Saturday, 26 February 2011

Text Version of March Yorsay

From the Chair’s Desk
For the second time, I am preparing a talk for a Wesley Guild meeting, having been invited to speak on a literary theme. At the previous meeting I skilfully steered (helmed?) the topic round to boats – including a recent book, Over the Top, about a yachtsman who had completed a circumnavigation taking him North-South round the Earth. I think the members of the Wesley Guild may be expecting “boats and books” again, but actually I have chosen something slightly different this time.
I was once asked what had most influenced me in my younger years. It set me thinking, and somewhat predictably I thought of family and church – I do owe an immense debt of gratitude to my parents, and to those who put up with me in three different churches, in London, Leeds and Bristol. But my carefully considered answer to the question was firmly: Scouting. Wolf Cubs (as they were then known), Scouts, Senior Scouts and then Venture Scouts gave me great opportunities for self-development, and exciting activities – including sailing, which has remained a part of my life ever since. Furthermore, at various times in my adult life, I have helped to run a Venture Scout Unit and a Scout Troop. Scouting has as much to offer young people today as it ever did – similarly with Guiding.
So, back to my literary theme for the Wesley Guild meeting: you may have guessed that one of the books I have chosen to speak about will be Scouting for Boys. Written by Lord Baden-Powell, it was first published just over a century ago, and despite understandably dated language in places I have enjoyed dipping into it again. My listeners will also hear me dip into Scouting Round the World, Lessons from the Varisty of Life, and Rovering to Success – all by Baden-Powell, as well as a book which one of my sisters gave me for Christmas: Playing the Game (A Baden-Powell Compendium for Scouts old and young). We‟ll see what they make of my musings.
Readers of last month‟s YORSAY will know that I am also committed to “dipping into” another world best-seller this year. Alongside many other people, I am reading the whole of the Bible during 2011. Last month it was Genesis, Matthew‟s Gospel and selections of Psalms and Proverbs. Since then we have been through the Book of Job and started Exodus and Mark‟s Gospel – and I have yet to miss a day‟s readings! It is a great read – as many of you know well.
And I mention again the committed work of the District Biblefresh Group, and I encourage you all to find out what is happening, and to get involved. The 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible has had an impact on the media (and for that we are grateful) – may it also have an impact on each of us, and on God‟s Church once more.
Every blessing
Stephen Burgess
District Chair
MARCH 2011
Welcome to the March Edition of Yorsay.
We are approaching the Lent and Easter Period . Don’t for-get if your church is holding Lent Courses and special Easter services or events then let me know so that they can be advertised via the web site.
25 January 2011
January meeting of the Methodist Council
The Methodist Council met at Methodist Church House in London, on 24-25 January.
Council members discussed a report on poverty, hearing that there are an estimated 13.5 million people living in poverty in the UK. They also heard that these levels are likely to increase to 16.8 million by 2014, and that the experience of living in poverty is likely to become worse as public services face increased financial pressure.
The Council expressed concern that the Government’s housing benefit reform should have at its heart the needs of vulnerable families and should seek to provide affordable homes for all regardless of their means. The Council also resolved the Church should work with other partners on this matter, including the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the United Reformed Church, Church Action on Poverty and Housing Justice.
Revd Ken Howcroft, Secretary of the Methodist Council, said “Concern for the poor has always been at the heart of the Gospel message and many in our churches face the challenges of poverty, unemployment, debt and homelessness. If we wish to see less poverty, economic growth just isn’t enough. The story of the last twenty years is that the poor simply didn’t get their fair share.”
The Council also discussed the Church’s commitment to addressing climate change and voted to endorse Climate Week. Climate Week (21-17 March 2011) is a national week of positive action, seeking to offer an annual renewal of our ambition and confidence to combat climate change.
Council members also spent time in groups discussing how the Church might better embrace cultural diversity, fostering understanding and spiritual growth in a society that is becoming increasingly multi-cultural.
Other matters discussed by the Council include Methodist involvement in various types of education, from the provision of schooling to chaplaincy, and how this might develop over the coming years.
ENDS Notes 1. The Methodist Council meets three times annually to undertake ongoing work on behalf of the Methodist Conference, which is the governing body of the Methodist Church. Methodist Conference 2011 will take place in Southport from 30 June to 7 July. 2. For more information about Climate Week, visit
The Methodist Church | Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JR 020 7486 5501 (Help Desk) Registered charity no. 1132208
Page 3
Charity showing of Africa United
Sunday March 6th at 1.15pm York City Screen
Did you miss it when it was around or want to see it again? Want to ask the producer some questions?
