Welcome to the July Edition of
Yorsay. This is just a word version of the newsletter for the full version with graphics go to July 2011 pdf edition
Some of the items included in
this month edition are :-
Page 2 Clergy Movements/
Church Copyright Law
Page 3 Snaith, Selby & Goole
Page 4 Methodist Conference
Page 5 Electronic Information
Page 6 & 7 Singing the Faith
From Page 8 onwards Events
throughout the District
JULY 2011
YORSAY July 2011
From the Chair’s Desk
Many of you will be aware that by the time July begins the Methodist
Conference will be in session in Southport – if not, then just look
elsewhere in this issue of YORSAY or on the Methodist Church website!
Amongst many crucial matters to be debated, both within and outside
the Church, my thoughts turn towards the report from the Joint
Implementation Commission. That is a rather grand title for the group
which encourages and oversees the work undertaken between the
Church of England and the Methodist Church, “moving us forward in
covenant” as their report calls it.
One aspect of that report is a proposal that we create “Covenant
Partnerships in Extended Areas” to provide “a greatly enhanced form of
shared ministry”. There remain things within each tradition which
perplex the other. For example, as Methodists we watch with some
amazement as the Church of England wrestles with the prospect of
women bishops; our Anglican friends wonder just how long it will be
before we accept some form of episcopacy (i.e. bishops) into the British
Methodist Church.
But, the idea of covenant partnerships in extended areas is seen as a
way forward together in mission – within existing church “rules”. I am
attracted to the proposals, not least because we can thereby share in
God‟s work, rather than being seen as in competition with each other.
I hope that those of who will be at the Conference can come back
inspired – in many ways, but especially in this ecumenical initiative. And
I also hope that each of you might make a commitment to consider just
how we might work together more closely with all our fellow Christians,
and particularly with our covenant partners in the Church of England. All
of us have a part to play in this, so please let‟s push the boundaries and
try something different.
After all, it is for the sake of the Gospel, and for the good of God‟s world.
Every blessing
Stephen Burgess
District Chair
Andrew Robinson
Stephen Beer [Retiring]
Keith Borwick
Chris Kirkman [Retiring Staying in
District] and Brice Herbert
Dale Cotton
Cameron Stirk
Elizabeth Clark
Barrie Morley [Retiring]
Ray Coates [Retiring Staying in
Stuart Gunson [Retiring]
Nigel Spencer [Retiring Staying in
Peter Cross
Chris Free
John Fisher (supernumerary)
David Perry
Peter Barnett
Denise Free
Ian Hill
Philip Turner
Kathie Heathcoat
Elizabeth Clark
Amy Walters
John Pugh and Helen Webster
Peter Cross
P a g e 2
Stationing movements August 2011
Hull West
Kathie Heathcoat
Hull East
York North
Thirsk & Northallerton
Other information
Mark Haynes will be Super of Scarborough, Whitby, Filey and Sherburn
Steve Barlow will be Super of Tadcaster
We send all those leaving the District or “Sitting Down” our heartfelt thanks for their service and fellowship during their time with
us and for those moving on to pastures new God Speed.
[Information as known at present before Conference approval any alterations will be notified in a future edition ]
Changes in copyright law
From 1 January 2011 changes to copyright law in the UK mean that churches now require a PPL
licence to play recorded music. This amendment followed lengthy government consultation
during which CCLI registered its concern regarding the proposed changes. However, the
exemptions previously enjoyed by churches have now been removed.
There is one exception. Following discussions with CCLI, PPL has agreed to waive the
requirement for a licence if the only time recorded music is played on church premises is during
acts of divine worship. However, if recorded music is played on any other occasion, a licence is
If you are a CCLI licence-holder, CCLI will be contacting you shortly with more details about how
the change in law might affect you. Meanwhile you can find more information at www.ccli.co.uk/
P a g e 3
After launching the E100 Biblefresh initiative at local churches some of those taking part are logging in to St
Hazelnuts Church on Facebook to report their progress and encourage others.
