Wednesday, 22 April 2009



Dear Friends
Welcome to the May Edition of YORSAY. I have sent this out before Synod as shortly there will be the Synod Newsletter to be sent out [ as well as the Web site round up including the power point presentations]. Let me have news from your Churches and Circuits; contact details as the foot of the newsletter. Just a reminder that is up to you!! To make sure you send me your details in good time so that others can plan what and where to visit. You may be receiving this e mail via a new e mail address this is an additional address so please put it in your safe box

Yorsay is not only meant for those who receive it via their e mail address it is hoped that at least one person in each church will copy it and make it available to All members of the congregation via notice boards or through church newsletters.

Reminder Stephen Burgess is on Sabbatical from 22nd March to 21st June [inclusive] any District matter to be referred to Richard Andrew or District Admin Office, you can still use the chairs e mail address or use the contact addresses on.
Elizabeth Clarke our Rural Life Officer is hoping to make a DVD of Rural work in the District, but she needs help. She requires someone with a Video Camera [preferably digital ] willing to take some footage .She also requires someone to help edit and create the DVD possibly using Windows Movie Maker or similar. The DVD needs to be ready for September Synod if Possible. This is a task that may suit a Video/ computer enthusiast or a Media Student looking for a project to work on. If you are interested or know someone who can help please contact Rev Elizabeth Clarke
Prayer Walk at Rievaulx Abbey
Saturday 20th June 2009 (Please note Change of date from April Yorsay)
For Preachers, Worship Leaders and anyone else who is interested.
Led by: Rev. David Emison (Past chair of Cumbria District)
& Rosemary Wass (Past Vice-President of Conference)
Outline Programme:
• 9-30 a.m. Meet at Rievaulx Methodist Church, Ryedale.
• 10-30 a.m. At Rievaulx Abbey.
• 12 noon Bring & Share lunch at Rievaulx Village Hall.
Entrance fees to Abbey:
• English Heritage members -free
• Adults £5
• Concessions £4-30
• Group Booking for 11 or more 15% discount.

If you hope to take part in the walk please contact: 01439 770126.

Please pray for a fine Day!

Future of Food

Christian Aid in Northallerton are organising a panel discussion on the ‘Future of Food’ in Northallerton Methodist church on Tuesday 28th April at 7.30pm.

Speakers will include:
Edward Dennison (NFU)
Tony Howard (Lewis and Cooper)
Michael Watkiss (Sainsbury’s Northallerton)
Diane Green (Christian Aid co-ordinator)

Please come for a discussion on the politics of food – whether it is about buying locally, buying fair trade, the link between farming policy and the quality and price of food.

Be part of Britain’s longest-running fundraising week!
Thirteen million red envelopes, 300,000 volunteers, thousands of sponsorship events and 1,500 quizzes can only mean one thing – Christian Aid Week which this year takes place from 10 – 16 May.
Launched in 1957, Christian Aid Week is famous for the distinctive red envelope dropping through millions of letterboxes. Last year an amazing £14.7 million was raised to fund work with some of the world’s poorest communities. The money raised has helped people like 18-year-old Nadia Kabula in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
When her father died, Nadia’s family struggled desperately to make ends meet. But a tailoring course run by Christian Aid partner Humanité Nouvelle has allowed Nadia to imagine a brighter future – and she hopes one day to open her own business. Meanwhile, Nadia is giving others the chance of a fuller life by passing on her skills and her love of fashion to other young girls in her community. ‘They’ve given me education for life,’ said Nadia.‘Our supporters constantly amaze me, especially during Christian Aid Week,’ said Anne Phipps, Head of Church Marketing and Appeals, Christian Aid. ‘Whether collecting door–to-door, putting quiz teams together or doing 101 other exciting and amazing fundraising events, the commitment is phenomenal.‘At we’re creating an online community of volunteers, supporters, activists and enthusiasts so please go online and add the details of whatever you are doing.’
Last year, Christian Aid introduced Quizaid in which people used their brain power to raise £185,000 while having fun at the same time. Quizzes are organised amongst friends, family, work colleagues or in the pub. This year the target is £225,000 and to get even more people involved, four new levels of questions have been introduced - Brainiacs, Average Joe’s, 11-18 year olds or under-10s. Packs with everything you need to organise a quiz can be downloaded from The names of all quiz organisers will go into a draw for a year’s supply of chocolate courtesy of the fair trade company, Divine Chocolate. There will also be a separate draw for quiz participants.
Christian Aid also wants to hear the views of the people who go door to door collecting donations. A collectors’ survey is available online at
This year, in the face of the credit crunch, supporting Christian Aid and collecting the red envelopes is crucially important. The risk is that people will feel less able to give; yet because of the global recession the poor are more at risk and the need is greater.

