3 Cober Hill The answer, given by the person who posed the question, is that the most
important day in the year is Easter Monday. That may sound somewhat
Page4 CRC Letter
quirky, but the reasoning is that it is easy to get caught up in the great
Page5 MWiB celebrations on other days – not least Easter Day. We hear the accounts
of those early disciples encountering the risen Christ; we sing our great
Page6-11 Olympic Relay
Easter hymns; and we say our prayers.
But on Easter Monday it is down to earth with a bump, and that is when we
Page11 Prayer for Syria
need once again to start living out our resurrection faith. And for all that we
Page12 Syrian Uprising proclaim, it is in our lives that we really show what we believe. Other
people judge us by our behaviour as much as by our reciting of creeds or
Page13 Synod
even our attendance at church.
Page14 15 It’s For You
So, what will you start doing on Easter Monday, and the successive days
Page16 Onwards General that follow? Maybe you will deepen your commitment to your own
Events and adverts devotional life, or your commitment to justice in God’s world, or thinking
how you will respond to my Chair’s Challenge during this calendar year.

You will remember that I have asked that each of us tries to do something
extra for children and young people during these twelve months – and we
are about one third of the way through the year now.
But wherever your own discipleship leads you, have a good final part of
Lent, and I wish you a wonderful Easter season. Remember: Christ is
risen, He is risen indeed!

Every blessing
Stephen Burgess
District Chair


Organ edition proposal and survey

Since Singing the Faith was published last September, we have listened to your feedback and suggestions. After much discussion and
detailed work on costings with the publishers, Hymns Ancient & Modern, we have decided to pursue the production of an organ
We have opted for a three-volume, hardback specification, very similar to the binding of the full music edition but with a larger page
size, 265 x 175 mm. This will be a facsimile of the full music edition - we will not be resetting any music or altering the page layout at
The organ edition will be available at a price of £180.00 + p&p per set (see below).
We need a minimum print run of 400 sets for this production to be viable. If you think that you or your church would be in a position
to order such a set, please complete this short survey by no later than 31 March 2012. Indicating interest at this stage does not
commit you or your church to purchasing the edition but will give us an indication of the project's viability.
If we receive sufficient expressions of interest, we will then ask for firm orders and payment in advance. We do not yet have a
production schedule but would anticipate copies being available in the summer of this year.

The complete text of this information, including an explanation of the pricing for an organ edition, can be read on the StF+ website.
Click here.
The M issing M ysteries...
Each piece will last up to 40 minutes and
As part of York’s 800th audiences can attend as many performances as
anniversary celebrations, the they would like on each day.
York Mystery Plays will be Events are free - there’s no need to book, just
performed in the summer.
But what about the missing
Each church will host one of the stories,
mysteries? York Theatre Royal performed by young people aged 11-16 and the
youth theatre groups will be audience will be encouraged to join the parade
performing some of the Mystery and experience these stories in our wonderful
Plays which are not included in York churches.
the production in the Museum
Gardens in the summer, in six
York churches on Wednesday
11th and Thursday 12th April. The plays to be performed on both days are:
10.30am: Cain and Abel at All Saints Pavement
11.30am: The Ten Plagues at St Helen's
12.30pm: The Crossing of the Red Sea at St Denys
2.00pm: The Flight into Egypt/Baptism at St Martin’s
3.00pm: The Mortification of Christ at Holy Trinity
4.00pm: The Coronation of the Virgin at St Olave’s
for more information.

York and Hull District Methodist Women in Britain Residential Week-end

Cober Hill, Cloughton, near Scarborough was recently the venue for the annual York and Hull District Methodist Women in
Britain residential week-end conference. The leader was Mrs. Alison Judd, Area president of the World Federation of
Methodist and Uniting Church Women. She took as her theme ‘ Run the race’ as befits the year of the Olympics.
Over five sessions Mrs. Judd led the group through the verses of ‘May the mind of Christ my Saviour’ (Singing the Faith
504). Teaching, Bible study, prayer, use of the Methodist Prayer Handbook and silence all combined to show the words of
the hymn as having a real relevance to everyday life.
Workshops in singing, dance, craft and creative writing were available and enjoyed by many. Some chose to explore the
beautiful countryside around Cober Hill.
An evening at the mini-Olympics provided much laughter and enjoyment and the promise that this would be repeated
around the District,
The conference concluded with a service of Holy Communion led by Alison Judd and Rev’d Anne Cox, a former District
President and including contributions from the workshops. Once again this popular weekend left the women inspired and
encouraged to move forward in faith and love, running the race that lay before them in the various parts of the District
that they came from.