One recent Blog was „ 5 down just 95 to go!‟. The message promoted by St
Hazelnuts is that „the news on the street about Bible reading is that everybody‟s
doing it – so pick up yours and read it now !‟ The on line church of St Hazelnuts
was set up several months ago by myself and two other Post Grad students from
Cliff College. Anyone can join by simply logging in and requesting to join the 90
strong church which offers regular God chat, Prayer support and even worship
on line from time to time.
Revd Sue Pegg
St Hazelnuts facebook site is http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/
Rev Sally Coleman's Ordination (July 3)
The Methodist Church's governing body is the Conference which meets annually around the end of June/early July in different parts of
Britain. This year it is in Southport and, during the Conference, Ordination services will take place in four venues, with thirty five people
being ordained as ministers or deacons. Because of the large number of people attending these special services, large churches are
needed and one such venue this year is Liverpool Cathedral. (We don't mind using Anglican churches if it suits us!)
It is a long time since we had a local ordinand from our Circuit (and the only one this year from the York and Hull District) so it is a really
special occasion to have one of our own ministers, Rev Sally Coleman from Sherburn in Elmet, finalising her training and preparation as
she is received as a fully ordained presbyter in Liverpool Cathedral. Quite a few of us will be travelling over the M62 to Liverpool for this
very special service. It will be the first time most of us will have been to this kind of service so we are looking forwarding to the
For those who cannot make it to Liverpool, there will be a local "Ordination" celebration at Hensall, led by Malcolm Bott, as part of our
monthly Circuit Service.
Burn Flower Festival (July 1-3)
Burn Methodist Church is holding a Flower Festival based on Bible Stories themes. On the Friday, there will be a Festival Songs of Praise
at 7.30 pm, then the chapel will be open for the Flower Festival all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon. There will be refreshments
galore (Burn is very good at this) to sustain visitors before, during and after their perambulations. There is a lot of very creative talent in
Burn so please support them on this weekend. You will be glad you've gone.
Inter Circuit Cricket Match (July 9)
Regular readers of this Magazine may recall my past notes of this all-important Yorkshire cricket match between circuit teams from
Snaith & Selby and Goole. Forget the Test and County matches, T20's, ODI's and other minor events, this is the one to watch. These
regular readers will also recall that the ICCM has previously taken place on the first Sunday afternoon in July at the world-renowned
cricket ground at the rear of Barlby Chapel and that our Snaith and Selby team (with several Brayton members) have won the ma tch and
trophy since its inception four years ago.
Not surprisingly, the Goole team are a bit peeved so they are insisting that this year's match takes place on their territory so we are
travelling across country to Gilberdyke (Where? Location can be found via Google Maps.) Not being as righteous as our lot, th ey have
arranged the match for Saturday afternoon. I'm sure they await our visit with trepidation whilst we are looking forward to securing
(hopefully) another success. Time will tell! If you want a nice afternoon out, feel free to come and support us. I'm told an excellent Bring
and Share tea will follow.
Ministers' Prayer Cycle Ride (July 22-23)
Last year, our three Circuit ministers gallantly cycled round the whole of the Circuit, visiting each of our nineteen churches within a
twelve hour period one very hot Saturday in May. At each church, they spent time with the local people in prayer and worship and,
through sponsorship, over £2000 was raised for Christian Aid. More importantly, this was a day of prayer and each of our chap els was
opened for two hours (coinciding with the cyclists' visit) for prayer, reflection and meditation.
This year, these intrepid (or maybe another word might be appropriate!) clergy are going even further - to the ends of the known earth.
Well, to Goole and thereabouts! Joined by the Goole minister, the Fab Four are cycling to each of the eight Goole churches spread along
the river bank, from Garthorpe to Gilberdyke and a few inland, and then around the nineteen chapels in our Circuit. At least, this year
they are doing it over a two day period but it will still be a lot of hard work, a lot of cycling and a lot of miles.
As last year, there will be an opportunity at each church for prayer and worship and to support a charitable aim - this time Methodist
Homes for the Aged. At a time when some care homes are under scrutiny for their poor management and treatment of elderly peop le
and the whole ethos of care for the elderly is a political concern, we would encourage people to support this wonderful organ isation with
its Christian ideals and loving care for those within its responsibility. (If you wish to donate, please contact 707530.)
