Friday, 20 January 2012

text version of February Yorsay

Welcome to the February
Edition of Yorsay. Pdf version available

Page2 400th Bible anniver-
sary follow up/ Biblefresh
Page3 Singing the Faith Plus
Page4 Plough Sunday /
Legal Check List for Church
Page 5 Festival of Preaching
Page6/7 Climate Change
Page8 Facebook and Leo’s
Page9 Lidgett Grove
Page 10 MWiB Launch
Page11 onwards Event ad-

February 2012

From the Chair’s Desk
Last month I reflected on the Methodist Covenant Service and my intention to speak about it
on Radio York on New Year’s Day. That occasion did indeed give me the opportunity to do just
that, and, amongst other topics, to mention my “Chair’s Challenge” relating to our commitment
to children and young people.
This month I would like to reflect on the Methodist Church as a connexional church. The
Connexion is, loosely speaking, the connecting together of Methodists throughout the land –
through local churches, circuits, districts and the Conference. We don’t operate by ourselves
as local churches, because we have a responsibility to act together – supporting and being
supported. This is particularly evident in the stationing of our ministers. The Conference,
through the stationing process, endeavours to send ministers to those places where they are
most needed. That can be challenging at times to ministers and local churches, who may not
always get “what they want”, but we do it because we are part of a larger connexion than our
own church or circuit. I want to pay tribute to all those who co-operate in this discernment
process – especially ministers and circuit stewards.
Our connexional life has also been evident in recent days in the life of the District. During
January we have welcomed the President of the Conference, the Revd Leo Osborn, on a four
day presidential visit.
Firstly, he helped to lead our annual day for supernumerary ministers, and 33 out of our 101
supernumerary colleagues spent time together at Wydale Hall. After that the President and I
were splendidly fed at Ayton Church and told about the work undertaken in what will be the
North Yorkshire Coast Circuit – especially in the smaller rural chapels. It was an inspiring
event, and I would like to think that the presentation can be shared more widely.
On the second day, Circuit Stewards, Circuit Treasurers and Superintendents attended a
training event at Acomb Church. The President gave an invigorating opening address and
joined in each of the four workshops: property, finance, stationing and healthy circuits. It was
partly a way of thanking those who have particular responsibilities, and trying to provide
encouragement and resources for their work.
The Sunday was a full day of worship: the beginning of Kirkbymoorside Church’s 200th
Anniversary celebrations, Evensong in York Minister and an evening Circuit Service in Boston
Spa. We were blessed by the President’s preaching in each place – and a different sermon too
on each occasion!
The District Policy Committee met with the President on the fourth day – again a valuable time
of sharing in District and Connexional conversations, before delivering him to York Station to
allow him to be in London for the Parliamentary Covenant Service later that day. So, alongside
a commitment to connexionalism we land up back with that renewal of our covenant with God
with which I started this letter.
And I write having just said farewell to the Secretary of the Conference, the Revd Dr Martyn
Atkins, who has spent the day in the District. Martyn spent the morning with our Synod
Secretary, Heather Shipman, and me as we undertook my annual Ministerial Development
Review. In the afternoon he joined in our monthly meeting of the District Executive Committee.
You can’t say we haven’t been part of a connexional church, and we thank God for the
partnerships that exist in so many ways. It is a partnership not only between fellow disciples,
but a journey with a God who walks with us – as we seek to be that “discipleship movement
shaped for mission” which we believe we are called to be.
We are all invited – called even – to be part of that journey, and may God bless each one of
Stephen Burgess
District Chair


"400th Anniversary of the Bible:
In 2011 we celebrated the bible in many ways and many places around the District. It has been great to hear how
people all around the District have been touched by their experiences in this anniversary year. If you were blessed
by reading the bible in a new way, sharing the bible with others, writing a verse or putting on an event please will
you share your story with us. We really would love to hear your experiences. Please email Tricia
(, Sue (, Ivan ( or Mary
( or speak to one of us to share your news. The anniversary celebrations may be over
but we hope that you are still being challenged and encouraged by God's word in this new year."