March 14th 2012
Rt Hon David Cameron MP
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA

Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP
Deputy Prime Minister's Of ce
70 Whitehall
London SW1A 2AS

Rt Hon Andrew Lansley MP
Secretary of State for Health
Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
London SW1A 2NS

Dear Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State
A Northern View of the Health and Social Care Bill
We are writng to you, as regional church leaders, to express our concern over the prospectve impact of the Health and Social Care Bill on
some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in England that lie within our care. Barnsley, Bradford, Doncaster, Hull, North East
Lincolnshire, Rotherham and Wakef eld were identfed three years ago as places where health inequality is partcularly acute, although
many other of our old industrial cites exhibit a similar disparity.
We remain unconvinced by assurances that health inequality will remain a priority once the Government’s Bill is enacted. Indeed, we
believe that the more market-oriented approach to health care that the Bill advocates will inevitably leave behind weaker communites
and vulnerable people.
We acknowledge that there is a critcal need to tackle the issue of the long-term sustainability of the NHS, but believe that this is best
addressed by allowing health professionals to respond to the challenge laid before them by Sir David Nicholson in 2009 to reduce costs by
£15-20bn between 2011-2015, without the unnecessary distracton brought about by reforms in the Bill.
We wish to state that we have no conf dence in market forces as they are applied to health care in the long term because of the inevitable
conf ict between self-interest and the care of other people, and between shareholder expectatons and patent needs.
We wish to af rm our understanding that health is a moral and spiritual issue, as well as a physical one, requiring that health is distributed
more equally than other social goods in order to create the opportunity for all to contribute to society as fully as they are able.
We acknowledge that there are dif cult, potentally unpopular, decisions to be made over health care, but conf rm our belief that these
should be made by politcal design and intenton, rather than by market forces.
We commend to you the Churches Regional Commission’s policy paper, A Northern View of the Health and Social Care Bill, which expands
on the above points. We urge the Government to rethink its approach to reform of the NHS so that we can maintain a health service of
which all Britsh people can remain justly proud.
Yours sincerely
Rt Revd Nick Baines, Anglican Bishop of Bradford
Rt Revd James Bell, Anglican Bishop of Knaresborough
Revd Stephen Burgess, Methodist Chair of York & Hull District
Rt Revd Stephen Crof , Anglican Bishop of Shef eld
Revd Kenneth Evans, Moravian Chair of Yorkshire District
Revd Graham Ensor, Regional Minister (Team Leader), Yorkshire Baptst Associaton
Rt Revd Richard Frith, Anglican Bishop of Hull
Lieut-Colonel Bill Heeley, Divisional Commander, Salvaton Army, Yorkshire Division
Rt Revd Walter Jagucki, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain
Revd Vernon Marsh, Methodist Chair of Shef eld District
Rt Revd John Packer, Anglican Bishop of Ripon & Leeds
Bishop Tony Parry, New Testament Church of God, Bradford
Revd David Perry, Chair of the Churches Regional Commission for Yorkshire and the Humber
Rt Revd John Rawsthorne, Catholic Bishop of Hallam
Rt Revd Tony Robinson, Anglican Bishop of Pontefract
Revd Liz Smith, Methodist Chair of Leeds District
Revd Bruce Thompson, Methodist Chair of Lincoln & Grimsby District
Rt Revd Martn Warner, Anglican Bishop of Whitby
Rev Kevin Watson, Yorkshire Synod Moderator of the United Reformed Church
For further informat on, please contact Revd Dr Philip Bee, CRC for Yorkshire and the Humber
20 New Market St, Leeds LS1 6DG 0113-244-3413

More than a meeting!
Many women seem to feel that
Methodist Women in Britain is not for
them because they do not attend a
women’s meeting. MWiB is a movement
that is there for all. There are
opportunities for meetings in some
circuits, the District and at
Connexional level but going to one is
not dependent on ‘belonging’ to
another. Pick up one of the leaflets
(there should be lots around), go onto
the website and see what
is on offer in the way of opportunities
for learning, worship and other
For more details contact York and Hull
MWiB Forum rep. Joy Coates - 01482
863660 –


31 09:24 Sandsend Lythe Bank (A174)
31 Sandsend Sandsend Road (A174) to Meadow Field
31 CONVOY: Sandsend - Whitby
31 09:40 Whitby Upgang Lane (A174) from Sandsend Road (A174) (Love Lane)
31 Whitby Upgang Lane (A174) - Right Turn
31 Whitby Chubb Hill Road (A174)
31 Whitby Chubb Hill Road (A174) - Left Turn
31 Whitby Bagdale
31 Whitby Bagdale - Right Turn
31 Whitby Langbourne Road - Right Turn
31 Whitby Whitby Railway Station
31 Whitby ALT: Train Whitby to Pickering
31 11:44 Pickering Pickering Station
31 Pickering Park Street from Pickering Station layby
31 Pickering Park Street - Left Turn
31 Pickering Hungate A170
31 Pickering Eastgate (A170)
31 Pickering Thornton Road (A170) to Thornton Road Industrial Estate
31 CONVOY: Pickering - Scarborough
31 12:28 Scarborough Columbus Ravine (A165) from Victoria Park Avenue
31 Scarborough Columbus Ravine (A165) - Right Turn
31 Scarborough Peasholme Gap - Left Turn
31 Scarborough North Bay Promenade
31 Scarborough North Bay Promenade - Left Turn
31 Scarborough Scarborough Open Air Theatre back road access
31 Scarborough Scarborough Open Air Theatre
31 Scarborough Scarborough Open Air Theatre path - Left Turn
31 Scarborough Burniston Road (A165) - Left Turn
31 Scarborough Peasholme Gap - Right Turn
31 Scarborough Royal Albert Drive
31 Scarborough Marine Drive
31 Scarborough Sandside
31 Scarborough Foreshore Rd
31 Scarborough Foreshore Rd - Right Turn
31 Scarborough Valley Road - Left Turn
31 Scarborough Ramshill Road
31 Scarborough Ramshill Road (A165)
31 Scarborough Filey Road (A165) to Queen Margerets Road
31 CONVOY: Scarborough - Filey
31 14:24 Filey Scarborough Road (A1039) from Filey Town Signs & 30mph sign
31 Filey Scarborough Road (A1039) - Right Turn
31 Filey Scarborough Road (A1039) - Right Turn
31 Filey Station Avenue (A1039)
31 Filey Station Avenue (A1039) - Right Turn
31 Filey Muston Road (A1039) to Filey School
31 CONVOY: Filey - Bridlington