The cycle team will be visiting our local chapels (Brayton, Burn and Thorpe) sometime on Saturday but the final timetable has not yet
been organised. Contact 707530 for further information if you are interested.
Methodist Conference 2011
30 June – 7 July
This year’s Methodist Conference will take place in Southport, at the Southport Theatre and Convention
Centre .The reports on the agenda for this year’s Methodist Conference are all now available online here .
Live video of the main Conference debates from the main hall will be streamed online and people will also be
able to watch debates later through the Conference website.
Key events and issues for debate will include:
Saturday •
The inaugural address of the President and Vice-President of the Conference, Revd Lionel Osborn and Mrs
Ruth Pickles.
Presentation of the Handwritten Bible – a full transcript of the Bible handwritten by Methodists from every
part of Great Britain.
Monday •Report of the General Secretary of the Methodist Church .
•Carbon Reduction – the Conference is due to make a major statement on climate change, including practical,
ethical and theological perspectives.
Tuesday•Report on More Than Gold– helping churches make the most of the 2012 Olympic Games.
•Celebration of the new Methodist hymn collection, Singing the Faith , due to be published in September
2011.•Research on the 18-30s age range, also known as the 'Missing Generation' in today’s churches.
•Discussion of the latest report on the Anglican-Methodist Covenant , which urges the Churches to join forces
in a more far-reaching way than ever before
•Debates on the Big Society , poverty and inequality .
Please note that this timetable may change as Conference business progresses.
Through the Conference website, people will be able to watch the debates live as they happen, or catch-up
later on. The media team will also be live-tweeting the debates and decisions on the Methodist Media twitter
stream – follow us via @methodistmedia (#methconf) on Twitter . You can also check out the latest news
from Conference on the Methodist Media Facebook page .
For Information
Singing the Faith – Electronic Words Edition
The Electronic Words edition is a software package which provides access to the hymn and song words in Singing the Faith.
1 Browser
At the core of the software is a low-resolution image of each double-page spread of the music edition. You can navigate the pages by
clicking forward or backwards at will.
2 Search facility
The software package also includes a search facility which enables you to locate a hymn or song by page or hymn/song number.
(These correspond to the pages and hymn/song numbers in the book.) Alternatively there is a set of indexes.
3 Export function
Once you have found your chosen hymn or song, you can export the words for which copyright permission has been given.
The words can be exported either as a single file per item, in Microsoft WordTM document format, or in PDF, Rich Text and plain text.
They can also be copied via the clipboard in Rich Text or plain text. Users may find it convenient to paste the Rich Text versions into
presentation software such as PowerPointTM or the plain text versions into service compilation programs such as Easy WorshipTM.
4 Copyright
Purchase of this electronic words edition does not guarantee access to all of the hymn and song texts.
Access to the hymn or song words on each page is individually controlled according to the wish of the respective copyright holders.
(Note: the music cannot be exported.)
Some copyright holders require that users have a valid CCLI licence before access is granted. There is provision for entering a
licence number when activating the software, or one can be added at a later date.
Where the copyright holder does not participate in CCLI, there is no implied licence for export or use of any of the material.
Consequently, permission must be sought in each instance from the appropriate copyright administrator.
5. Technical specification
The main installation package is downloadable from a website. When you order the electronic words you will be sent a Program Key
which is needed to activate the software. The software can be installed and activated for use on a single PC at any one time only by
the purchase of the Program Key.
The software is compatible with all versions of Windows from Windows 2000 to Windows7, including XP and Vista. There is no
version for Macintosh. If you install on Windows 2000 or later you need Administrator privileges to run the program successfully.
The program requires around 15Mb of space on your hard drive, as well as an equivalent amount of temporary space during
The Browser requires adequate screen display resolution to appear at its best. The minimum resolution is 800 x 600 pixels, but it
will look best at higher resolutions, and has been optimised for 1024 x 768 and 1280 x 1024 pixels. If your system is running at a
resolution less than 800 x 600 then this program will not run.