The Bible Fresh initiative inspired creative ideas across the circuit for engaging with the Scriptures. The Circuit held
three events, Digging Deeper ; Walk through the Bible; Riding Lights Theatre Co.
Digging Deeper was a day for doing exactly that. Around fifty people from around the circuit and further afield spent
the day under the excellent tutorship of David Wood and David Bryan. We looked at King David, and the Son of David,
taking a sometimes sideways and surprising angle, being challenged but also helped in our thinking and understanding.
WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE. A great day was had by all!
The Rev Joanne Archer-Siddall (Jo), a Methodist minister from the Huddersfield circuit, came with her two older
daughters (who manned the bookstall) plus husband and baby, and led us through the entire Old Testament in an
unforgettable way. Walk Through The Bible (OT) consists of a total of 77 key words with accompanying actions, each
representing a different part of the story of the Old Testament helping those present to learn and recall it
chronologically. Jo brought a wonderful combination of facts, actions and humour: for a few minutes she would talk
through the stories in a section of the OT, then we would see how it fitted into the overall picture, followed by learning
the key words and actions for that portion. She would finish the section with humorous comments, practical application
or interesting additional information. What might have been a long day passed quickly in a lively interactive, educational
and thought-provoking way. It was a thoroughly well-spent Saturday making us all wish we’d brought a friend!
Both of these events were thoroughly enjoyed by those who took part, and were considered to have been very
worthwhile. The third event was the Riding Lights Theatre Co, on 3rd Dec, and lived up to the promises of their usual
high standard. Bring it back Mac -a tale of two shepherds losing a sheep and Mac the inn keeper needing to feed all
those at the inn including the family with a new born baby in the barn. A good night was had by all. A busy year and
hopefully all the good things started in the Bible fresh year will continue.............
Pip Smith
Circuit Support Manager
Ripon and Lower Dales Methodist Circuit Office

Helping your family to live alongside dementia
More people are affected by dementia everyday: often children find themselves having to offer sensitive care to their parent s and
loved-ones having to cope with a changing relationship with a partner. This free course offers practical help to those facing d ementia
within their family. Over three weeks it will enable you to:find out more about dementia and understand the jargon involved;
understand what it may feel like to be experiencing dementia;
explore your own feelings and uncertainties as you find yourself responsible for the welfare of someone else;
explore practical plans and actions that can help you care for those close to you.
The course will be held at Aroma Coffee Shop, 30 The Village, Haxby, York
on Tuesday 6th,13th & 20th March 2012from 7.30p.m.-9.15p.m.
To book a place, or for more information contact: Corinne Brown 01904 761141 or email