St Bede’s Centre York Programme pdf leaflet from

Global Day of Prayer
One Voice York and Churches Together in York are organising York’s involvement in the Global
Day of Prayer and would like to invite you to join in too.
On Pentecost Sunday 31 May hundreds of people will gather to pray on York’s City Walls, from
5.45pm to 6.00pm. People of all ages, denominations and traditions will pray for our
homes, families, communities, nation, and world. Go to the section nearest your church or home, and trumpets will announce each 5 minute section of prayer. From 6.30pm, Dave Godfrey and band will be playing in York Minster, and at 7.15pm the Prayer Walk begins in the Minster. This walk will have various prayer stations and styles of prayer, finishing with a joint act of celebration. For more information, or to book your church into the celebrations, visit

See to download booking form

Bikers’ Welcome – A Blessing and A Sending.

I think it was either in the Methodist Recorder or Momentum that an article appeared entitled ‘Church welcomes everyone – does that include bikers?’ As a biker myself, at least on a day off, it set me thinking and resulted in me joining the local branch of the CMA (Christian Motorcyclist Association) or ‘twig’ as we call the East Yorkshire contingent. At the start of the biking season, CMA members usually go to a church somewhere for a commissioning service - to be sent out as ‘gospel riders’ (very Wesleyan!) to wherever the God’s spirit leads them for the love of Christ (very Celtic!). That’s usually to ‘biker’ events and gatherings where CMA often set up a Holy Joe’s coffee bar, a helmet park and give away copies of the Biker Bible to all takers.
Half a dozen or so members and a very nice BMW ‘Long Way Round’ model, came into Bilton Grange Methodist Church, East Hull, recently for a commissioning service, a blessing and a ‘sending out in the name of Christ’. I was most heartened by the warm welcome offered by the good folk of the ‘Nestor Grove Chapel’, now part of the four year old Acorns Centre, who hosted the service and offered a faith lunch afterwards.
The thing that impressed me most was the fact that the CMA bikers are meeting others in an activity that they are all passionate about. Paula had once said to me “ ‘four wheels’ moves the body, but ‘two wheels’ moves the soul” and she was right. It’s not an easy thing to explain but that’s exactly it. Yes, it’s to do with adrenalin, yes, it’s to do with risk and being on the edge, yes, it’s about facing the unpredictable. I’m sure all these things would have been well known to John Wesley in his travels on horse back, though I doubt he’d have swapped his trusty steed for a BMW GS1100 – well not unless it had a ‘satnav’ with a Bible readings option.
For me, I can find space to pray in the midst of a motor bike ride and sometimes an absolute need to pray like the other Saturday night on the way home over Blakey Ridge in the North Yorkshire Moors, in the dark, through the cloud and rain with almost zero visibility. There is something of both the pioneer and pilgrim spirit kindred to motorcycling - maybe one day we’ll do the trip to Jerusalem, bearing flags of the nations for peace and reconciliation. Are you interested?
Meanwhile, it’s back to basics – please pray for all those who reach out to meet people for Christ, in whatever activity they are passionate about. Meet people at their passion and you’re half way there - Christ was after all, ‘passionate’ about all people.
Rev Paul Lucas (Hull East Circuit)

Unsung Heroes – the hunt is on

The Church of England has teamed up with Country Life magazine to hunt for an elusive species: the unsung hero! Rural churches and chapels are often the thriving hubs of their communities. Together, we are looking for the unsung volunteers - of any denomination - who keep them alive.