31 15:00 Bridlington Scarborough Road (A1038) from Scarborough Rd (A165)
31 Bridlington St John's Street (A1038)
31 Bridlington Quay Road (A1038)
31 Bridlington Quay Road (A1038) - Right Turn
31 Bridlington Station Avenue - Right Turn
31 Bridlington Hilderthorpe Road (A1038) - Left Turn
31 Bridlington Kingsgate (A165) To Kingston Road
31 CONVOY: Bridlington - Beverley
31 16:16 Beverley Norwood (A1035) from Mill Lane
31 Beverley Norwood (A1035) - Left Turn
31 Beverley Manor Road (A164) - Right Turn
31 Beverley Manor Road (A164) - Left Turn
31 Beverley Market
31 Beverley Toll Gavel
31 Beverley Butcher Row - Right Turn
31 Beverley Lord Roberts Road - Left Turn
31 Beverley Champney Road - Left Turn
31 Beverley Lairgate (A164) - Left Turn
31 Beverley Keldgate (B1230)
31 Beverley Keldgate (B1230) - Right Turn
31 Beverley Flemingate (B1230) to Waterside Road
31 CONVOY: Beverley - Hull
31 16:56 Hull John Newton Way from Raich Carter Way (A1033) (Runnymead Way)
31 Hull John Newton Way
31 Hull Wawne Road
31 Hull Wawne Road - Left Turn
31 Hull Robson Way (B1237)
31 Hull Saltshouse Road (A1237)
31 Hull Saltshouse Road (A1237) - Right Turn
31 Hull Holderness Road (A165)
31 Hull Holderness Road (A165) - Left Turn
31 Hull Mount Pleasant (A1033)
31 Hull Mount Pleasant (A1033) - Right Turn
31 Hull Heddon Road
31 Hull Heddon Road - Right Turn
31 Hull Great Union Street (A1165)
31 Hull Great Union Street (A1165) - Left Turn
31 Hull Clarence Street
31 Hull Alfred Gelder Street
31 Hull Alfred Gelder Street - Left Turn
31 Hull Carr Lane
31 Hull Anlaby Road
31 Hull Anlaby Road (A1105) - Right Turn
31 Hull West Park Gates/Entrance
31 Hull Evening Celebration - West Park