City Screen are showing Africa United in aid of All Saints Parish church trip to Uganda with Food for the Hungry UK, and the producer Jackie Sheppard will be with in attendance to answer your questions after the showing of the film.
For more details please contact Richard Staples via or purchase tickets directly from the City Screen Box Office.
Walking Land’s End to John O’Groats
John and Nancy Eckersley are looking to raise £10,000 for water supplies and farming improvements in Sierra Leone.
For every £1 raised, the European Commission will match-fund with an extra £3.50 so the target figure will become £45,000 to the people of Sierra Leone.
John and Nancy Eckersley are walking over 1,200 miles for this Christian Aid project in West Africa.
They start their walk on All Fools‟ Day, 1st April 2011.
You can follow their progress on their website and you can donate through the „Just Giving‟ link. Alternatively please send cheques made out to Christian Aid to Mrs Jill Johnson,45 Vyner House, Front Street, York YO24 3DW.
Come and Meet….. Jan Sutch Pickard
Does the name ring a bell? If so, perhaps it is because Jan is a past Vice President of the Methodist Conference (1996) and was also editor of the former Methodist Magazine Contact. If you have associations with the Iona Community, you may have heard of her, or met her, in that context. She is a member of the Community and was for 5 years the Warden for the Community’s work at the Abbey and the McLeod centres on Iona. In recent years she has been a member of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Israel/Palestine. And some of her faith, work and experience finds expression in her poetry and storytelling. She is coming for a weekend to Northallerton Methodist Church and you will be very welcome to share in any of the events. If you would like to come, why not put a note in your diary now?
Friday 25th February, 7.30 p.m. – The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine/Israel (EAPPI)
It sounds innocent enough doesn’t it? If you are only vaguely aware of the confrontation between Israel and Palestinian in what we call the Holy Land, come and hear something of the frightening reality. EAPPI members courageously stand at the crossing points between Israel and Palestine as an international presence. This is a place which is anything but holy, where occupation and dispossession of Palestinian homes and lands is a daily fact of life leading to terrible suffering. And the actions of the Israeli Government damage the Israeli nation as well as Palestine, not to mention the effects on relationships with the global Islamic community. Jan will share something of her experience of the EAPPI and the tragic situation in the birthplace of Christ. There will be a retiring collection for EAPPI
Saturday 26th February 7.30 p.m. – Poems, Songs and Stories
And now for something quite different! An evening with Jan when she will tell some stories, share a poem or two ( or three), the Northallerton Choir will lead a “wee sing” of a song or two ( or three) and we will enjoy a light supper together - provided you bring something to share! An evening of faith and fellowship for everyone. £3 to help cover expenses (tickets available). Copies of Jan’s booklets of poems will be available.
Sunday 27th February 10.30 a.m. Morning Worship at Northallerton
To complete her weekend with us Jan will preach at Northallerton, no doubt sharing something of her work for justice and peace as well as her lively and engaging Christian faith.
Throughout the weekend a selection of Hadeel craftwork from Palestine will be on sale.
Jan Such-Pickard living in Palestine
31 January 2011
Egging on Easter with a seasonal gift The Methodist Church is aspiring to spread the hope of Easter in the form of an inspirational booklet telling the Easter story.
The richly illustrated A Gift of Easter is filled with encouraging words from the Bible, as well as prayers and reflections. It also features popular prints from the Methodist Art Collection.
Revd Alison Tomlin, President of the Methodist Conference, said: “Easter is about God's love, it‟s about discovering the cost and rejoicing in the gift. I trust this booklet will help people to do just that.
“The A Gift Of series is simple, attractive and accessible. The pricing means that even small church communities can afford to give them away. I highly recommend A Gift of Easter to everyone.”
The booklet is the third in the A Gift Of series. A pack of 50 booklets costs £5 (including postage and packaging). Copies can be ordered from Methodist Publishing on 01733 235962 and online at .
A free PowerPoint version is now available at and on the Twelve Baskets website at
Church-goers raise money for service after crash rescue
Donation: Members of the Walkington Methodist Church have raised £500 for Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Front, from left, Hilary Hoggarth, Reverend Liz Allison and Bob Smailes, regional fundraiser for Yorkshire Air Ambulance, at Walkington Methodist Church, Walkington. Picture: Kate Woolhouse
WHEN Adrian Hoggarth and his two young children were trapped after a serious road accident, it was the air ambulance service that came to their aid.