The competition – to be launched in the magazine’s Easter edition (8 April) – will be seeking the volunteers who keep rural churches, chapels and churchyards thriving and at the centre of their communities. The aim is to highlight the wide range of voluntary activities taking place in and around those buildings – from maintaining the fabric against all odds to developing and taking forward an imaginative community use of the building.

The Easter Country Life will include all the details of Unsung Heroes competition, an entry form and instructions on how to submit nominations. We hope that groups of church or chapel members might even get together to nominate or vote in their own special parish Hero.

In previous years, Country Life has run competitions about churches being used to serve the wider community. This year’s is quite different: it is about people - the volunteers who keep country churches alive. That might be the organist, the flower arranger, the cleaner, the person who keeps the churchyard under control. Their heroism might be linked to children's activities or anything else taking place in the building - but it isn't about projects so much as the heroes who run them.

The competition aims to highlight the wide range of voluntary activities taking place in and around churches and chapels and their churchyards, ranging from maintaining the historic fabric to developing or managing imaginative community initiatives. And all this in addition to being places of worship and vital oases of calm and reflection in a busy world.

Nominations are sought for volunteers who:
o have initiated and taken forward projects which support the church building directly such as fund-raising activities or rejuvenating the churchyard; or
o help keep the building open as a valuable community resource by organising events such as weekly community lunches or concerts inside the church; or
o manage the setting up of a community shop, farmers’ market or post office, again inside the church or its grounds.

As the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, says in a special Country Life article to launch the competition: “In our countryside, armies of unsung heroes are keeping the circulation going in the community’s body. They are organising community celebrations and simple local services like mothers and toddlers groups or drop-in centres. But they are increasingly stepping into the gaps that have opened up in rural society in the last ten years or so.”

For more information, see and , phone 020 7898 1621 or email All entries have to be in by the end of May.

York Faiths Survey

The 'York: City of Faiths' initiative was launched in March 2006 to demonstrate a commitment to working together between the local faith communities, learning institutions, City of York Council and several non-governmental organizations. In the last two years many celebratory, educational and spiritual events have been organized by the local faith communities: many York citizens have come to participate and discover more about the distinct and diverse religious identities of the peoples of York.
As part of the ‘York: City of Faiths' initiative a five year plan has been agreed for how the faith communities of York and their supporters can work together to help increase awareness of the religions represented among York citizens. One part of that plan is to undertake a faiths survey in York. The York Faiths Survey will be launched on 26 March 2009 and run for four months. Citizens of York and the city’s religious organizations will be invited to complete the online survey if they want to put on the record what activities they are involved with.
To take part in the York Faiths Survey use the link .
The survey will be completed by the end of the summer. City of York Council will sponsor the publication of the results and then, in collaboration with the faith communities, begin to plan a public celebration of the diversity of religions present in the city. It has not been decided exactly what form such festivities would take, but it is anticipated that some significant event will take place in the city during 2010. Recent evidence suggests that York has one of the fastest growing levels of diversity in the country. This is something that has to be good for our city since it means that the City of York is proving itself to be welcoming to the diversity of visitors, tourists and business partners from across the UK including those who choose to settle here.
Venture FX

The Full leaflet can be downloaded from This is a new pioneering venture by Rev Ian Bell



Saturday 9th May 2009

9.30am to 3.15pm

‘The intolerance towards Christians in the public sector is an affront – and a sign of the growing gap between the governing and the governed.’