32 07:04 Hull Start The Deep
32 Hull The Deep - Left Turn
32 Hull Pedestrian bridge- Left Turn
32 Hull Humber Street- Right Turn
32 Hull 7 Queen Street - Left Turn
32 Hull Castle Street (A63)
32 Hull Hessle Road (A63) To St James Street
32 CONVOY: Hull - Brough
32 07:37 Brough Welton Road from Brough Town Signs
32 Brough Welton Road - Right Turn
32 Brough Elloughton Road
32 Brough Main Street - Left Turn
32 Brough Stockbridge Road to 40mph Signs
32 CONVOY: Brough - Goole
32 08:29 Goole Boothferry Road from (A614) (Centenary Road)
32 Goole Boothferry Road - Right Turn
32 Goole Stanhope Street- Right Turn
32 Goole Coronation Street- Left Turn
32 Goole Booth Ferry Road
32 Goole Booth Ferry Road - Left Turn
32 Goole Rawcliffe Road (A614) to College Close
32 CONVOY: Goole - Camblesforth
32 09:00 Camblesforth Selby Road (A1041) from Camblesfort Town Signs
32 Camblesforth Selby Road (A1041) to Hardenshaw Lane
32 CONVOY: Camblesforth - Selby
32 09:16 Selby Bawtry Road (A1041) from Bawtry Road (Hawthorn
32 Selby Raowadtr)y Road (A1041) - Left Turn
32 Selby Gowthorpe (A63)
32 Selby Leeds Road
32 Selby Leeds Road (A63) to Sandhill Lane
32 CONVOY: Selby - Monk Fryston
32 10:18 Monk Fryston Main Street (A63) from The Crescent
32 Monk Fryston Main Street
32 Monk Fryston Main Street (A63) to A162 York Road
32 CONVOY: Monk Fryston - Barkston Ash
32 10:39 Barkston Ash York Road (A162) from Barkston Ash Town Signs &
32 Barkston Ash 40omrkp Rho Saidg n(As162)
32 Barkston Ash York Road (A162) to National speed limit signs
32 CONVOY: Barkston Ash - Tadcaster
32 10:54 Tadcaster York Road (A162) from John Smiths Brewery
32 Tadcaster Bourilkd iRngosa dc a(Ar p1a6r2k) e- nRtirgahntc Teurn
32 Tadcaster Leeds Road (A659)
32 Tadcaster Leeds Road (A659) - Left Turn
32 Tadcaster Chapel Street (A659)
32 Tadcaster Wetherby Road (A659) to Kelbar Close
32 CONVOY: Tadcaster - Boston Spa
32 11:13 Boston Spa High Street (A659) from Ashfield Paddock
32 Boston Spa High Street (A659)
32 Boston Spa High Street (A659) To Clifford Moor Road
32 CONVOY: Boston Spa - Wetherby
32 11:37 Wetherby Rowland Marywick Rd from Privas Way
32 Wetherby York Road (A681)
32 Wetherby York Road (A681) - Left Turn
32 Wetherby North Street (A661)
32 Wetherby Boston Road - Right Turn To Wetherby Rd A58
32 CONVOY: Wetherby - Harewood
32 12:02 Harewood Harewood Ave (A659) from Harewood Town Sign
32 Harewood Harewood Ave to Harewood House Car Park
32 CONVOY: Harewood House -
32 13:33 Knaresborough York Road (A59) from Knaresborough Town Sign
32 Knaresborough High Street (A59)
32 Knaresborough High Street (A59) - Left Turn
32 Knaresborough Bond End (A59)
32 Knaresborough Bond End (A59) to 50mph Signs
32 CONVOY: Knaresborough - Harrogate
32 14:06 Harrogate Harrogate Road (A59) from Harrogate Golf Club
32 Harrogate Knaresborough Road (A59)
32 Harrogate Knaresborough Road (A59) - Right Turn
32 Harrogate West Park Street (A61) to Duchy Road
32 CONVOY: Harrogate - Ripon
32 16:11 Ripon Studley Road (B6265) from Ripon & 30mph Signs-
32 Ripon Riaglhlot rTieu Prnark Drive
32 Ripon Somerset Road (B6265) - Left Turn
32 Ripon Skellgate- Right Turn
32 Ripon Westgate (A6108) - Left Turn
32 Ripon Market Place - Right Turn
32 Ripon Old Market Place
32 Ripon Old Market Place - Left Turn
32 Ripon Duck Hill - Left Turn
32 Ripon Skellgarths - Left Turn
32 Ripon Bedern Bank
32 Ripon St Marys Gate
32 Ripon Stonebridgegate - Right Turn
32 Ripon Rotary Way to Ripon Ambulance Stn
32 CONVOY: Ripon - York
32 17:24 York Tadcaster Road (A1036) from A64/Tadcaster Road
32 York Tadcaster Road
32 York The Mount (A1036)
32 York The Mount (A1036) - Left Turn
32 York York Walls
32 York Lendal Bridge - Left Turn
32 York Rougier Street
32 York George Hudson Street - Left Turn
32 York Micklegate
32 York Bridge Street - Left Turn
32 York Spurriergate
32 York Coney Street - Right Turn
32 York St Helen's Square
32 York Stonegate - Right Turn
32 York Low Petergate
32 York Low Petergate - Right Turn
32 York Little Shambles
32 York Shambles - Right Turn
32 York Pavement
32 York Coppergate
32 York Tower Street - Right Turn
32 York Bishopthorpe Street (A1036)
32 York Bishopthorpe Street (A1036) - Right Turn
32 York Campleshon Road
32 York Evening Celebration
33 08:05 York Start Duncombe Place
33 York Duncombe Place - Veer Right
33 York High Petergate - Left Turn
33 York St Leonard's Place (A19) - Right Turn
33 York Museum Street (A1036)
33 York Museum Street (A1036) - Right Turn
33 York Leeman Road
33 York Leeman Road - Left Turn
33 York National Railway Museum
33 08:43 York ALT: Scots Guardsman Train
33 09:23 Thirsk Thirsk Station
33 Thirsk Thirsk Station - Left Turn
33 Thirsk Station Road (A61)
33 Thirsk Station Road (A61) - Left Turn
33 Thirsk West gate (A61) - Left Turn
33 Thirsk Market Place (B1448)
33 Thirsk Kirkgate (B1448)
33 Thirsk Norby Front Street (B1448) to Percy Drive
33 CONVOY: Thirsk - Northallerton
33 10:14 Northallerton Thirsk Road (A168) from St James Drive
33 Northallerton Thirsk Road (A168) - To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton East Road (A168)
33 Northallerton East Road (A167) - To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton Friargate Street (A167)
33 Northallerton Friargate Street (A167) - To roundabout 1st exit
33 Northallerton High Street
33 Northallerton High Street - To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton South Parade (A167) To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton Boroughbridge Road (A167)
33 Northallerton Boroughbridge Road (A167)- Right Turn
33 Northallerton Lees Lane (A684) to 40mph Signs
33 CONVOY: Northallerton - Aiskew
33 11:04 Aiskew Bedale Road (A684) from Aiskew Town Sign
33 Aiskew Stanley Terrace (A684)
33 11:15 Bedale Bridge Street (A684)
33 Bedale Bridge Street (A684) - Right Turn
33 Bedale Market Place (A684) to Bedale Golf Club
33 CONVOY: Bedale - Aysgarth Falls
33 12:00 Aysgarth Falls Church Bank from A684
33 Aysgarth Falls Church Bank to Aysgarth Falls
33 CONVOY: Aysgarth Falls - Leyburn
33 12:51 Leyburn High Street (A6108) from A684 (Railway St)
33 Leyburn High Street
33 Leyburn Richmond Road (A6108)
33 Leyburn Richmond Road to National Speed Limit Signs
33 CONVOY: Leyburn - Richmond
33 13:18 Richmond Reeth Rd (A6108) from A6108 (Coronation St)
33 Richmond Reeth Rd (A6108)
33 Richmond A6108 - Right Turn
33 Richmond Cravengate - Left Turn
33 Richmond Newbiggin- Right Turn
33 Richmond Finkle Steet - Right Turn
33 Richmond Market Place - Left Turn
33 Richmond Trinity Church Sq
33 Richmond Castle Wynd
33 Richmond Castle Wynd - Left Turn
33 Richmond Trinity Church Square
33 Richmond King Street
33 Richmond Queens Rd
33 Richmond Pottergate (A6108)
33 Richmond Pottergate (A6108) - To roundabout 2nd exit
33 Richmond Darlington Road (A6108)
33 Richmond Darlington Road (A6108) - Right Turn
33 Richmond Richmond School - Left Turn
33 Richmond Richmond School to Richmond School Playing Fields
33 CONVOY: Richmond - Barnard Castle