Available now at

Singing the Faith Plus meeting your needs
Singing the Faith Plus ( is the web-based resource designed to complement and support
the new hymn book of the Methodist Church, Singing the Faith. It was established in order to provide a platform for new
hymns, songs and contemporary worship resources as well as offering a single point of access for information on
Methodists hymns and worship.
Designed for musicians and leaders of worship, Singing the Faith Plus (StF+) includes unique search and index facilities,
together with suggestions and articles to assist in choosing the right hymns and songs for local needs. It is also a place to
share new hymns and songs, words and opinions, and to explore new materials for Methodist worship.
Answering your questions
Already, StF+ is evolving as more people use the site and write in with specific notes and queries. We've added a new
menu section, "About StF" (, with pages devoted to the hymn book
itself, other editions and "Frequently asked questions". We've also created a central space for leaving your questions and
Other editions
At the moment, the most frequently asked questions have to do with other versions of the hymn book - especially organ,
electronic words, and backing track versions. These and other options continue to be discussed by the newly formed
Singing the Faith Reference Group, which will guide the development of the book, website and all things related. At the
moment, the latest news is this:
The Electronic Words Edition is now available and further information about this is on the "Other editions" page of the
website (
We've also heard that Hymnal Plus has produced an upgrade to accommodate all the content of Singing the Faith. This
features backing tracks of all 826 accompanied music items in the book. For further information, please go to the Hymnal
Plus site ( We are happy to bring this product to your attention but, as it has been produced
independently, we have not tested it thoroughly and cannot guarantee its accuracy or quality.
News of all further developments will be posted on the website as soon as they happen.
Lectionary suggestions
Already, the "Hymns for Sunday worship" calendar on StF+ is being well used. Here you can find suggestions for which
hymns you might use to accompany the readings of the Lectionary. We are working three months ahead - which means you
can already start planning for Ash Wednesday if you feel like it!
We would be very interested to hear which hymns you actually use for Sunday worship - or at any other time. I was recently
told of a "groundbreaking ceremony" for a new church development at which the gathering sang (outdoors - of course - with
a guitar) "Ye servants of God" (StF 340) and Peter Relf's recent hymn, "In this place, with God's word" (StF 554).
You can let us know what you used (and what worked and what didn't) by posting your choices underneath our own
Lectionary suggestions. And don't forget the Biblical Index - another resource to help you choose appropriate hymns.
An online hymn companion?
StF+ has begun to compile background notes and ideas for singing to accompany each hymn entry on the site. There's a
long way to go but, in the run-up to Christmas, we posted information about Singing the Faith's three new Advent candle
hymns (StF 165, 166 & 174), as well as Marjorie Dobson's "Jesus the carpenter" (StF 275), Geoffrey Ainger's "Born in the
night" (StF 193) and Bernadette Farrell's popular "Longing for light" (StF 706).
Do take time to explore Singing the Faith Plus and let us know what you think. You can get in touch with me by emailing, using the feedback page of the website, or posting your thoughts to "Editor, Singing the
Faith Plus" at Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR.
In the meantime, may I offer you my good wishes for 2012 and for all your worship and music-making.
Yours -Laurence Wareing (Editor, Singing the Faith Plus)
L a u r e n c e w a r e i n g writer, producer & trainereditor, Singing the Faith Plus
e. p. 01968 680934 m. 07968 538816
a. 246 Rullion Road, Penicuik EH26 9JL
Latest news now available at Available now at

World Church event at Pickering Methodist Church at 10 am on 10 March.
Speaker: Francis Nabieu, minister in the York North Circuit and past President of the Sierra Leone Conference


Plough Sunday Service held at
Ripon Cathedral 8th January
[ Andy Rylands John Carter and
Elizabeth Clark ]

Organising a Church Event?

You know all too well that churches often organise occasional events such as special suppers, parties and concerts. The
regulation of such events – whether by the local authority or by licensing bodies – is becoming more complex each year. But fear
not, the Churches Legislation Advisory Service had produced a handy checklist of things that organisers must bear in mind. To get
the Checklist



