This is a text version The full Colour version is downloadable from
With this new connexional year I begin my seventh decade as a Methodist
minister and have been asked to share my reflections here. It is inevitable
Welcome to the September
that there are some too incriminating to divulge, but I welcome this
Edition of Yorsay. opportunity to reveal more innocent ones.
I imagine myself being asked, in the course of an interview “In sixty years
At the start of a new Method-
of ministry you must have seen many changes in the Methodist Church? “
ist year we welcome new
To this I reply [ still in my imagination of course] “ Certainly I have, and
staff to the District [Page2]
have voted against every one of them !”
and some of you will be re-
While it is true that so much in our twenty-first century Methodism is
ceiving this newsletter for the unrecognisably different from what I found in the late ‘ forties of the
first time—this is because twentieth’ when I was struggling to deal with the call to ministry, yet I
your names have appeared in constantly give thanks for one Methodist peculiarity which remains intact
the 2011/12 directory. and unthreatened.
I have learned from a neighbour of mine what retirement means. He was
for many years a police office : now he is a retired police officer. It was a
Page 2 Wetherby surprise to me to learn that retirement severs him completely from the
Police Service—he has no greater authority than the next man. He isn’t a
Page 3 Malton policeman any more.
How different for those of us who have “sat down” after our time of
Page 4 District World Church
travelling as Methodist ministers ! Although our abbreviation in the
Day / Greenbelt
District Directory is RM [ which looks suspiciously like ’Retired Minister’ ]
Page4/5 Handwritten Bible we are Supernumerary , we are still under the discipline of the Conference;
there is , thank God, no retirement for us.
Page5 Synod Parking
Thus in my Supernumerary years I have had the opportunity of continuing
Page 6 MHA Conference to exercise my preaching ministry in neighbouring circuits as well as in
my own. My diaries confirm that I have averaged at least a hundred
Page7 onwards - General
appointments in each year so far : a source of great delight to me [ and to
Events my hirers ?]
In these visits to very many chapels in our District I almost always see a
framed copy of our covenant with sister churches [ though usually hung in
the vestry so as to be seen only by the few]. So far, though , I cannot recall
even one of these places where I have noticed any change locally that has
resulted from it’s existence.
The covenant was one change that I did vote for , but , just because I did , I
feel even more regretful that none of us seems to take it seriously. Is this a
case of “ I’m quite prepared to accept change so long as it makes no
This month letter from Rev Peter Howard ‘Retired Minister’ in the York South
Circuit who was ordained in 1951.
We extend a very warm welcome to our new staff in the District well I say new 4 of them are returning to us after tasting life outside
of Yorkshire and realising that “God’s own County were best!!” David Perry, Ian Hill, Chris and Denise Free. We also extend a very
warm welcome to Philip Turner Peter Barnett Amy Walters John Pugh , Helen Webster and John Fisher.
If I have missed anyone then my apologies.
19 JUNE 2011
Over the weekend of the 18/19 June Wetherby Methodist Church celebrated the completion of a building project which had taken the
congregation over 3½ years to complete and cost £435k. The Church is now able to offer greatly enhanced facilities through modern
rooms, new toilets and an enhanced chapel which enable the congregation to ‘Reach Out’ to the local community.
Under the banner of ‘Reaching Out’ the intention behind the project was to create
A spiritual home for those who seek it
A physical home for community and social needs groups of all types
A base from which volunteers are resourced and energised
As a Church committed to being part of a discipleship movement shaped for mission, stage one – the building – is now complete and
as the Revd Stephen Burgess, Chair of District, reminded us when he preached at the opening service, we look forward to the next
steps. The gospel lectionary reading for Trinity Sunday was ‘The Great Commission’ and we look forward to playing our part as we
receive the legacy handed on to us from those first 11 disciples.
