Welcome to the July Edition of Yorsay. This is a word only edition the full version may be downloaded from www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/yorsay
JULY 2010
As this Newsletter goes “to print” our Chair of District and other representatives are making their
way to Portsmouth for the annual Methodist Conference which is actually three conferences in one
– Ministerial – Diaconal- and Representative with Ordinations on the Sunday.
I know that to some people the Conference means absolutely nothing – but it does. Our representa-
tives will make decisions that will affect the church for at least the next 12 months if not for the
next 50 years.
Some retort that all the decisions have been made before conference and that it just rubber
stamps the reports. Think about the amount of work that has gone into making those reports, the
number of hours involved finding an amenable solution to a problem and then the writing of the
report itself. Ok in many cases the report is technically rubber stamped by the Conference but I
have been behind the scenes when someone has put a point of order in Conference over a particu-
lar phrase or doctrine in a report and the legal and technical work undergone back stage to clarify
and to make sure that the report is what conference wants is unbelievable.
Methodist Conference is important and not just a jolly for the representatives in staying in 3 or 4
star hotels. Sure there is the fun aspect to Conference with the fellowship of meeting old friends /
ministers. Making new acquaintances Throughout the connexion [which may help in future times]
the over eating. Conference reminds the Church that they are part of a Connexion – Part of a na-
tionwide and world wide fellowship. So please spare a thought and your prayers for your reps to
conference – the staff and volunteers working long hours behind the scenes to make Conference
work –The ordinands setting out on their new life as presbyters and for those who will lead our
church for the next year Alison Tomlin and Eunice Attwood.
Alison Tomlin Eunice Attwood
Details of how you can follow conference can be found in articles further on in this publication.
Statement from Cumbria church leaders
Statement from Cumbria church leaders on the shootings that took place in West Cumbria on
Wednesday 2 June 2010
3 June 2010
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been caught up in the terrible events of yester-
day, but particularly they are with the family and friends of those who have been killed or injured. The
community grieves deeply at the losses we have suffered; the confusion and pain will be long-lasting.
We are all grateful for the dedication of all those members of the emergency services who have
worked tirelessly to help the injured and to bring the situation to a conclusion. We also pay tribute to
the members of the public who did what they could to help other people, perhaps total strangers, who
had been wounded.
All the churches from across a very wide area have been, and will continue to be, involved in support-
ing those affected by yesterday’s tragedy. In addition to ministering to people in our communities,
clergy will be available to support the hospital and emergency services chaplains as required. The
church will continue to play a longer term role in providing support and sanctuary to those who need
it, and we strongly encourage all churches in the area to make their buildings and people available for
people to come and pray, light candles and have someone to talk to.
The communities of West Cumbria are close-knit and hugely supportive, and we know that people
throughout the area will be caring deeply for each other both now and in the months to come. Chris-
tians in Cumbria and further afield are praying for everyone who has been affected, and are doing eve-
rything they can to offer comfort and practical help at a local level.
The Right Revd James Newcome, Bishop of Carlisle
The Revd Rachel Poolman, President of the United Reformed Church Cumbria Area and President of Churches To-
gether in Cumbria
The Revd Richard Teal, Chair of the Cumbria Methodist District
The Right Revd Michael Campbell, Roman Catholic Bishop of Lancaster
The Revd John Goddard, Cumbria Baptist Network Minister
Prayer for our communities
O God, Creator of us all,
in your Son, Jesus you have walked the way of darkness and death,
you send your Spirit of healing and truth to all in need
We pray for those injured or bereaved by inexplicable violence
May your gracious compassion surround and uphold them
We pray for all individuals and communities whose lives have been changed by this tragedy
May your sustaining love be present in all expressions of support offered and help received
We give thanks for the commitment and dedication of the emergency services
And pray that they may be given the strength they need to serve others
We give thanks for the resilience and courage of West Cumbrians
And pray that the bonds of community care and concern may hold fast at this time
Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer
And let our cry come unto you
Prayer for the people of Cumbria
As the shocking news unfolds about the deaths of 13 people and injuries sustained by 11 others in
the shootings which took place on Wednesday 2 June in West Cumbria, we offer our prayers to
God, for everyone involved.