Adrian Hoggarth's car was hit by another car travelling in the opposite direction, which had lost control near High Hunsley.
The collision threw Mr Hoggarth's car into the air and left it resting on its side in a ditch by the B1230.
Now residents in nearby Walkington – from where the family were travelling after visiting relatives – have raised money for Yorkshire Air Ambulance after hearing about the rescue.
Members of Walkington Methodist Church and All Hallows, including Mr Hoggarth's mother, Hilary, raised £500 from Christmas service collections, a church charity fund, as well as asking for donations instead of Christmas cards.
Mrs Hoggarth said: "The Yorkshire Air Ambulance is excellent. They arrived so quickly. Their service is invaluable.
"I would like to thank everyone who donated to the cause."
Mr Hoggarth, 36, was still conscious after the accident, but having suffered a broken back and leg and fractured and dislocated toe, he was trapped inside the car and unable to move.
His children, Layla, 3, and Alex, 1, remained conscious and strapped into their car seats in the back. They were uninjured.
After witnesses called the emergency services, two Yorkshire Air Ambulance helicopters, from Leeds Bradford and Sheffield, dispatched and worked to get the family out through the boot.
They were then flown to Hull Royal Infirmary.
The lawyer, formerly from the village but now living in Hertfordshire, is still recovering and can now walk without crutches. He is hoping to return to work in the near future.
Speaking about the crash, which happened in September last year, he said: "We cannot thank the Yorkshire Air Ambulance teams enough.
"The car was on its side and none of us could move.
"The paramedics managed to get us out and fly us to the hospital quickly and comfortably. I can't imagine what we would have done without them."
Bob Smailes, regional fundraiser for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance visited members of the church after a service on Sunday, when he thanked them for their donation.
[Story © Hull Daily Mail February 2011]
Mind the Gap – Africa, Early 2011 Hi Everyone, Thanks so much to all of you who joined in the Christmas Challenge or sent gifts for our work. It has been fabulous and now we can buy chickens, feed and educate the children and a whole load more! Thank you for the incredible support, it is awesome. Home number 3 is due to open later this month and has been given the name ‘Ebenezer’. This name is so significant to us as a ministry as it means ’the Lord has seen us this far’. It’s on this basis of God’s incredible provision this far that we are going ahead with this next home. Thank you again to all of you who stand with us in giving so generously – you are part of God’s plan of provision for our children. We have found a housemother, which is something many of you were praying for. She is a widow in her late 40’s; a lovely lady who we know will show lots of love to the children. We also have 3 other ladies for the team so please do pray for them and the children who will be moving in. There is still no news on Primrose’s hoped trip to America, but Sherrie is working hard to try and get the necessary visas for her and Maggie to go as soon as possible. There is uncertainty as to whether elections are to be held this year which makes things difficult in arranging for visitors to come over as the authorities’ think those from the West are undercover journalists! Please keep praying for little Carol, who at 6 years old suffers with severe eczema which isn’t responding to any medication. Her skin is so affected that her school won’t allow her to attend. Please send me your news and any prayer requests as we want to pray for you as you pray for us. Take care and I hope 2011 is a very special year for you. With love Jenny Jenny Hensman, PO Box FM6, Famona, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Home 002639 242313 mobile 07930 366121 Bank: HSBC Name of account: Mind the Gap-Africa Sort code: 40 02 16 Account No: 11507508
Part of the 2011 Theatre Season The Word is God
Written in 1611, the King James Bible was the work of many hands, and has proved over the last four hundred years the undying power of the written and the spoken word. The Globe Theatre in London celebrates that achievement, and that long oral tradition, by reciting one of the great masterpieces of world literature from Palm Sunday to Easter Monday.
Singing the Faith news
Welcome to the February 2011 edition of Singing the Faith News
We previously announced the forthcoming publication of the music edition as June 2011. However, despite the Music Resources Group and our publishing partner Hymns Ancient & Modern working around the clock, more time is needed to ensure that the book meets the high standards we know you will be anticipating.
There will still be a launch for the collection at the Methodist Conference in July, but the music edition will now publish in September. (This does not affect the words editions which will also publish in September, as originally scheduled.)
We have started the process of informing everyone who needs to know about this change in publication date, including all those who have already ordered the music edition. If this includes you, you should have received a letter by the end of this week.