32 07:04 Hull Start The Deep
32 Hull The Deep - Left Turn
32 Hull Pedestrian bridge- Left Turn
32 Hull Humber Street- Right Turn
32 Hull Queen Street - Left Turn
32 Hull Castle Street (A63)
32 Hull Hessle Road (A63) To St James Street
32 CONVOY: Hull - Brough
32 07:37 Brough Welton Road from Brough Town Signs
32 Brough Welton Road - Right Turn
32 Brough Elloughton Road
32 Brough Main Street - Left Turn
32 Brough Stockbridge Road to 40mph Signs
32 CONVOY: Brough - Goole
32 08:29 Goole Boothferry Road from (A614) (Centenary Road)
32 Goole Boothferry Road - Right Turn
32 Goole Stanhope Street- Right Turn
32 Goole Coronation Street- Left Turn
32 Goole Booth Ferry Road
32 Goole Booth Ferry Road - Left Turn
32 Goole Rawcliffe Road (A614) to College Close
32 CONVOY: Goole - Camblesforth
32 09:00 Camblesforth Selby Road (A1041) from Camblesfort Town Signs
32 Camblesforth Selby Road (A1041) to Hardenshaw Lane
32 CONVOY: Camblesforth - Selby
32 09:16 Selby Bawtry Road (A1041) from Bawtry Road (Hawthorn
32 Selby Raowadtr)y Road (A1041) - Left Turn
32 Selby Gowthorpe (A63)
32 Selby Leeds Road
32 Selby Leeds Road (A63) to Sandhill Lane
32 CONVOY: Selby - Monk Fryston
32 10:18 Monk Fryston Main Street (A63) from The Crescent
32 Monk Fryston Main Street
32 Monk Fryston Main Street (A63) to A162 York Road
32 CONVOY: Monk Fryston - Barkston Ash
32 10:39 Barkston Ash York Road (A162) from Barkston Ash Town Signs &
32 Barkston Ash 40omrkp Rho Saidg n(As162)
32 Barkston Ash York Road (A162) to National speed limit signs
32 CONVOY: Barkston Ash - Tadcaster
32 10:54 Tadcaster York Road (A162) from John Smiths Brewery
32 Tadcaster Bourilkd iRngosa dc a(Ar p1a6r2k) e- nRtirgahntc Teurn
32 Tadcaster Leeds Road (A659)
32 Tadcaster Leeds Road (A659) - Left Turn
32 Tadcaster Chapel Street (A659)
32 Tadcaster Wetherby Road (A659) to Kelbar Close
32 CONVOY: Tadcaster - Boston Spa


32 11:13 Boston Spa High Street (A659) from Ashfield Paddock
32 Boston Spa High Street (A659)
32 Boston Spa High Street (A659) To Clifford Moor Road
32 CONVOY: Boston Spa - Wetherby
32 11:37 Wetherby Rowland Marywick Rd from Privas Way
32 Wetherby York Road (A681)
32 Wetherby York Road (A681) - Left Turn
32 Wetherby North Street (A661)
32 Wetherby Boston Road - Right Turn To Wetherby Rd A58
32 CONVOY: Wetherby - Harewood
32 12:02 Harewood Harewood Ave (A659) from Harewood Town Sign
32 Harewood Harewood Ave to Harewood House Car Park
32 CONVOY: Harewood House -
32 13:33 Knaresborough York Road (A59) from Knaresborough Town Sign
32 Knaresborough High Street (A59)
32 Knaresborough High Street (A59) - Left Turn
32 Knaresborough Bond End (A59)
32 Knaresborough Bond End (A59) to 50mph Signs
32 CONVOY: Knaresborough - Harrogate
32 14:06 Harrogate Harrogate Road (A59) from Harrogate Golf Club
32 Harrogate Knaresborough Road (A59)
32 Harrogate Knaresborough Road (A59) - Right Turn
32 Harrogate West Park Street (A61) to Duchy Road
32 CONVOY: Harrogate - Ripon
32 16:11 Ripon Studley Road (B6265) from Ripon & 30mph Signs-
32 Ripon Riaglhlot rTieu Prnark Drive
32 Ripon Somerset Road (B6265) - Left Turn
32 Ripon Skellgate- Right Turn
32 Ripon Westgate (A6108) - Left Turn
32 Ripon Market Place - Right Turn
32 Ripon Old Market Place
32 Ripon Old Market Place - Left Turn
32 Ripon Duck Hill - Left Turn
32 Ripon Skellgarths - Left Turn
32 Ripon Bedern Bank
32 Ripon St Marys Gate
32 Ripon Stonebridgegate - Right Turn
32 Ripon Rotary Way to Ripon Ambulance Stn
32 CONVOY: Ripon - York
32 17:24 York Tadcaster Road (A1036) from A64/Tadcaster Road
32 York Tadcaster Road
32 York The Mount (A1036)
32 York The Mount (A1036) - Left Turn
32 York York Walls
32 York Lendal Bridge - Left Turn
32 York Rougier Street
32 York George Hudson Street - Left Turn
32 York Micklegate