The Christian Census on Climate Change:
A Catholic group from the North East has launched a “Christian Census on Climate Change.” The initiative is intended to allow
Christians from all denominations across the country to voice their opinions and produce lasting data for discussion.
From a Christian viewpoint, do people think that climate change is of little importance and untouchable, or is it something that
needs to be tackled from both a scientific and moral perspective? We would love to have your views._For churches who would
like to take action in the wake of the UN climate talks in Durban, the census is an ideal way to get congregations talking.
We would like as many people as possible from as many churches as possible to complete the census and email, or post it
back to us. For efficiency, we would suggest that one person per church/meeting to become the ‘messenger’ and promote the
census to the rest of the congregation. They then return completed questionnaires to us.
The deadline for completing the census is the end of March 2012. Results of the census will be released at a special event in
York Minster on Saturday 21st April. The morning service will be led by Archbishop Sentamu, Bishop Terence Drainey and
leaders of other denominations. The afternoon will feature practical workshops on climate change and how congregations and
communities can become more environmentally sustainable.
To download the census and for more information on the York Minster event, please visit our website at; For paper copies of the census, or if you want to participate in the event in York Minster,
please contact Emma Casson, Administrator for the Christian Census on Climate Change tel: 07879372999, email:
Thank you very much.
EXTRA INFORMATION ON QUESTIONS e.g The example shows what is expected
General Questions about climate change
1 This question asks how much of increases in the world's temperature (around 1°C over the past century) has been due to our
burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas etc) which add to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Some people think that climate change is part
of normal climate cycles, and some Christians believe that manmade climate change is part of God’s plan for the Earth.
2 If your knowledge is: never considered climate change score 1, read newspapers 10, read occasional report 20, listen to TV or
radio programmes 30, attend a conference 40, read books 50, witnessed affects 60, keep abreast of 2011findings from scientists
70, study technical papers 80, top expert 90-100.
Questions asking about dangers to others
3 This asks about any link between destructive storms, droughts, and floods etc and climate change.
4 The question asks for an idea of how many people in the world may have to move from their homes due to the effects of drought,
problems with agriculture, sea level rise and other flooding etc within 10 years of the world temperature rising to 3°C (or 5°F) above
pre-industrial levels. This is asked to get your idea of the scale of the problem.
5 This follow-on question asks how many people are going to be able to live on the Earth a generation after the problems outlined in
Question 4 for a 5°C (or 9°F) rise, plus wars associated with migration etc. This is again asked to get your idea of the scale of the
Questions asking when any action might be needed
6 Some experts have been advising us to act quickly, while others tell us to wait and leave it for our children or grandchildren to sort
out. Please give your opinion, assuming it is not too late.
7 This question asks if there is a risk of "tipping points" being reached that will spoil future efforts by mankind to control warming.
Such tipping points could include: loss of Arctic sea ice, the release of frozen methane from the seabed, decay of peat and frozen
tundra, and the burning of the Amazon forests.
8 This question seeks your opinion on how quickly the ice floating in open water around the North Pole (with an area usually the size
of Western Europe) will melt.
Questions on the ethical issues
9 This asks how much of British Christians' thought and action should be on climate change, or is it an issue for scientists,
politicians, emerging nations etc...
10 This asks whether there could be a direct link between our lifestyle and the deaths of people in other parts of the world.
Questions about actions
11 How much our politicians should act on our behalf? 1-10 leave well alone, 10-20 of little importance, 20-30 worth minor
consideration, 30-40 worth some consideration, 40-50 features in some policy recommendations, 50-60 starts to underpin policy
making, 60-70 features in a politician's top 10 campaign priorities, 70-80 underpins major policy decisions,
80-90 in a politician's top 3 campaign priorities and underpins most policy decisions, 90-100 of utmost importance and nothing else
12 The question asks whether in the UK there should be personal carbon allowances for all, or whether cuts in the use of fuels etc
should continue to be from businesses, through green taxes for petrol etc and on a voluntary basis.
Forwarding your questionnaire
It would be useful if each parish/area had a 'messenger' who would collect and forward questionnaires: please consider
volunteering for your area.. Results will be released at the Culmination on April 21st in York Minster - see web for details.


A PDF version of this questionnaire can be downloaded from


York and Hull Methodist Page on Facebook!/pages/York-and-Hull-Methodist-Church/329151680438680
Why not join us for discussions- advertising events– or just keeping in touch with your fellow Methodists ect

Photos taken during the Visit of Rev Leo
Osbourne to the North Yorkshire Coast Circuit
© Ellinor Pugh [ Copied from Facebook All
Rights reserved ]
If any one else has photos taken during Leo’s
visit to the District I should be very pleased to
receive a copy.


Good evening, ladies and gentlermen, boys and girls, and welcome. You may think from the title, that our play
has something to do with the story of the Wizard of Oz.
It hasn't.
You may think that it's full of beautiful music with a thought-provoking script.
It isn't.
You may think that you will go home thrilled with the quality of our production.
You won't.
Perhaps you are looking forward to a simple story without any convolutions of plot for which the writer of this
enterprise is known.