I hope this change in publication date does not cause too much inconvenience or disappointment for you. We are hugely encouraged by the eager interest for the hymn book that has already been shown by churches and individuals. Methodist Publishing is being kept very busy with enquiries and the Music Resources Group is heartened by the knowledge that the publication they have worked so hard on over the last seven years is almost complete. However, there is still a lot to be done between now and September, so please hold all those working on Singing the Faith in your prayers.
Sampler progress
The sampler is on its way! It is currently at the printers and due to be delivered to Methodist Publishing within the next week and orders despatched as soon as possible thereafter.
Some supporting worship resources are being prepared to accompany the sampler – suggested Bible readings, prayers and a pause for thought – all on the theme of „singing the faith‟. If you would like to prepare a service using the sampler then please do take a look at these resources and feel free to use some or all of them. And let me know how your service goes. You will find the resources,CZE8,35DNZB,10XUF,1 by early March.
Withernsea Circuit
Withernsea Methodist Church will be holding a Festival of Crosses on the weekend of 15th – 17th April 2011. We invite you to take part in this by exhibiting a cross.
The crosses can be any size- from small table to floor standing.
To give you a few ideas: - the cross is to represent some aspect of your life.
For example if you are a plumber it may be made of copper; or a cook, maybe one made of cake or bread; or postcards or photos; or a cola can? The possibilities are endless.
Alternatively your cross could represent the organisation with which you are involved.
If you can write a short prayer to go with your cross it would be appreciated too, though not essential.
The crosses will be displayed in the Church, which will be open for public viewing on Friday evening all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The admission price is £2.50 for all adults and free for children. Refreshments will be available during these times. Please see later in the letter for detailed arrangements regarding the crosses. We hope you will take this opportunity to join with the Churches, local businesses and organisations of Withernsea to make this an attractive event.
Detailed arrangements for displaying the crosses
Crosses are to be erected on Friday 15th April from 10.00 a.m.
If you wish please provide an A4 folded card on which is printed
1) the name of the organisation
2) your prayer, if you have one
3) the names of the contributors
Crosses are to be no more than 5’ tall
Electrical supplies can be provided if needed (please inform us)
Crosses will be removed by the displayer on Monday 18th April from 9.00 a.m. (alternative arrangements can be made if necessary)
Please return to Linda Beever, 35 Hollym Road, Withernsea, HU19 2PL
By Friday 18th March
Contact Name & Telephone Number
Theme (if known)
Size of the cross (if known)
Electrical supply (if needed)

(Rev Isabel Stuart –– GuisboroughGuisborough)
Saturday, 19Saturday, 19thth March 2011March 2011
10:00am -10:30am Refreshments
10:30am -12:15pm Namibia Talk
1:15pm -2:15pm Questions & Reports
(Please bring a packed lunch)
Thirsk, North Yorkshire
is looking for
Are you wondering about the future? Thinking of ordained ministry? Want to take a year out and develop your thinking and
experience of pastoral care and the churches‟ ministry of healing?
We are looking for new members with an inclusive, open Christian commitment and flexible approach and interested in theology
and personal growth who would value the experience of living in community.
Skills may include administration, catering, housekeeping, gardening, arts
complementary therapies, counselling, pastoral care.
We have an excellent national reputation for professional counselling, psychotherapy and art therapies, and a holistic approach
to creative liturgy, spiritual accompaniment and retreat.
Good accommodation, full board and generous allowance. Opportunities to share in the learning programme of The Centre for
the Study of Theology and Health. Please send your CV and something of your spiritual journey to:
Rev Elizabeth Baxter
Pocklington Methodist Church Coffee Morning
Friday 4th March 10am-11.30am
Pocklington Methodist Church, Chapmangate
Coffee, Cake Stall, Gifts, Soft Toys, Greetings Cards and more.
This is to raise funds for research into Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Welsh Hymn Singing Festival
(Cymanfa Ganu, Yorkshire and the North East)
Saturday 7th May 2011
at 2.00–3.30. and 4.45-6.30 p.m.
Revd. Philip Barnett
Mr. Carey Williams
(Tea & coffee between services)
All Welcome
Further information:
Ring 01535 665829 or 0113 2694268
Stand-up comedy at Aroma Coffee Shop
Fancy a good laugh? Then don't miss an evening with stand-up comedian Andy Kind at Aroma Coffee Shop, The Village, Haxby on Tuesday 3rd March.