Saturday 18th was an open day when we invited people to look around the new centre and to join us for Coffee
Sunday 19 June – morning and evening service. Over 225 people including Civic dignitaries, members of community groups, our
architect Steve Potts of PPI & Y and Mark Nelson representing the builders Manor House developments attended the morning service
Our ecumenical friends and circuit churches attended the evening service which was similarly well attended. A fantastic weekend
From Left to right the people are Revd Steve Barlow (Minister) Mr Mark Nelson (Contractor - Manor House Developments) Mr Stephen
Potts (Architect - PPI & Y) Leslie Kwallah (young person) Mrs Betty Wilson Revd Stephen Burgess (District Chair) Mrs Heather Shipman
(Lay Pastor)
Article courtesy Methodist Recorder 4th August 2011
York Gospel Male Voice Praise invite you to a Gospel Concert
Acomb Methodist Church, York
Saturday 10th September at 6.45 pm
Admisssion free. Offering during concert
Guests Trevor Jones, The Trimadonaires, John Woodmansey.
Male Voice Praise is a men's choral movement singing Christian music and
is now over 70 years old. The emphasis is on fellowship and mission.
The York choir will be augmented by members from eight other choirs
ranging from Carlisle to Leicester.
Further details from the conductor David Lindsay 01723 585919
District World Church Day
October 15th
at Tadcaster Methodist Church
10.0 am to
The speaker is Dr Richard Vautrey, Past Vice- President of Conference.
He will be speaking about his recent visit to the World Methodist Council in South Africa
Please bring a packed lunch
Methodist Mingle at Greenbelt
Methodists attending Greenbelt are invited to come to the
Methodist Church venue Galilee on Saturday 27 August from
6.45pm to 7.45pm to mingle together over some nibbles and
refreshments. The president of the Conference, the vice-
president, the general secretary and the president designate
will all be there mingling! It will be an opportunity to share
together. The mingle will follow on from Martyn Atkins’s talk
entitled ‘Why the first Christians were really Methodists’ and
we hope people will stay around afterwards to chat.
There will also be a Methodist presence on one of the
Greenbelt panels. Paul Morrison from the Joint Public Issues
Team will be debating 'The Poor are Poor because the Rich are
Rich' on Saturday 27 August and Steve Hucklesby, also from JPIT, will be helping to set up the prayer station at Creation
Challenge: the environmental network of the Methodist Church, The Baptist Union and the United Reformed Church.
In addition to a full programme of talks, debates and study at Galilee, there will also be social media surgeries and a film school.
80 attendees will be offered the chance to form an instant production team, shoot a short film in the space of a few hours and
receive encouragement, advice and feedback from an experienced industry professional from a team of BBC producer-directors.
Anyone with a camera phone, a PC and a YouTube account is now a broadcaster: Come and get some tips from the professionals.
The Handwritten Bible can now be viewed online!
A huge THANK YOU To everyone who helped in any way in the transcription of the bible chapters within York and Hull District. If you are
one of the many people who helped to write a verse or illustrate one of the pages then your work has now been bound into one of the
31 volumes and forms part of this unique copy of the bible. What is more you can go on line to the deepening discipleship website to
see your work in the scanned copy. Why not take a look and read the work of other scribes around the District and country while you
are there.
We will have the two of the volumes here in the District in early September. Part of the book of Isaiah (including the chapters written in
York and Hull) plus Hebrews to Jude in the new testament (including 2 Thessalonians and 1 Timothy written in our District) are coming
to visit our District. Your first opportunity to see them will be at the Bible Festival in Strensall on 3rd and 4th September. Synod
members will have another opportunity to see them when Synod meets in Norton the following Saturday. Please do take the
opportunity to see them if you can.
If you would like to host one or more volumes of the bible in your Circuit please contact me for details of how to make arrangements.
Once again an enormous thank you to everyone who made the transcribing possible around our District. Well done everyone!
News Release
11 August 2011
The Methodists' Handwritten Bible goes live online
The complete Methodists’ Handwritten Bible, created by tens of thousands of people across Britain and
Northern Ireland, is now online.
The Handwritten Bible contains 7,000 pages of text and illustrations transcribed by people from every part of Britain and further
afield. More than 30,000 volunteers joined in from across communities - including prisons, schools, colleges, libraries, nursing
homes, airports and shopping centres - to copy the whole of the NRSV translation of the Bible after Methodists voted to
transcribe the Scripture at their Conference in Portsmouth last year.