Lord God
We pray for all those affected by the tragedies surrounding so many communities in Cumbria.
Enfold in your arms those who endure the devastating sudden loss of loved ones, friends, colleagues
and neighbours. Through the grief, the shock and despair pour out your Spirit, your comforter, to
carry them through these days when all is hurt, confusion and disbelief.
Bring hope and healing to those who are injured and for their families who can only wait and trust in
the skill of the medical staff. And for all those caring for the injured Lord, equip them with your gift
of healing and sustain them as they try to rebuild shattered bodies and minds.
So many of your children are affected by these tragedies, Father – so many suffering and trying to
come to terms with what they have witnessed, heard or read about. We pray for whole communities
– families, friends, schools, businesses, churches and faith bodies, neighbours, colleagues, the police
and hospital staff. Draw them together Lord, comfort, heal and offer hope for the future, through
Jesus Christ who goes before us and shares our grief. Amen
News item from the Snaith and Selby circuit.
On May 22nd, the Snaith and Selby Circuit held its Annual Day of Prayer, with each church open for two hours (during a
12 hour period) for prayer, meditation and reflection. The three Circuit Ministers, Revs Linda Day, Geoff Shutt and Sally
Coleman decided they would visit each church and lead a short time of worship and prayer but they would do it by push
Together with Mike Day, Christine Shutt and our new Youth Worker, Angela Feather, the three ministers completed their
circuit of the Circuit in the scheduled 12 hours on the hottest day of the year, covering 67 miles to 19 churches with
temperatures reaching 30 deg C. It was a very impressive feat and one which is unlikely to be replicated by any other
Circuit in the District (says he, throwing down a challenge!)
The Ride was also used to raise money, through sponsorship and donations, for Christian Aid. We set an optimistic tar-
get of £1000 but, amazingly, £2000 has been raised to date, with more money still trickling in. A number of people
around the District gave money at Synod or sent in money. On behalf of those involved, I would like to thank all those
who generously contributed and supported our cyclists and for the money given for Christian Aid.
Tony Service
(Communication and Link Officer - Snaith and Selby Methodist Circuit)
Photo (c) 2010 Sally Coleman [Taken from her facebook profile
I am running a project called "Mystery Worship" with the connexional Children and Youth Team, and a charity called Changemakers.
The research side of it is drawing to a close now, and I would really love it if we could get together to "celebrate all that is good" about
our worship.
Everyone in the district is warmly invited to an event on the 25th of June at Trinity Methodist Church in York, from 7.30pm until 9pm,
which will share some feedback from the project, and celebrate some of the best bits with a short act of worship.
Please can you bring some youthy types to this event if at all possible?
Lydia Barlow
P a g e 6
Clergy Movements
We are coming to the time of year when we say goodbye to some of our District Staff and welcome others .
Patricia Malham (probationer, Ripon and Bedale)
Kathryn Jackson (Withernsea, super)
Jennifer McKenzie (York South, super)
Francis Nabieu (to York North from Sierra Leone)
John Brown ( sitting down [retiring])
Barbara Routley
Paul Lucas
Stuart Ellis
Keith Himsworth from York South to Hornsea [as Super]
Randall Barlow from Hornsea to Hull West [as Presbyter]
To those who are moving within the District and to Pastures new Thank you for your work and God go with you . To
those who are new to the District welcome.
P a g e 7
The reports from volumes 1 and 2 of the Conference Agenda are now online http://
This year is shaping-up to be very interesting, with some hot topics on the bill - check out the draft programme
• We're also extremely pleased to announce that, not
only will people be able to listen to the Conference live
online (in partnership with Premier Christian Radio), this
year Conference fans will also be able to watch the debates as they unfold, as we
stream the video live through the Conference web site http://
. Please spread the word - the Conference belongs to all of us, not just those who attend,
so it would be wonderful to be able to get people more engaged with and interested in
the debates.