32 York Bridge Street - Left Turn
32 York Spurriergate
32 York Coney Street - Right Turn
32 York St Helen's Square

32 York Stonegate - Right Turn
32 York Low Petergate
32 York Low Petergate - Right Turn
32 York Little Shambles
32 York Shambles - Right Turn
32 York Pavement
32 York Coppergate
32 York Tower Street - Right Turn
32 York Bishopthorpe Street (A1036)
32 York Bishopthorpe Street (A1036) - Right Turn
32 York Campleshon Road
32 York Evening Celebration
33 08:05 York Start Duncombe Place
33 York Duncombe Place - Veer Right
33 York High Petergate - Left Turn
33 York St Leonard's Place (A19) - Right Turn
33 York Museum Street (A1036)
33 York Museum Street (A1036) - Right Turn
33 York Leeman Road
33 York Leeman Road - Left Turn
33 York National Railway Museum
33 08:43 York ALT: Scots Guardsman Train
33 09:23 Thirsk Thirsk Station
33 Thirsk Thirsk Station - Left Turn
33 Thirsk Station Road (A61)
33 Thirsk Station Road (A61) - Left Turn
33 Thirsk West gate (A61) - Left Turn
33 Thirsk Market Place (B1448)
33 Thirsk Kirkgate (B1448)
33 Thirsk Norby Front Street (B1448) to Percy Drive
33 CONVOY: Thirsk - Northallerton
33 10:14 Northallerton Thirsk Road (A168) from St James Drive
33 Northallerton Thirsk Road (A168) - To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton East Road (A168)
33 Northallerton East Road (A167) - To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton Friargate Street (A167)
33 Northallerton Friargate Street (A167) - To roundabout 1st exit
33 Northallerton High Street
33 Northallerton High Street - To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton South Parade (A167) To roundabout 3rd exit
33 Northallerton Boroughbridge Road (A167)
33 Northallerton Boroughbridge Road (A167)- Right Turn
33 Northallerton Lees Lane (A684) to 40mph Signs
33 CONVOY: Northallerton - Aiskew

33 11:04 Aiskew Bedale Road (A684) from Aiskew Town Sign
33 Aiskew Stanley Terrace (A684)
33 11:15 Bedale Bridge Street (A684)
33 Bedale Bridge Street (A684) - Right Turn
33 Bedale Market Place (A684) to Bedale Golf Club
33 CONVOY: Bedale - Aysgarth Falls
33 12:00 Aysgarth Falls Church Bank from A684
33 Aysgarth Falls Church Bank to Aysgarth Falls
33 CONVOY: Aysgarth Falls - Leyburn
33 12:51 Leyburn High Street (A6108) from A684 (Railway St)
33 Leyburn High Street
33 Leyburn Richmond Road (A6108)
33 Leyburn Richmond Road to National Speed Limit Signs
33 CONVOY: Leyburn - Richmond
I apologise if you think that a lot of space has been used up to signpost the route of the Olympic Torch relay but as this is an
opportunity for Churches to get involved in a national event I felt it important that this information be passed on. Ahead of the Torch
relay the Cornish Methodist Church Sponsored Prayer Bus will be touring the route with Bands on board.– So if you have chance and
the relay comes close to your church or neighbourhood then take the opportunity to promote the church. The Torch will be in our
District from 18th to 20th June
Prayer for Syria
Dear Lord,

Our hearts grieve as we witness the escalating violence and needless deaths in Syria. We identify with the sorrow of all Syrians who
now see their country riven with conflict and the potential for increasing animosity between parties.

We pray for a speedy resolution to the political crisis and for a realisation by the Syrian Government that people’s aspirations for a
stake in how and by whom they are governed will not go away.

Lord may Christians, Muslims and all people of faith in Syria unite to build peace and justice for all.

When you walked among us you rejected the way of the sword. May all parties in Syria realise the futility of violence, the right of
peaceful protest and the need to protect civilian life in all circumstances.

We pray for wisdom and greater unity on the for regional and international powers, and lift before you our own Foreign Secretary, as
governments determine how best to respond.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the author of peace, to whom all hearts are known,


The Methodist Church

News Release

15 March 2012

Church leaders call for UN action on 1 anniversary of Syria uprising
•Christians urged to pray

The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church have added their voices to
the growing call for the UN Security Council to demonstrate a united opposition to the violent actions of the Syrian
Since the start of mass protests one year ago, thousands of people are thought to have been killed in the uprising.
Christians across Britain are being urged to pray for the nation using this special prayer [see next page] .