An alternative method of activation, updating (eg adding a CCLI licence) or upgrading are provided via the website if the user‟s
machine is not connected to the Internet, in which case this is done via another computer, and the downloaded bespoke file taken
to the registered computer on a removable device, such as a USB stick.
At any time the software can be uninstalled and unregistered, and then reinstalled on another machine of the user‟s choice
May 2011
The Methodist Church
Singing the Faith
Welcome to the May 2011 edition of
Singing the Faith News
It was good to meet some of you at the Christian Resources Exhibition (CRE)
a couple of weeks ago. I was pleased to discover that the majority of visitors
to the Methodist Church stand were very aware of the hymn book‟s imminent
arrival. The message is definitely working its way through the Connexion!
Many other events have already taken place at church, circuit or district level
where Singing the Faith has been introduced. Thank you if you have been
involved in any of these.
The Methodist Conference
The final report of the Music Resources Group (MRG) will be presented to this year‟s Conference in early July. This
marks the beginning of the end of a process that began in 2004 when the Conference first set the wheels in motion
for a new music resource for the Methodist Church.
Presented by the Chair of the MRG, Barbara Bircumshaw, the report will describe the work that has been
undertaken over the last 12 months and recognises all that has been done by past and present members of the
Group in order to bring the new collection to fruition.
In order to celebrate all of their achievements, a Singing the Faith cake will also be presented to the Conference and
a local choir will sing a selection of songs and hymns from the new collection. We trust that the Conference
Representatives will enjoy this edible and audible interlude in their busy schedule of work.
We are delighted that the Good News Singers have volunteered to be our choir not just for the Conference launch event
but also for the „singing the faith‟ themed Sunday Worship service for BBC Radio 4 (broadcast in June). The choir, based in
the Chorley and Leyland Methodist Circuit, is a large ecumenical group led by Sue and Mark Guénault.
Dates for your diary
The Conference celebration will be the first of a number of launch events taking place across the Connexion. These
will culminate in a service of thanksgiving and praise at Wesley‟s Chapel, London on Friday 21 October at 6.30pm.
You are warmly invited to this very joyful occasion. We will be „raising the roof‟ as we thank the MRG for all their
hard work and dedicate the hymn book to the praise and glory of God. More details to follow but put the date in your
diary! If London is a little out of reach then these two other events could be of interest:
•24 September, The New Room Bristol, 10am-6pm
A celebration day to mark the 75th anniversary of The Hymn Society of Great Britain & Ireland and the launch of
Singing the Faith.
For further details, contact Philip Carter or 0117 977 9152.
•08 October, Coventry Central Hall, 7pm-9pm
Singing the Faith launch night – a district celebration of music and song
For further details, contact Amanda Bicknell or 024 7625 2411.
Further information on all these events will also be available on www.singingthefaith.org.uk
Getting ready for publication
It has been a hectic few weeks for our Editor-in-Chief, Peter Brophy, and all those who have been assisting him. I will
leave it to Peter to provide you with a snapshot of his current tasks. He writes:
All the hymns are chosen, the typesetting and music engraving is well advanced, the printer and binder booked, the
paper for printing the new book was ordered back in January – so all is going smoothly. Well, sort of. That well worn
metaphor of the swan sailing smoothly across the lake comes to mind. On the surface all is calm and quiet progress.
Underneath there‟s frantic paddling!
Much of what we‟re doing is checking and agreeing the fine detail. Page proofs – which show what each page will look
like – have been produced and are being minutely examined for possible errors – of which there are, perhaps
inevitably, quite a few. Some are typographical glitches that would be very embarrassing if they slipped through (so
we‟ve corrected „ide on, ride on in majesty‟!). Some are mistakes in the music: an incorrect note, a missing slur, an
omitted bar line. Some concern a mismatch between the words printed with the music and the words printed as a
block of text opposite. Some are about the „geography‟ of the pages – we want to avoid musicians having to make
awkward page turns, for example. A few concern mis-attribution of words or music.