Andy Kind has been part of the comedy circuit since January 2005. In that time he has performed all over the country, winning awards and acclaim as he goes. Since winning „Anything for Laffs‟, he has gone on to be recognised as one of the warmest and most engaging comperes in British comedy. His love of life underpins all his comedy and he brings a joyous energy and enthusiasm to any stage – taking pleasure in everything and everyone! Described by the BBC as 'a star' and The Scotsman as 'terrific', Andy is sure to delight!
Tickets are £7 (and include tea/coffee and cake.) and are available from the shop or on 761141.
Doors open at 7.45 p.m.
Friday 25 March 2011
Register NOW to make your bowl count and receive your free fundraising pack.
To register, visit
or text "soup" to 88802*
*All texts are charged at standard network rates
Page 13
Taste & See
Saturday 19th March 9am - 4.15pm York St John University
Hosted by CoRE, the Diocese of York and York St John University Chaplaincy Team you are invited to engage with God through reflection on personal expressions of faith. Interactive workshops from Christians of different denominations will allow participants to discover and reflect on new ways of relating to God and to like-minded people.
Participants have the choice to join in three workshops from a choice of twenty three. Full details of the workshops can be downloaded FROM
The programme for the day is as follows:
09:00 – 10:00 Registration and coffee 10:00 – 10:30 Welcome and Opening Act of Worship by Margaret Sentamu 10:30 – 11:40 Workshop One 11:40 – 13:00 Workshop Two 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch with the opportunity to learn more about different ways of prayer and spiritual traditions at the Marketplace 14:00 – 15:20 Workshop Three 15:20 – 16:15 Rev Phillip Roderick for the Closing Act of Worship to be in the Contemplative Fire style of Worship
Tickets cost just £12 per person. Groups of 10 people cost £100, 20 people cost £150. to download a booking form for the event or call 01904 619489 or email
An invitation to join Taste & See - a day of bite sized prayer and spirituality on Saturday 19th March
A £60,000 climb in 2011
Keen walker Graham Hart is embarking on a special challenge to mark his 60th birthday. From March 2011 to October 2011, he will be climbing over 200 hills and mountains in the Lake District following the routes of writer Alfred Wainwright. Graham, a member of Bramford Road Methodist Church in Ipswich, hopes his challenge will raise over £60,000 for MRDF‟s work with some of the poorest communities around the world.
a fundraising challenge in 2011
in aid of:
Methodist Relief & Development Fund
help me raise £60,000 at 60
I start in April 2011 and need your support
Please visit my sponsorship pages
and sponsor a summit now
Calling the community of York - The Journey to York Mystery Plays, 2012
The Journey to York Mystery Plays 2012 will be an exciting one and to make sure as many people as possible from the local community are given the opportunity to be involved in all kinds of ways, a number of projects and events are being planned along the way.
So how can you get involved?
Two Planks and a Passion 1st – 16th July, 2011
Have you an interest in music, singing, acting, photography, costume making, set building, lighting or makeup?
Anthony Minghella‟s story Two Planks and a Passion tells the hilarious story of what happened in 1392 when King Richard II visited York to see the Mystery Plays. This touching comedy gives great insight into where the strong community feeling around York‟s Mystery Plays comes from. These traditions will be continued when a community cast and production join together with York Theatre Royal and Riding Lights Theatre Company to produce this hilarious production.
York Stories
Do you have a story about York? Have you worked, grown up or had a great day or night out in the city?
York Stories will get people talking, and listening to one another. Telling the stories of individuals, the strengths of businesses and the enjoyment gained through our social clubs it will allow people to listen to one another‟s stories and provide extra excitement for visitors to York.
York Stories will be launched on the 9th/10th and 16th/17th July around the city as part of the wider festival, York 800 which will celebrate in 2012, the 800 year anniversary of York gaining its City Charter.
York Mystery Plays 2012
Community Launch Nights will be held throughout the city in July allowing people to meet the team behind York Mystery Plays, explain the visions for the production and excite members of the public to get involved in the Mystery Plays.
To find out more information about York Mystery Plays and how you can get involved click here. To register your interest in please e-mail or write to Community Producer Liam Evans–Ford at York Theatre Royal, St. Leonard's Place, York, YO1 7HD. An application form can be downloaded from
Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the offi-cial views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the items or organisations should be taken as granted. Yorsay Newsletter © 2011 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.
Publication deadline for next month Yorsay is 20th of the Month

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