CONFIRMATION. Thomas Geoffrey Wright and Evangeline Anne Sellars were received into membership of the Church
by Confirmation at Snainton Chapel in the Sherburn Circuit on Sunday June 13th. Matthew William Wright took out
joint Methodist/Anglican membership. Pat Thorn and Susan Lumb joined Snainton church by transfer from other
churches, while at Ayton, Susan Walls joined the local congregation by transfer.
„A brilliant week, all it needs is YOU!‟
Riding Lights Theatre Company, whose
work is informed by the Christian faith,
is delighted to announce that booking is
now open for its sixteenth annual Sum-
mer Theatre School. This year‟s theme
for the week will be Powerful Stuff!
(power – precious or dangerous?). The
Summer Theatre School takes place be-
tween Saturday 24th - Saturday 31st July
in the beautiful setting of Harrogate
Ladies‟ College, North Yorkshire.
During the week over 100 individuals
from all walks of life and from across
the world come together to take part in
a variety of theatre courses. Many peo-
ple come more than once – Les Ellison
who has gone on to write for Riding
Lights says he has “lost count” of the
number of times he has attended al-
though knows it‟s in double figures.
Les got involved in the Summer School
after seeing a play in his local church
which „touched him in ways that a church service didn‟t‟. This love of drama and a desire to „reach others‟ has led to
Les working with a drama teacher at a local prison. Several participants from Riding Lights‟ previous Summer Thea-
tre Schools have gone on to professional careers in the theatre, as actors, writers and directors. Jamie Higgins who
has been to four Summer Schools hopes to continue his career in Christian theatre with a long term view of looking
into ministry.
Courses cover a range of theatrical skills and participants don‟t need to have had any performing experience. Each
course is tutored by a team of professional directors, designers, writers and other theatre practitioners and perform-
Open to everyone aged over 14, the Summer Theatre School week is a tremendous experience for anyone with an in-
terest in theatre. There are courses in writing and storytelling as well as performance courses, both scripted and de-
vised. This year there is also a musical theatre course for young people.
Edith Kirkwood, one of this year‟s Roughshod actors, first learnt about Summer School when she was 12 and had a
two year wait before she could join. Since then she has been every year testing her own dedication to become an ac-
tor and using her experiences in her recently completed GCSE‟s and A-levels.
Summing up the week Les said: “Whilst the purpose of Summer School is to learn and improve our theatre skills and
knowledge perhaps most importantly lifelong friendships are made with like-minded people from across the globe.”
Anyone interested in finding out more is asked to call 01904 655317, e-mail summerschool@rltc.org or visit
16 June 2010
Dear Colleague,
Re: Vetting and Barring – Review/ Remodelling
You may all be aware that yesterday the government announced that further development of the Vetting and Barring
scheme was to be reviewed.
We have few details of what the review will cover but it is understood to be an attempt to en-
able_a_more_„commonsense‟_approach_to_be_taken_to_the_issue_of_registration_and_the_provision of criminal records informa-
tion for those who are engaged in work with vulnerable groups (children and adults).
The immediate effect of this review is that the ISA registration of new workers is not to proceed at the moment. All
workers in relevant roles should continue to obtain CRB Disclosures. This means that those who need to refresh/renew
their CRB Disclosures can continue to do so.
This will be done by using the new CRB forms that will become operational from 26 July. These can be submitted to
Churches‟__gency_for_Safeguarding from 5 July as already agreed under the timetable for implementation of the registra-
tion requirements. Applicants must not complete box D which relates to ISA registration and the joint (ISA/CRB) £64 fee
for paid workers will not apply but a fee of £36 will remain for a CRB Disclosure.