At the same time, the page proofs have gone to the holders of the copyright in each piece with a request for
permission to include it in the book – this may seem late in the day but most rights holders want to know not only what
it is intended to publish but how it will look in the book. This process, in which our publishers, Hymns Ancient &
Modern are well-versed, shouldn‟t produce too many problems, but there will be some.
Then there‟s all the ancillary material, such as the biblical index (nearly 6,000 entries there), the Lord‟s Prayer in its
traditional and modern versions (which must be exactly as printed in the Methodist Worship Book), the Preface and so
on. Each of these has to be carefully checked.
We expect there to be a revised set of page proofs to check in the next few days, followed by the final set in the order
in which they will be printed, complete with their final numbers. Also the words only edition will need to be checked
carefully. So, by God‟s grace, the swan will reach the farther shore – and Methodism will have its new hymn book.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Singing the Faith Plus
Don‟t forget to let us know your thoughts and ideas about how we can make Singing the Faith Plus the resource you
want. Email the editor, Laurence Wareing, at editor@stfplus.co.uk, or phone him on 01968 680934.
Kind regards
BBC celebration of Singing the Faith - 26 June
The BBC will be celebrating the forthcoming publication of the new Methodist hymn book with
two programmes scheduled to broadcast on 26 June.
There is a „singing the faith‟ themed Sunday Worship service on Radio 4 at 8.10am followed by a
special edition of BBC One‟s Songs of Praise in the afternoon. The programme will reflect upon
what makes a truly inspiring hymn and features interviews with some of those involved in the
production of the new hymn collection.
Journey through the land of the Bible
For many, the opportunity to journey through the land of the Bible can be a
momentous experience_ Joining with others for such a journey allows people
to share those experiences and make lasing friendships with like-minded
Riding Lights Theatre Company irst visited Israel in May 2006 when the
message from the Palesinian Chrisian communiies was ‘tell our story, pray
for us, visit us’_ This irst visit was the inspiraion for the play Salaam
Bethlehem which toured the UK in 2007 and helped to tell their story as well
as encouraging audiences to involve themselves through acion and prayer
and by visiing the Holy Land_
In November 2008, Riding Lights’ irst Living Stones tour saw a group of 50
people on a unique trip to Israel/Palesine which combined the special Riding
Lights brand of theatrical storytelling on visits to some of the places of Jesus’s
life and ministry_ Those who joined the tour described it as a life-changing
Bookings are now being taken for a second Living Stones tour which takes
place in October 2011 Organised in conjuncion with Lightline Pilgrimages, the
pilgrimage starts in the north of Israel, around Galilee, before moving south
to Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank and onwards to Jerusalem_
Jonathan Brown, Riding Lights’ General Manager said_ “Living Stones is a very
special visit to an extraordinary place_ Our tour combines spiritual pilgrimage
with an encounter with people who are the ‘living stones’ of the church in the
Holy Land today and on-locaion performances by Riding Lights actors to help
enrich the stories associated with the places we visit_ It is a diverse and rewarding experience of pilgrimage, insight and encounters with
the people of Israel and Palesine_”
To ind out more or make a booking, visit www_ridinglights_org or call 01992 576065_
Talking of God is a new faith sharing course. It will help individuals and congregations to talk about their faith journey.
Written by a group of evangelism and mission experts from across the country,the course will give people more confidence
when it comes to sharing the stories of their faith in everyday life. It does this by encouraging conversations about convers
ations, and rooting it all in the Gospels.
“We have so many opportunities to talk about how Jesus continues to transform our lives,” said Evangelism in Contempor
ary Culture Officer Joanne Cox. “This resource is an exciting development in helping each of us to talk of God wherever we
Talking of God follows from the 2005 report to the Methodist Conference Time of Talk of God, which
featured on the Church Times list of bestselling Christian books. The report encouraged Methodists and other Christians
to renew their ability to talk about God with each other.
Talking of God is made up of four sessions:
• Starting the Conversation ‐ each of us has a story to share
• Conversation Stoppers – conversations can be hard
• Conversations in Context – how our world can frame our conversations
• Living the Conversation – conversations are more than just words
These sessions (plus a preamble and concluding worship) can be held over consecutive weeks or even
the course of a weekend or day. Each session includes opening and closing prayers, Bible study,
discussion topics and practical ideas for getting conversations started.