This headline to an article written by the Archbishop of York appeared in the Daily Mail as recently as 13th February 2009. In ‘Speaking Out?’ Jonathan Draper and Al McFadyen will help us explore current pressures on public Christian witness, while encouraging us to seek ways of remaining in creative dialogue with today’s culture. This is not a day about public relations, but a day aimed at helping all who are concerned to think about how best to live effective Christian lives today.
Non-refundable booking fee £10 – advance booking is essential. Please also note that the fee includes refreshments, but you should take your own lunch.

Venue: St Lawrence’s & St Paul’s Parish Church, Church Lane, Pudsey LS28

 0113 257 7843

Leaders: Rev Canon Dr Jonathan Draper
(Canon Theologian of York Minster)


Dr Alistair McFadyen
(Senior Lecturer in Theology & Religious Studies at Leeds University & Special Constable with West Yorkshire Police Force)

Bookings: Revd Dr James F Coleman (from whom further details are available)

 0113 289 8490

Spot the Chair

As Stephen is on Sabbatical at present I take an item from the Recorder “Spot the Chair” Photos taken during a “relaxing“ evening at Conference

Photos by MRDF.
Looking for ways to make your mark?
Are you looking for ways to make a difference to the world's poorest communities? Do you want to find out how you can empower people to escape the poverty trap?
Come to an MRDF Make Your Mark Conference and be inspired to take simple actions on crucial development issues. The event will give you the tools and information you need to do something extraordinary for some of the world's most vulnerable people. Conferences will be held across the UK.
The events will include: two workshops on key global development topics*-updates and first-hand accounts of MRDF's life-changing work -ideas for individual and group action -preview of MRDF's 2009 Harvest pack. *Workshops will be facilitated by development experts from Fairtrade Foundation, Stop Climate Chaos, Jubilee Debt Campaign or Trade Justice Movement.
There is a £5 registration fee – MRDF Coordinators get in FREE. The events will run from 10.30am to 4.30pm and lunch will be provided. They will be held at the following locations:
York 13 June 2009
Reserve your place now call us on 020 7467 5132 or download the registration form (Word Doc 75KB)

On the 20th June I have foolishly (given my dislike of heights) agreed to jump out of a plane for a charity tandem skydive, to raise money for the British Red Cross.
It really is a great cause, and if you are able to sponsor me that would be great, just let me know, or follow the link and sponsor me online.

Lottie Day (Lay Worker Pickering Circuit)

Pickering Methodist Circuit
First Aid and Safety Consultancy
"Calculate the Risks, Count the Benefits - Not the Costs"
Can you Cope ?
He's having a Heart Attack.- Will he stop breathing?
Would you know how to deal with this and other first aid incidents?
84% of the public would not know how to treat their family if they were choking - would you?
Appointed Persons First Aid Course Saturday 9th May 2009
Pickering Methodist Chapel, Potter Hill,
£37:50 per person (includes training manual and small first aid kit)
For Further Information Please Contact...
Rev Jane Cole on 01751 474421
Course Instructor -
Andrew Selby 01778 392590 07766 397740

Booking Form

Course Name Appointed Persons First Aid Course
Course Date 9th May 2009
Course Venue Pickering Methodist Chapel

First Name ………………………………….. Surname ……………………………

Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………….. Postcode …………………………..
Telephone No ………………………………….. Mobile …………………………..
Email ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Previous First Aid Qualifications

Previous First Aid Certificate Expiry Date ………………………………….