The full statement from the Church leaders follows:

We are dismayed by the Syrian Government’s violent and unrestrained attacks on its own citizens, resulting in
thousands of deaths and significant numbers of refugees flooding into neighbouring countries. Such action cannot
possibly be justified.
UN Special Representative Kofi Annan’s initiative with the Syrian government is crucial and deserves the undivided
support of the international community. Given the tragic events of the past year, we call on Russia and China to
accept that it is unjust for the Assad regime to continue to receive diplomatic and military support.
The United Nations Security Council must unequivocally condemn Syria’s state-sanctioned attacks on its own people
and we support the call by humanitarian and human rights groups for a Security Council resolution demanding an
immediate end to the killing. All armed groups must allow unrestricted access of humanitarian agencies to those
areas where people are currently without food, healthcare or education.
We are concerned that, should diplomatic initiatives fail and the opposition groups achieve success in securing
support for arms, the violence could escalate still further. Our prayers are for a halt to the bloodshed and for
diplomacy and mediation to offer a way forward for the Syrian people.
As Christian communities we are also concerned for the Syrian Christian churches and communities that represent a
minority in the land. With them we long for a nation in which all can live in security and peace under the law.

Revd Leo Osborn
President of the Methodist Conference

Revd Dr Kirsty Thorpe
Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church

Revd Jonathan Edwards
General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain

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Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JR 020 7486 5501 (Help Desk)
Registered charity no. 1132208

Spring Synod for 2012
Saturday 12th May

the venue is Kirby Misperton Village Hall
High Row
Kirby Misperton
YO17 6XN
[WARNING when using a SatNav and approaching from the junction of the A64 / A169 [Malton] the
satnav may direct you towards Eden Camp . You can get to the Hall via this route but would advise you
stay on the A169 and then use the Flamingo Land [Brown] Signs Kirby Misperton Road to get to the
Synod ]
[Strongly advise Car sharing as much as possible as car parking space is limited]
YORK 25 0 .44mins
HULL 46 1hr .39mins
SNAITH 46 1hr.07mins
SELBY 39 0 .59mins
GOOLE 48 1hr .14mins
BEVERLEY 44 1hr .31mins
DRIFFIELD 27 0 .56mins
BRIDLINGTON 35 1hr .10mins
WITHERNSEA 63 2hrs.10mins
HORNSEA 44 1hr .35mins
FILEY 28 0 .50mins
POCKLINGTON 30 0 .57mins
MKT WEIGHTON 35 1hr .25mins
WHITBY 25 0 .59mins
MALTON 8 0 .19mins
SCARBOROUGH 22 0 .36mins
SHERBURN 16 0 .29mins
PICKERING 4 0 .11mins
THIRSK 31 0 .46mins
NORTHALLERTON 39 1hr .05mins
RIPON 44 1hr .08mins
BOROUGHBRIDGE 43 1hr .03mins
[Mileage and times all approx By quickest route Courtesy of Google Mapping]

It’s for You- Krakow August 8th to 12th is the third European Methodist Festival which aims to bring together 100s
of Methodist people from all over Europe. Festivals in Potsdam in 2003 and Bratislava in 2007 resulted in many life
changing experiences and lasting friendships. Come and join us this summer in the beautiful historic city of Krakow,
and be part in this exciting gathering.
It’s for You whatever your age, whoever you are-be there this year!
Each day begins with worship, as part of a time together exploring the theme, and being encouraged or challenged
as we listen to short interviews with guests & each other. All this interspersed with music and short video clips of
‘yesterday’s’ activities that may offer us ideas of what to do ‘today’!
Informal cross cultural ‘Wesley group’ meetings give space in small numbers & share our traditions, joys and
Workshops and seminars will provide opportunities to learn something new from eschatology and iconography, to fun
with a yoyo. There will be places where children and young people can meet, have fun, talk, sing and act.
Biblical themes will be presented in a variety of ways. Leaders include Jill Baker, Rev’d Martyn Atkins, Bishop
Walter Klaiber, and Rev’d Gary Hall. Opt in to the style that suits you-sit and listen, discuss or explore or be
creative with voice or hands.
There will be times set aside in the early morning and evening for those who wish to be part of a smaller group to
pray- in ways you are used to or to try something completely different.
Different styles of music will accompany all we do-if you sing or play, come prepared to join in.
One of the special guests will be Bishop Ivan Abrahams, former President of the South African Methodist Church,
and now President of the World Methodist Council. He will share something of the challenges and changes of living
in South Africa and also preach at the covenant service on Sunday morning.
The Rev’d Mark Wakelin, President of the British Methodist Church and Vice President Mike King, will also be with
us, as will many other European church leaders.
For those who wish to see something of the city there will time in groups or individually to visit Krakow & the
surrounding area. The energetic may join in the Methodist Olympics to show off sporting prowess or just have fun.
Others may be content to visit the market place to see displays from various organisations and groups, wander in
the adjacent park or just sit & be-nothing is compulsory!
Each evening there will be BIG events in the 1000 seater tent. Here we will celebrate, sing & be challenged by
stories from Methodists young and old, who are making a difference, across Europe, interspersed with music from
round the world.
Quiet night cafés offer a staging post to sleep or the attractions of more active late night events will keep you
awake well into the night!
Accommodation is available in the University close by, where we also eat. There are alternatives in nearby camping/
caravan sites or hotels.
Don’t miss this exciting event, come and join us- It’s for You!
More details & booking forms from: or Roy Crowder, Partnership Co-ordinator for Europe,
Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Rd., London NW15JR