Since the first volume went live on the Deepening Discipleship website last month, the Handwritten Bible has been viewed more
than 1,000 times. Most of those readers accessed the site from within the UK, but there have been visitors from 76 other
countries, including the United States, Malaysia, Australia and South Africa.
Revd Jenny Ellis, Co-ordinator of Evangelism, Spirituality and Discipleship, said: “We have already had many people asking to
display the hardbound copies of the Bible, including a request from the Caribbean. The Handwritten Bible has been divided up
into 31 volumes; some of those volumes are currently on display at the Liskeard Methodist Church in Cornwall while others are
on show at Worcester Cathedral. Now that all the volumes are online, people can view the whole Bible. It’s a way of connecting
us all together as we value and celebrate the Scriptures.”
As part of the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, people were invited to join Methodists in handwriting verses from the
Scripture. Verses have been written in English, Chinese, Welsh and Braille with accompanying illustrations.
Dave Webster, Internet Communications Coordinator who was responsible for uploading the Handwritten Bible online, said: “The
Handwritten Bible has the human touch. The care and love that people put into it are expressed in the ever-changing handwriting
and illustrations. This makes reading it a unique and moving experience.”
The Methodists’ Handwritten Bible will be available for display at churches, Bible Fresh events, anniversaries and museums up
until the 2012 Methodist Conference.
Please Note that parking at the College is limited but should be sufficient ; an overflow
car park has been arranged at St Peter's Church House Langton Road Norton YO17 9AE
[shown on map] and will be signposted if required
Church appeals following UK riots
A number of people have been in touch to ask how they can give to church appeals supporting communities
following the riots. The Methodist Church is not running a national appeal. If you want to support a church in an
affected area, then the best thing to do would be to get in touch with that church directly. If you want to help that
church get publicity for its appeal, then perhaps you could get in touch with the local paper, or suggest that the
church publicise its appeal on its own website (if the church has a website).
If you would like to make a donation to the Mission in Britain Fund which makes grants to local churches and
circuits, you can give online through JustGiving here. Or, if you would prefer to send a cheque, please make it
payable to Mission in Britain Fund and send it to The Mission in Britain Fund, Methodist Church House, 25
Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR. However, the Mission in Britain Fund is not running a national appeal
following the riots.
An introductory Training Course
in Prayer Guiding at:
The Endsleigh Centre,
481 Beverley Road,
The training consists of eight sessions on:
Jan 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, and
Feb 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th in 2012
Time: Tuesdays, 6.45 pm – 9.00 pm
Suggested Donation: £30 for all eight sessions
Training will be offered by an experienced team
Tel No:………………………………………………Email……………………………………………………
Please return to: Sister Catherine at the Endsleigh Centre (address above) by December 1st 2011. Cheques to
be made payable to: “The Endsleigh Pastoral Centre”
An introductory Training Course in Prayer Guiding
What is Prayer Guiding? Is it for me?
Prayer Guiding is for people who are on their Christian journey and who are looking for ways in
which their journey with God might be invigorated and deepened, or who are looking to
progress that journey in new and creative ways.
Prayer Guides are people whose gifts are to encourage and affirm others, yet who can gently
challenge and suggest new and innovative ways in which others may move forward in their
own way, and at their own pace, with God. Prayer Guides are those who feel that God is
calling them to this kind of shared ministry.
Prayer Guide training is an opportunity for a person to first of all test out this calling and then
to develop the skills and gifts to be able to perform it. The training will encourage Prayer
Guides to explore their own personal prayer and their attitudes towards others’ ways of
praying, particularly developing skills such as listening, creativity, the ability to offer different
ways of praying, whilst accompanying others on their journey of faith.
This introductory training is open to women and men of any denomination.