The week before Christmas saw Lidgett Grove Methodist Church in Acomb, York, become Lidgett village – the setting
for the church pantomime. The young people (and some not so young) came together to perform “Somewhere over the
rainbow”, a pantomime best described by the opening words by the Good Fairy and the Pessimistic Pixie:



The pantomime told the story of Herbie and Dorothy, whose mum (Mother Goose) and sisters had been kidnapped by the
snow queen. Herbie and Dorothy, with the help of a snowman, the good fairy, an Irish scarecrow, 3 witches, Cinderella
and her ugly sisters, some sailors and soldiers and an American ogre (aka Revd Graham Carter – ex president of
conference) along with the wizard of Oz, finally defeated the snow queen and the family were re-united.
The pantomime was written, produced and directed by Miss Pauline Onyett (aka the snow queen) and a good time was had
by all.




c/o Speaking Volumes
Po Box 1020
Cambs, CB22 4WX

01223 832671
Charity no. 255001

Press release

David Winter to present the Ultimate Christian Library Book Award 2012

The Ultimate Christian Library Book Awards this year will be presented by David Winter and will take place at the National CRE
at Sandown Racecourse on 9th May. Everyone is welcome to see the awards ceremony, starting at 11.30 hrs in the Park View
Suite and will receive a packed 'goody bag' with vouchers and freebies worth up to £50.
David Winter, former Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC, regular contributor to 'Thought for the Day' and columnist in the
Church Times is himself an author of over 40 books. His initial and best selling book 'Hereafter' was the first ever supported by
the 'Speaking Volumes' trustees (CBPT) and is delighted to be asked to present the 2012 awards saying that 'I feel a particular
connection to the sponsors of this award'.
Meanwhile, public voting has started swiftly for both the adult and children's category and all books look like they will be hotly
Shortlisted books in the adult category include 'A Time to Care' by Emily Ackerman, 'Resistance Fighter' by Susie Howe both
published by IVP, 'The Wrong Messiah' by Nick Page published by Hodder Faith, 'Mugabe and the White African' by Ben Freeth
of Lion Publishing and 'Faith Under Fire' by Andrew White published by Monarch.
The Children's list includes 'A New Shape' by Anna Payne published by CWR, 'The Lion Classic Bible' by Andrea Skevington and
'My Look and Point Bible' both by Lion, 'Babylon' by Hannah MacFarlane and 'The Oncoming Storm' by Andrew R Guyatt both
from Scripture Union.
Emily Ackerman, author of 'A Time to Care' (her first book) said ‘I am really pleased to have been shortlisted for this particular
award, because I set out to write a book about parent caring that would be useful for anybody and reveal the riches of the faith in
a user-friendly way.’
Voting is possible until 31st March at Every person voting receives a free ticket to the National
CRE. David's story shows how vital early support for Christian authors can be - your vote could make that difference!
For further details contact:
Paula Renouf, Director of Speaking Volumes 01223 832671








Ampleforth College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and a
Criminal background check will be carried out on all successful applicants.


It's for YOU - "For You"
The third European Methodist Festival takes place in Krakow on 8-12 August 2012. It is for everyone; children and adults,
individuals and families.
We will meet in workshops, seminars, Wesley (small) groups and prayer groups, at Morning Praise and in night cafés, at Gospel
workshops and informal coffee sessions at the 'EMK-Mobil'. Sports and games will also be offered. A guided tour of the city and trips
to nearby sights (e.g. the Auschwitz memorial site) are being planned. More information about the festival and current news can be
found online at
Anne-Marie Holloman l Executive Support Officer
The Projects, Research & Development Cluster | The Connexional Team 020 7467 5219 [direct line]



Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please
do not reply or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter
are not necessarily the official views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District
and no inferred support for any of the items or organisations should be taken as granted. Yorsay
Newsletter © 2012 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.
Publication deadline for next month Yorsay is 20th of the Month


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