It’s for You –what’s it all about???
An outline of what’s on offer if you are interested in joining us is outlined below. Nothing is compulsory find your
style & come & see..
Early morning prayers-a reflective, liturgical start to the day or jog & pray.
Come together-all age event: fast moving 45 mins of setting the day’s theme through music, singing, & interviews
Also as people arrive they can view video clips from the events of the previous day.
There will be each day some celebrity guests as well as participants of all ages who have interesting stories to
tell. This will be interspersed with music & a short intro to the day’s theme.
Spread out-Bible studies, workshops, visits etc On Thursday, Friday & Saturday there will be Bible studies &
workshops, presented in German & English (& possibly other languages) There will be a variety of approaches to
the Bible that will appeal to various learning styles from ‘listen and learn’ to get up and go & various steps in
In the same ways there will be workshops handling difficult & complex areas in more formal setting as well as
craft based sessions & sport…. from eschatology & our response to money, to singing together or improving your
yoyo skills. Among the sessions on offer there will be all age possibilities as well as some separate sessions for
children & young people.
Alongside these will be sports sessions available & opportunities to visit Krakow including the castle, museums,
Schindler’s factory etc &/or the Salt Mines & Auschwitz Camp…..or even shopping!
In one of the tents there will be a Market Place where various groups who work all over Europe can tell us, who
they are, what they do. This will be open during late morn & afternoons for people to wander & find information.

Come together-evenings in the tent: we come together each evening in the 1000 seater tent, to sing, listen,
enjoy ourselves & be challenged by what we hear. This will include:
Wednesday Music & welcome ‘Come & See’ profiling something of Polish life & personalities (guests)
setting the scene/info about the next few days.

Thursday ‘Celebrate’ an evening led by the European Commission on Mission reflecting & celebrating
diversity & opportunity in Europe.

Friday ‘Share’ the young people lead us in an all age event.

Saturday ‘Act’ we share in the visions from two Church Leaders from different parts of Europe & ask
ourselves ‘what have we learnt?’ ‘What can we take home’, how can we make a difference as Methodist
people in Europe?’

The evening sessions will be interspersed with regular musical interludes, ‘seeing’ on the big screen, as well
as ‘hearing’ & encouragement to talk to your neighbour.

Night café: A chance to relax, talk, listen to music, drink coffee etc. before you go to bed.

Sunday worship ‘Go’:
We gather together to celebrate simple covenant worship & be challenged to make a difference at home with
Bishop Ivan Abrahams, President of the World Methodist Council.

Do as much or as little as you want. The area between the accommodation at the University & the Festival site
includes a park where you can relax, buy an ice-cream & just be!!!


You are invited to join us at our
on Wednesday, May 16 at
from Leeds.
In the morning we will hear a talk entitled ‘The
Nakba and beyond’ about the Palestine situation.
(Mrs. Harwood has made many visits to the area)
In the afternoon we will be led in ‘Singing the Faith’
- hymns and songs new and old.
For more details contact your
circuit rep or Joy Coates on
01482 863660


Tickets: Adults £6 Students £3
Available from: Saturday Coffee Shop
Andrew Marshall [01937 ] 573167


The World may be Spinning but is Life getting the Shake-up it Needs?

Riding Lights Roughshod Theatre Company will be taking its new production ‘TAKE THE WORLD’ on tour from February 23rd 2012 until
the middle of July. Riding Lights Roughshod concentrates on performing in places where live theatre is rare but very much enjoyed and
appreciated, including schools, prisons and community centres.
‘TAKE THE WORLD’ takes on our world of today, managing to destroy some modern myths and instilling an energetic spiritual
perspective of hope. True and contemporary stories are intertwined with historical parables through sketches, music and comedy,
producing an entertaining show with a thought provoking edge.
Our world spins with seven billion people on board, all forming opinions and ideas, realising dreams, facing disappointments and failing
to notice everyday miracles. How on earth are we supposed to make sense of it all and what do we take from it?
Five actors have come together to put their personal spin on contemporary life. They are Joe Carron, Katie King, Michael Perkins, Peter
Shaw and Stephanie Wrench. Their views of the world and their own personal stories are used throughout, making this a truly unique,
dynamic production.
As well as performing in pre-booked venues, there are also public performances of ‘TAKE THE WORLD’. Ticket start at £4 for adults and
£3 for concessions. For more details on hosting a production or seeing a public performance please visit
roughshod or call Riding Lights on 01904 655317.
Media Contact
Juliet Buckle
Plug and Tap Group 01765 609167/07891 522910
The Way of the Cross',

a meditation for Holy week
by the Filey Festival Singers
in Filey Methodist Church
on Sunday 1 April at 3pm.


Filey Methodist Church
The Northern Lights in Concert

Vitaly Matveev (Russia, piano), Olga Zhirova (Russia, soprano) and Helen Womack (Yorkshire, alto).
Olga Zhirova is a Decorated Artist of the Russian Federation (modern equivalent of People's Artist of the USSR), so quite a big name
in Moscow.
The programme will include music by Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Vivaldi, Handel, Monteverdi, Purcell and traditional English Anon.
Our idea is that it is bright and loving music to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and one thing we will definitely do is
Monteverdi's love duet from the Coronation of Poppea.
Filey Methodist Church Saturday 19th May at 7.30 pm
Admission £8
Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply
or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the offi-
cial views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the
items or organisations should be taken as granted. Yorsay Newsletter © 2012 York & Hull Methodist District – All
rights reserved.
Publication deadline for next month Yorsay is 20th of the Month

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