The parts of the new scheme that remain in force are those relating to the requirement to refer those who have been
disciplined for placing people at serious risk of harm, been dismissed from their job for these reasons or who may have
left their job before discipline can be completed.
The other parts of the scheme that remain in force are those related to the merging of the barred lists and the prohibi-
tion on barred people from applying to work with vulnerable groups according to the barring limitations already im-
posed on them.
Methodist Publishing now holds a stock of new CRB packs, made up from a limited stock of new forms. We do not an-
ticipate receiving more until after 26 July. Only up to 5 packs will be available per church before 26th July. Do not use the
old CRB forms, they must be destroyed.
Please ensure all ministers and verifiers receive this letter. As more information becomes available we will circulate it to
you all for onward transmission to those who need to know.
With very best wishes, Pearl Luxon
Something very special is happening in our circuit in August. ReAct is coming to Pickering. This is a series of events
which Lottie, our Youth Worker has organised with Richard Townend of the Urban Saints (formerly Crusaders). The
week leading up to Sunday 15th August will see fun days organised in many of our villages, a group of young people
will be camping at Pickering (sleeping on the hall floor!) for the weekend and several special events will take place.
Richard will deliver training to the young people in how to share their faith and on Saturday 14th they will be putting
that into practice in the town.
On Sunday 15th there will be a special youth service at Pickering in the morning, then the rest of the day will be taken
up with the ReAct event. This will be a family fun day on the field at Lady Lumley’s School. There will be fete type
events, bouncy castles, bungy slides, face painting, prayer, live music, a free barbecue and lots more. At 4.30 there
will be a break from the mayhem whilst preparations are made for an Open Air Service starting at 5pm. This is our
circuit service for this quarter and we will all be there supporting our young people. the service will last for about an
hour or perhaps a little longer.
Please Come.
People will be talking about this for a long time afterwards and you will be sorry if you miss it.
New trail and cafe for St Andrew’s, Paull
Following on from its recent success in raising _237,000 for the restoration of St Andrew‟s Church in Paull, and a visit from the
Archbishop of York, the village has now moved on to create its own Heritage Trail.
A guide book (£2.50) has been written by Paul Cross and edited by John Markham, which takes you around the trail via marker-
posts around the village. Each Marker post has an appropriate rubbing designed by the children from the local primary school.
The trail begins and ends at the Church which also has its newly opened „Riverside Pop In Cafe‟. The cafe is open 2-4pm every Sat-
urday, Sunday and Bank Holiday for visitors to get a drink with homemade cakes either prior to or after setting out on the trail.
Paul Cross (Treasurer and writer of the trail) said “Once again the
community have all contributed to the trail either with photo-
graphs, stories or as volunteers for the cafe, and we are very grateful
to everyone who has helped make the Heritage Trail possible”.
The church identified the need to support local visitor attractions,
Fort Paull, the local riding school, people watching the ferries and
shipping leaving Hull, visitors to the newly created wetlands and
nature reserve at the east side of the church and people walking
their dogs, and so the Riverside Pop In Cafe was created.
The church is also making itself available for use as a retreat day,
conference day or prayer and fellowship gathering. If you would
like to use the facilities at St Andrew‟s Church in Paull, ring
01964 626115 or visit their website: www.standrewpaull.org.uk
[From Diocese of York Newsletter for July]
I am a Methodist local preacher and storyteller who is promoting storytelling as an artform within
the churches. Would it be possible for you to forward this e mail to anyone in your district who you
think might be interested.
Many thanks
Ken Luxon
So what is the question? The question might be any of these :
How can I get people to engage with the Old Testament?
How can I get the congregation reading the bible?
How do I encourage people to talk about themselves and their lives?
What sort of entertainment should we have at our church weekend?
What can we do at our Cafe Church that isn't another discussion or singer/songwriter?
What can we do at our Cafe Church/ Fresh Expression/ Outreach that is exiting, thrilling, spiritual
and engaging?
How can I encourage and empower our church members to talk about their lives and faith?