Previous First Aid Experience
Profession ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please list overleaf any particular subjects you would like to see covered on your course


This brand-new, action-packed adventure series for BBC ONE will see eight
teams of all ages battle it out to escape from six very different Drop Zones
across the world.
To get to the next Drop Zone, each team will face a series of challenges inspired by
each stunning location and designed to test their skills and ingenuity to the max…..
Who would you take?
Family, friends or work mates – whoever you chose you’ll need to be sure they won’t
let you down. The only way to get out of the Drop Zone ahead of your rivals will be to
work together. If you stay in the race and get to the sixth and final Drop Zone, you’ll
be in with the chance of being crowned Drop Zone Champions…
What are we looking for?
We’re looking for teams of three from all walks of life. Are you friends who work
together - or maybe you know each other through your shared hobbies? Maybe
you’re three generations of the same family… What’s certain is that your team will
have a selection of skills, experience and a determination to win. There’s no knowing
what could give you the edge and get you out of the Drop Zone ahead of your
Get in touch!
If you think your team has what it takes to take part in this exciting adventure series,
please email us for an application form at
Filming will take place across a six week period in June and July 2009 so you will
need to be free during this time.

For application form contact the District Communications Office


21 April 2009

Government criticised for gambling legislation change
Today Parliament agreed to double the amount of money that can be staked and won on the kind of fruit machines found in pubs and amusement arcades. This means that the prize limit on fruit machines will be higher than weekly benefit levels, at a time when many families will be struggling to make ends meet.
In response, an alliance of nine UK Christian organisations has issued the following statement:
"We are deeply disappointed, though not surprised, by the decision of Parliament to accept the Government's proposals to increase stakes and prizes for category C and D gaming machines. The Government had promised that no such increase would be made until a further gambling prevalence study had been published and has reneged on this promise. We do not know what effects this legislation will have on the levels of problem gambling or on the lives of those already addicted to slot machines, but we have always urged the Government to act with caution.

"We will continue to campaign for the protection of those vulnerable to the harmful effects of gambling and to call on the government to put people before profits. We particularly call on the Government
• to prohibit children from gambling and to research the effects of allowing them to do so. Britain remains the only developed country that allows children to play on fruit machines, and the substantial increase in prizes for children will add another hazard that should be evaluated;
• only to increase future stake and prize values in line with inflation, at no more than 3 yearly intervals;
• and to undertake research into the impact of these changes, with a promise to reverse the decision if this research demonstrates a likely increase in problem gambling."
The Methodist Church, The Church of England, The Salvation Army, The Church of Scotland, The Baptist Union of Great Britain, The United Reformed Church, Quaker Action on Alcohol and Drugs, the Evangelical Alliance and Care.
Toby Scott, Director of Communications and Campaigns for the Methodist Church added, "Although we are disappointed with this decision, we are extremely grateful for the level of support we have received and to all those who have added their voices to this campaign."


Yorsay is sent on behalf of the York & Hull Methodist District by the Communications Office
Bob Lawe 27 Ryde Avenue Hull Hu5 1QA
There is also now an additional e mail address
Please note that some of you may receive this and other mailings from a Karoo e mail address – Please do not reply or use this address as it is for mail delivery only The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the official views of the Methodist Church or of the York & Hull Methodist District and no inferred support for any of the items or organisations should be taken as granted.
Yorsay Newsletter © 2009 York & Hull Methodist District – All rights reserved.


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S.P.Q.R. said...

I would like to invite you to join my group in Facebook in battling the cheaters in pub quizzes using their phones. It's a little unfair that if you're got the money to own one, that you can cheat and receive all the glory of winning your local pub quiz.

Rishi Singh said...

ramieWhat Is Dhyansanjivani ?
Dhyansanjivani Is The World famous No 1 Spiritual Astrology Web Site
We Have All Types Of Spiritual Products Like Yantras Rudraksha Siyar Singhi Hatha Jodi Billi Ki Naal Kanchi Nariyal Stone Moti Parad Products Raksha Kavach
We Also Perform All Types Of Vedic And Tantric Method Puja / Sadhana / Yagna"s
Also We Show You Your Online Puja Nobody Can Show Puja Live But We Show Live Online Puja
We Also Perform Puja At Your Request on Temple Or Any Where For More Information ABout This Site Visit Here Its Really Very Useful Web Site
by manisha p singh