CU in the Park
C U In the park is an event organised by the Youth of Haxby and Wigginton Methodist Church, aiming to provide a fun family day for
all in the community, taking place on the Oaken Grove Community Centre park, Haxby, York.
The day will consist of a church service from 11-12 am, lead by the youth and Rev. Cameron Stirk. This all age worship will be a fun
way to worship God in the sun, and introduce new people to church.
The service will lead onto a bring-your-own picnic, followed by an afternoon of fun and games from 2-5pm, including face painting,
sports day races and much more.
As the light fades, a barbeque will be taking place on the field, followed by live entertainment from the Northern Irish Christian rock
band [Crave]: from 7-9pm.
The whole event is free of charge; however there will be a small cost for the barbeque. This is a great opportunity to come along
with your family and friends to a relaxed and fun day in the park, with something for everyone. This is the perfect event to bring your
youth group to!
For more information, please contact Steve Padfield: 01904 764122, or Hannah Brown: 01904 761141. To find our more about
the band [Crave]: visit their MySpace page
So, will we C U in the Park?
What is it?
Everlasting is a jam-packed weekend designed by young people specifically with young people in mind! Come along, get to know other
christians your age, from your area, and support and encourage each other as you dig deeper with God, wherever you're at in your
When/Where is it?
The weekend starts at 6.30pm on Friday 8th July, and finishes at 2pm on Sunday 10th July. It's at Guisborough Methodist Church (see
'how to find us' for directions).
Who is it for?
Anyone at all from Y7 upwards! If you're under 18, you will need an adult to accompany you (so go and nag your youth/church leaders
to come along and get a group organised!)
What's happening?
We've got all sorts of things lined up for you over the weekend, from workshops and seminars (to dig a little deeper), to a gig on the
Saturday night with Philippa Hanna and Roo Walker! Workshops include: Sports, Graffiti, Drama, and Crafts. There'll also be plenty of
time to get to know other people there and make a few new friends your age, with activities specifically tailored to different age groups
over the weekend. A more detailed itinerary will be on here closer to the weekend, so watch this space!
Tell me more about this gig!
On Saturday evening, at 7.30pm, we have two really talented artists coming to play live music and put on a real show for you! The gig
itself is open to all ages (so parents, or other people from your church are more than welcome), and tickets for the gig are £5 (if you
would just like tickets for this, then e-mail us, or just indicate on a booking form and send a cheque for £5 per ticket). The venue for
the concert is just around the corner from the church, at: The Parish Hall, Bow St, TS14 6BP
Sounds great! How do I get involved?!
Simple! get a booking form from http://www.guisboroughmethodistchurch.org.uk/index.php?topic=IDEverlasting
here, fill it out, and post it to us with a cheque for £15 (for the whole weekend). The deadline for bookings is 25th June 2011, although
some tickets may be available after this (contact us if you miss the deadline but still want to come!). There will also be some tickets
available on the door for the concert on Saturday night. If cost is an issue, get in touch, as we'd like everyone to be able to come if they
want to! if you have any questions at all, do feel free to get in touch with us at everlastingyouth.info@gmail.com, or call 07737242540
We are running a tour of the Holy Land. Includes stays at Jerusalem and Galilee.
28th January - 6th February 2013.
Led by Mike and Ann Bossingham. The cost is £1420 which includes everything (flights, food, hotels,
travel etc) except tips.
There is a blog with videos of our previous trip at: http://mikeandanntrip.blogspot.com/
For further information contact
Mike Bossingham Mike@bossingham.com
Ann Bossingham ann@bossingham.com
For full details of the tour and on line booking go to the World Wide Christian Travel Web site or contact Brian or Bob on the e
mails shown who also have the brochures
Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA yhcommunications@msn.com
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply
or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the offi-
cial views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the
items or organisations should be taken as granted. Yorsay Newsletter © 2011 York & Hull Methodist District – All
rights reserved.
Publication deadline for next month Yorsay is 20th of the Month
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