One answer to all these questions could be Storytelling. The ancient oral art form is undergoing a
revival in Britain. Bring it in to your church life and feel the power of a well told tale and follow in
the footsteps of the greatest storyteller of all.
Methodist local preacher and storyteller, Ken Luxon can help with this. He can offer Worship,
Workshops and Performances. Check out Ken's website, www.kentales.co.uk
For more details contact Ken directly on ken.luxon@btinternet.com or call 02089070831 or
Congratulations to Margaret Bull, a member at the Briggswath and Sleights Methodist Church in the
Whitby Circuit who has been awarded the MBE for voluntary service to 'Save the Children' in Whitby.
Are you aged 16+?
Would you like to be part of the Summer Soul 2010 team?
If you would like to know more, there will be a training morning held in the Auborough Room of St Mary‟s Parish House Scarborough 10-12
noon Tuesday 27th July.
Summer Soul is organised by the Fresh Expressions team. It is lead by young people from a variety of local churches providing fun, games &
activities on Scarborough North Bay beach and we all wear Summer Soul red T-shirts.
Summer Soul runs from Monday 9th August to Thursday 12th August 9:45 am – 12:30 pm
To find out more info or watch last year‟s video log on to: http://www.freshexpressions-scarborough.org.uk/Events.html
If you would let us know by 5th July if possible, by contacting Steve Whiting by email at stevewhiting.1@btinternet.com or by phone on
Steve Whiting, Fresh Expressions coordinator for Summer Soul (Curate, St Mary‟s)
10 am Coffee Morning
Enjoy a warm welcome at Central Hall with tea and cake.
11am – 2pm Open Church: for prayer, refreshments and guided tours.
12pm -3pm Open church: for prayer and anyone wishing to visit the church.
There is also a shop at Holy Trinity.
9.30 am – 22.30 pm Open church: for prayer and anyone wishing to visit the church.
11 am Sung Matins (Book of Common Prayer)
11 am Praying with the poetry of the Psalms (at the centre)
12 pm Trinity’s Gargoyles
Celebrating Christian spirituality, life, and tradition in Hull
Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th July 2010
Inspire marks its first year with a taster mini-fest this forthcoming July. The city-centre churches in Hull have come together to create a
unique and varied programme of events, marking the life and tradition of their faith communities. With only a few weeks to go, Inspire
churches look to welcome those taking part in the events, and in sharing a flavour of what inspires them.
Inspire is a festival celebrating Christian spirituality, life, and tradition in Hull, developed by four city-centre churches. The aim of the
festival is to bring Hull churches together in a shared event that is positive and celebratory, and to provide opportunities for local peo-
ple to find out, explore, learn, deepen, and experience the uniqueness of the Christian faith.
The Inspire mini-fest this year is only the beginning of what will become a three-day city-wide event next year.
All events and services are free except the evening concert at Holy Trinity on Saturday 3rd July. There is no need to book a place for any
of the events or services, simply turn up!
Inspire mini-fest 2010 Programme
Friday 2nd July
Hull Methodist Central Hall
10 am – 3 pm The Coffee Bar is open.
2 pm – 3pm Friendship Club
Come together, meet new people and find fellowship at the weekly Friendship
Club at Central Hall. There’ll be a talk on something interesting and a cuppa to share.
St Mary the Virgin, Lowgate
12.30 pm Service: 12.30pm Holy Communion (Said)
A quiet celebration in traditional language, without music.
Holy Trinity
St Charles Borromeo
12.10 pm Celebration of Mass
1 pm - 4 pm Guided Tours and Refreshments
Enjoy a warm welcome at St Charles with refreshments and a guided tour of
this historic and beautiful church.
Saturday 3rd July
St Mary the Virgin, Lowgate
Traditional morning prayer with church choir.
1 pm Angels
Installation using origami and angel-making workshop led by local artist,
Sonya Cowan.
St Mary’s is also open from 10am until 3pm for prayer, refreshments and guided tours of the church.