Interested? Then please complete the application form overleaf and return by 1st December
We are often concerned
about the lack of use our
buildings are put too but
this Catholic Chapel is on a
farm in a small village of
three or four farms and is
used once a month for
Haus Holl
Invite you to a Day Conference in Birmingham
Caring for the Whole Person:
Honouring the Spiritual in the Care of Older People
Wednesday, 9th November 2011 ● Registration from 9.30am
The Paragon Hotel, 145 Alcester Street, Birmingham, B12 0PJ
The event will explore the context of ageing in the 21st Century and help carers,
whether formal, informal or family members, discover ways of meeting the spiritual
needs of older people
Celebrity Guest: Pam Rhodes, Television Presenter and Patron of MHA
Keynote Speakers: Nigel Thompson, Head of Equality, CQC
Ann Morisy, Community Theologian and Lecturer
Keith Albans, MHA Group Director, Chaplaincy & Spirituality
Who Should Attend:
Health and Social Care Professionals, Chaplains, Clergy and Church pastoral leaders, Older People, Informal Carers
For a booking form and enquiries please contact:
Hazel Twynham
Department of Chaplaincy & Spirituality
Methodist Homes (MHA)
Epworth House
Stuart Street
Tel: 01332 221831. Email:
Cost (full day including lunch): £35 for bookings received before 30th September or £45 thereafter.
Booked your 2012 Holiday yet ?? Why not join us
For full details of the tour and on line booking go to the World Wide Christian Travel Web site or contact
Brian or Bob on the e mails shown who also have the brochures
Day 1 - Saturday Travel from Northern England to the south coast. Dinner and overnight at Plymouth.
Day 2 - Sunday Board the Brittany Ferries cruise ferry service to Spain. Relax and enjoy a night on board ship.
Day 3 - Monday Arrive in Spain and proceed to the wonderful old city of Leon for dinner and an overnight stay.
Day 4 - Tuesday Some time to explore the beautiful Cathedral city of Leon. In the afternoon the route travels through Astorga before
continuing on the faster route via Lugos and Betanzos to arrive in Santiago de Compostela, for a 4 night stay.
Day 5 - Wednesday Full day at leisure in Santiago. We suggest a morning guided sightseeing tour including a visit to the Cathedral
followed by an afternoon at leisure.
Day 6 - Thursday Full scenic day excursion to Rias Baixas. Start from Pontevedra and travel through a succession of pretty villages
following the route through Combarro, Sanxenxo, Pontonovo and Cambadas. See the small fishing ports, cliffs and wonderful
Day 7 - Friday Another full day in Santiago. In addition to the many historical and cultural sites there are countless restaurants
specializing in Galician cuisine.
Day 8 - Saturday Depart Santiago and travel along Spain’s northern coast, through Asturias, to arrive in the province of Cantabria for
a 2 night stay.
Day 9 - Sunday A short local excursion to Santillana del Mar, a town best described as a living museum.
Day 10 - Monday Join the a Brittany Ferries cruise-ferry service from Spain with a comfortable night on board.
Day 11 - Tuesday Arrive on England’s south coast and travel home.
Itinerary subject to change.
Between March and June 2012 Riding Lights will be touring nationally an original, extra-ordinary piece of
theatre about the revival of the modern Olympic Games. Monsieur de Coubertin's Magnificent Opymlic©
Feat! takes you back to where it all began - to the glittering banquets in Paris where big moustached men
made big plans, to Shropshire's Much Wenlock Olympicks, a huge source of inspiration for the father of
the games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin. It's set to be glorious fun and games - epic and energetic, this new
production will appeal to sports fans and theatre nuts.. everywhere! It will capture the mood of the
country in the build-up to the London Games and it will also bring together the Company's natural church-
linked audience with a new audience of people who are passionate about sport. The show will provide a
really enjoyable meeting point for outreach in the local community. We hope it will bring people together
in a way which will kick start relationships that become much more than bronze, silver or gold.
Riding Lights would like to bring this production to you and be part of your Olympic celebrations! If you
would like to host in your church, village hall, local leisure centre, or theatre, then get in touch with the
administrator for this tour, Jessica Lawson, on or 01904 655317.
10.00am – 3.00pm.
CAR BOOT SALE in the front car park.
To book a car space, £5.00 general public £8.00 trade.
Please contact Dale Brittain Tel: 075 221 925 76
OUR TABLE TOP SALE in the rear car park.
(01377 257323) OR SHEILA REDSHAW (01377252198)
Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply
or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the offi-
cial views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the
items or organisations should be taken as granted. Yorsay Newsletter © 2011 York & Hull Methodist District – All
rights reserved.
Publication deadline for next month Yorsay is 20th of the Month
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