St Charles Borromeo,
and St Charles Centre
Exploring prayer with the sacred songs of the Bible
3.30 pm Godly Play (in the church)
A creative way to experience the message of Jesus
The following services will also take place at St Charles: 11.45 am The Rosary; 12.10 pm Celebration of the Mass with the
Anointing of the Sick and Prayers for Healing; 6.30 pm Celebration of the Mass in Polish.
St Charles’ church is also open from 9.30am until after the evening Mass at 6.30pm for prayer and guided tours.
Holy Trinity
Creative workshop led by local artist, Liz Dorton.
2 pm Guided Tour of Holy Trinity
Enjoy a Guided Tour around one of the city’s architectural gems.
7.30 pm Summer Concert of Sacred Choral Music
Holy Trinity choirs present a selection of key works by modern composers,
including Benjamin Britten, Herbert Sumsion, Charles Stanford, John Ireland, Charles
Wood and Herbert Howells.
Tickets: £5 on the door (£4 concessions), includes a free glass of wine.
Holy Trinity is also open from 10am until 3pm and refreshments are available.
11 am Sung Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer)
Traditional morning service with celebration of Holy Communion.
11 am Family Service
8 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
Traditional morning service with celebration of Holy Communion.
Sunday 4th July
Sunday Services at the city-centre Churches
Church of England
St Mary the Virgin, Lowgate
12.30 pm Holy Baptism
Marking the start of a journey of faith with the Sacrament of Baptism.
6.30pm Evensong (Book of Common Prayer)
Traditional evening prayer service.
Holy Trinity
9.30 am Family Service
Informal service with music group including saxophone,
violin and piano.
11 am Service of the Word
Common Worship service without Holy Communion.
Hull Methodist Central Hall
6.30 pm Evening Worship
Roman Catholic
St Charles Borromeo 10 am Celebration of Mass
Following the morning service, the church is open all day for prayer and anyone wishing to visit the church.
12.30 pm Missa Cantata (the Mass sung in Latin) sung by visiting Cambridge Polyphonic Choir.
5.30 pm Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Vespers. A devotional ceremony celebrated in the Latin Rite of the Ro-
man Catholic Church, and is followed by the evening prayer service.
6.30 pm Celebration of Mass
A little bit about the Hull city-centre churches
St Mary the Virgin, Lowgate, is situated opposite the Guildhall, and the Three John Scotts Pub, named after previous vicars. It is an
ancient church and dates back to the early 14th century. www.lowgate.org.uk
Holy Trinity is situated in Trinity Square in the Old Town. Founded in 1285, it is Hull’s Civic Church and is the largest parish church in
England by area. www.holy-trinity.org.uk
St Charles Borromeo is situated on Jaratt Street, near Theatre Square, and up from the Central Library on Albion Street. St Charles
Centre is situated at 81 Charles Street, just opposite the church. St Charles is the oldest post-reformation Catholic Church in Hull and
dates back to the 18th century. www.saintcharleshull.co.uk
Hull Methodist Central Hall is situated on King Edward Street, with another entrance on Waltham Street (to the left of BHS). Built after
the Second World War on the site of a former Methodist church, Central Hall serves the people of the city-centre.
Wednesday walks at Market Weighton
A PROGRAMME of "Wednesday Walks" is arranged by Mar-ket Weighton town
council, meeting at the church and re-turning there for tea and toast at the
end of their morning ex-ercise. In addition, the church has now organised a
"Toddlers' Toddle" over routes that cause no problems for prams, bug-gies
and young children. Now everyone is able to meet to-gether for refreshments
at the end of the morning.
{Methodist Recorder 17/6/10]
Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA yhcommunications@msn.com
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please
do not reply or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter
are not necessarily the official views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District
and no inferred support for any of the items or organisations should be taken as granted.
Items for the next edition of Yorsay should be with the Editor by 20th of the Month
Yorsay Newsletter © 2010 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.
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